D6: Special Interview #1

My Little Taiwanese Wife ²
BleedLikeMe | Filming Interview Edition
Special Interview with KJJ & WXL

An interview with both stars... together! This hasn't happened often enough. We hope to see more of this in the future. Thank you to the Boss for this special invitation, allowing us some time with Kim Jaejoong and Wang Xinling. We were lucky enough to catch them at the best hour (after their yoga/meditation session in the morning). They're super relaxed, energized, and ready to go! It was our perfect opportunity to ask them a few questions about experiences on and off the set. Ready?

Note: The questions and their responses have been translated to us and to them by their respective translators. Staff add on commentary is in parentheses (). 

Q: What is your favorite scene of MLTW (to work on) thus far?

(Jaejoong cues for Xinling to go first. Does he need more time to decide? Xinling's like... "Yeah, okay... alright... I'll go first this time... but you're going first next, buddy!" Without actually saying it.)

Xinling: So far... I think my favorite one was the one we filmed yesterday. The scene where Xinling talks to her red pumps and pretends she's crazy. Oh, wait... maybe she is crazy... (laughs) After all, she did marry the mad erted inventor. There's been some hints about the weird stuff going on before this scene pops up, but the audience doesn't get to really know until she uses her shoe to contact the real Professor Kim, her hubby! They find out a really big secret then.

Jaejoong: And also the flushing toilets. Don't forget about them.

Xinling: I was going to get to that. Ah, don't rush meee. (Xinling gives Jaejoong a jab). Anyway, the toilets on the set are REAL flush-able toilets. The washroom is created solely for this scene by the concept design team and they used all real stuff. The sink works, the dryer, the dispensers—

Jaejoong: And the toilets.

Xinling: Yes, and the toilets. The toilets can flush by remote control. Guess who the developers give the remote to?

Jaejoong: Me. (laughs) I had fun with it. Toilets with so many functions and so many different types of flushes.

Xinling: So we were doing the scene where Jaejoong's unconscious and Xinling's talking on her shoe phone with her ert honey. And then, suddenly... FLUSH! My heart wanted to fall right out of my chest. It was so loud! And it came out of nowhere.

Jaejoong: It was the power flush button. I was going to go with the light wash, you know, but it's not like I got to look at which button I was pressing. I'm supposed to look unconscious the whole time, remember? Yeah, wasted lots of water. I'm sorry, but it was worth it for the reaction.

Xinling: I thought someone was actually using the toilet... like... while we were filming... I was like... what's going on? Is there actually someone in the stalls?

Jaejoong: After she stopped her shock laughter mode, she bent down to check if anyone was actually in the stalls. Nope. 'No legs.' It was hilarious. 

Xinling: Yeah, funny. Just watch your back, Kim Jaejoong, I'll get you back. Rawrrrr!

Jaejoong: Hey, it wasn't my idea.

Xinling: But you pressed the button!

Jaejoong: I could've pressed it on accident.

Xinling: And did you? Did you press it on accident?

Jaejoong: (laughs) No.

Xinling: You see this? He's so shy! Ow, my weak heart. (laughs)


Q: Is it true that there's a buffet everyday? We know the Boss, at his wife's request, has spent plenty of time and money to keep you both happy.

Jaejoong: It's true. We feast like royalty. It's not really a buffet style thing though.

Xinling: If we have a sudden craving, all we need to do is give the order to the food delivery team (they land under the many teams of Director Jacques).

Have you tried this service?

Jaejoong: No. We feel kind of bad about it.

Xinling: We already have plenty of good food here! All the yummy Korean food I can eat! I also like trying the surprise item. Every meal time has something new.

Jaejoong: Yesterday, a pair of chefs were flown in from France. They made some special dishes for the director and the rest of us got 'made to order' crepes.

Xinling: Crepes...

Jaejoong: You see her drooling already? (laughs)

Xinling: They are so good! You can put anything in there. I always though it was only for snacks and dessert but you can put so many other things in it and make it very filling.

Jaejoong: She has a huge appetite. I watched her wolf down two large crepes.

Xinling: You were watching?

Jaejoong: I like healthy appetites.

Xinling: (Xinling turns to Jaejoong) What crepes did I get then?

Jaejoong: The spinach one with the mushrooms and ham and the banana one with the chocolate syrup.

Xinling: Wah! How did you know which kind I got? (Xinling looks really shocked)

Jaejoong: I was right behind you in line... both times... You must've been too focused on the crepe making process.

