Interview: WXL

My Little Taiwanese Wife ²
BleedLikeMe | Filming Interview Edition


Can you tell us anything about your filming schedule? You had a private conference and short script reading a week ago, correct?

Mmhmm. I flew in (to South Korea) from Taiwan for the conference and then I had to fly back to finish up prior arrangements. And here I am, back again in South Korea! And I'm here to stay... for a while. We're getting some "My Little Taiwanese Wife" scenes done. Can't wait to see the futuristic Neo-Seoul colony backdrop. And then... I think we're going to... Dubai? That's to film "Metal Heart." I've looked over the script for that one and it's super short. I find that story a little creepy though. Half of the time, we're the living dead... locked up in the morgue... (makes a face) Right, my co-star and I will be making lots of faces to communicate. It's going to be fun. I just know it.

We'll be looking forward to those 'behind the scenes.' So, what about your music?

I actually just finished a mini concert in Taipei. That was the prior commitment I had to fly back to Taiwan for.

You will be flying back and forth quite a few times, won't you? It's a lot of work.

My family, friends, and fans give me super human strength! They've supported me through thick and thin. I love them all so much. Muah, muah, muah! If I fall, I will get back up again. So please, keep watching me. I will do better.

We asked your co-star Kim Jaejoong the same questions. He seems curious about your answers, especially about who you'd rather work with. He said it would be a lot of pressure if you said it was him.

Don't worry, Kim Jaejoong. You are off the hook this time. No pressure. No pressure at all.

What are your 'feels' going into this fan fiction filming project?

At first, I found it a little odd that someone would be writing fan fiction about us (her and Kim Jaejoong) together. Well, we've never even met before this. Anyway, the author asked to see me privately. Wow, and so we talk with the help of a translator since she only speaks English and I only know a few words of it. I found out the reason why she writes us together.

Can you tell us the reason?

Could I? I don't know. Is it a secret?

We won't put you in a difficult situation. Was there anything else you wanted to add? I kind of rudely cut you off there. I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it. Eek! I tend to do that sometimes, too, without meaning to. Umm... well, let me see... I just really want do my very best on this project. They're giving back to the community by the truck load and I'm very thankful to them. I'm always excited to work with new people. Really, I can't wait to jump right in. (whispers) And my co-star is super hot, don't you agree? I'm not a fangirl or anything like that, but maybe I'll become one after this. (laughs) I sure hope so!

Was there a foreign actor you wished to work with before your co-star was announced?

American, it's got to be Sean Penn. I love his acting. If Korean... hmm... Lee Donghae of Super Junior? I took some pictures with him backstage at K Music Awards in Beijing. It's pretty recent. That's why his name popped right into my head.
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Chapter 11: Oh my....this is one hell of an expensive project! XD lmao I especially love the interviews at the beginning two chapters (really felt as though I was reading a fashion/tabloid magazine).
Chapter 33: all of em are coming now
Chapter 31: i ought to see the jaelings and lingjaes. why no piccies of them
Chapter 29: i didnt get this at all
Chapter 26: laugh my off indeed
Chapter 21: Squeee! >_<!!!!!
Chapter 21: are they the clones or the real erted ones? the clone jaejoong was super gentle and soft while the real one was a real frisky dude...hope the jae here is a clone...
Chapter 9: Lololol! Can't wait for the 'movie'! XDD