Xinling: I was... I was... It is so awesome how they can spread it so thin so fast. They just twirl the metal stick around. So much skill. Wait... that means you got two crepes, too!

Jaejoong: After seeing you down that banana crepe, I had to have it, too.

Xinling: I would've shared mine if you wanted.

Jaejoong: No, I needed a whole one to myself.

Xinling: (laughs) He likes it, too! It's so yummy. Now I want some more.

(The Boss has nothing against the fan clubs and their wish to show their support but for the safety of our special stars and the crew members, we do not allow gift packages, food/items of any kind from outside organizations. Our apologies.)


Q: Who breaks out laughing the most (and causes the most NGs)?

(Jaejoong and Xinling immediately point fingers. Xinling at Jaejoong... and Jaejoong at the nothingness beside him. Xinling leans over her seat to see where he's pointing his finger at. Uhh. Nothing.)

Jaejoong: Oh, I mean. (He turns his finger back on Xinling)

Xinling: Ya, you are such a dork! What? We need to practice our synchronized moves some more!

Jaejoong: She works me super hard.

(Did they rehearse this beforehand? Did they anticipate this question? lol)

Xinling: Actually, if we had to say one person... it would have to be...

Jaejoong/Xinling: Kim Junsu.

​Xinling: Yeah! We're on the same page again. Give me five. Give me ten.(Jaejoong and Xinling do a weird hand motion thing that looks like a hi-five... kind of)

Jaejoong: He's only filmed with us... two days? (He turns to Xinling and looks at her for confirmation).

Xinling: One and three-quarters.

Jaejoong: One and three-quarters.

Xinling: He is the king of NGs.

Jaejoong: Especially the kitchen scene where he's staring at Xinling's... Xinling's...

Xinling: Xinling's...

Jaejoong: You know what I'm talking about.

Xinling: No, Xinling doesn't (she starts speaking in third person... already getting into character).

Jaejoong: Are you going to make me say it?

Xinling: Mmm, he is actually shy. It's okay. He's a gentleman. We will pass. Oh! Junsu in the lounge scene, too! Like at the bar area.

Jaejoong: Right. He kept cracking up about my peanut. My peanut isn't that funny, is it?

Xinling: (laughs) Yes. Your peanut... (laughs again)

Jaejoong: Should we keep score from now on? Who laughs/NGs the most?

Xinling: Should we? What's the prize for the winner?

Jaejoong: See this? (Jaejoong points at Xinling) She goes straight to the prize.

Xinling: (Xinling pushes Jaejoong's finger down) I want to know the prize!

Jaejoong: We'll stop the score two days before our flight to Dubai. If you win, I'll take you with me on my fishing trip. Deal?

Xinling: (Xinling scrunches up her face) What? (She doesn't seem very thrilled about the prize) Fishing? Is that supposed to tempt me to win or lose? (laughs)

Jaejoong: What's wrong with fishing?

Xinling: Can't it be something exciting like jet skiing or bungee jumping?

Jaejoong: What? Fishing is exciting! (Xinling turns and makes a face at Jaejoong) Your kind of fun.


Any last message you would like to share?

Xinling: We want to wish Boys Republic a happy first anniversary! Boys Republic! Go Go Go! Fighting!!

Jaejoong: They are joining our team after 'Metal Heart' for the start of 'Cupid's Mom Said So.' New mix of additions.

Xinling: Boys Republic is the highlight of MLTW soundtrack! Yeah! I watched some of their Rookie King episodes and their acting is so cute! My favorite is Sungjun and Wonjun. They look like they're always having fun!

Jaejoong: She's already picking favorites...

Xinling: Boys Republic! Yay yay yay!


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Chapter 11: Oh my....this is one hell of an expensive project! XD lmao I especially love the interviews at the beginning two chapters (really felt as though I was reading a fashion/tabloid magazine).
Chapter 33: all of em are coming now
Chapter 31: i ought to see the jaelings and lingjaes. why no piccies of them
Chapter 29: i didnt get this at all
Chapter 26: laugh my off indeed
Chapter 21: Squeee! >_<!!!!!
Chapter 21: are they the clones or the real erted ones? the clone jaejoong was super gentle and soft while the real one was a real frisky dude...hope the jae here is a clone...
Chapter 9: Lololol! Can't wait for the 'movie'! XDD