D5: Staff DIARY #1

My Little Taiwanese Wife ²

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staff Staff Filming Diary: Day Five  

On behalf of the actors, film crew, and the rest of the MLTW team, we'd like to apologize for skipping a day of update. It's day five now. Not day four. Because of sudden changes in the schedule, crazy wardrobe mal-function, and the absence of MLTW's third lead, Kim Junsu (fourth if Kim Jaejoong's counted twice), everyone went on strike, took a break, got lazy, and went to bed (including the director).

Umm... no, just kidding. We just didn't feel like updating keke keke keke ^^. But it's true about third lead's absence. Our Detective Kim was called in last minute to replace the other Dracula in "Dracula: Revisited," a new, hip Broadway production. Our Kim Junsu shares the starring role of Dracula with two other actors. One's sick and the other's injured, and... and... it's opening night for the show. What are they going to do? So... we, the most understanding team in the world, became the bigger man and allowed him to leave... even though our Boss has priority over his body keke keke. No, just kidding. Kim Junsu and Dracula, fighting! Oh, but, we're pretty sure he would've much preferred to stay with us... because we be the best.  See our confidence? That's how we get things done around here. Except for yesterday... because we didn't feel like it. We are entitled to "not feel like it" once in a while.

Alright. Does everyone still remember the last Behind the Scenes with Kim Junsu? He mentioned something about staff questions at the end. In our first diary post, we'll be sharing one of those questions and answers with you.

At our filming studio, we have this designated question box for Kim Jaejoong and Wang Xinling. We call the box Jaeling³ for short (if you've read MLTW special, you'll get the reference). Quite frequently, we'd go around asking each other "So... did Jaeling³ overflow today, too? How many questions did you stuff in there? Can't find Jaeling³Where'd Jaeling³ go? Jaeling³'s out for cleaning again?"  It's a totally valid conversation starter. Really... it is. If someone doesn't know about Jaeling³, oh... they are so not MLTW-ified yet. But you can take our word for it. They will be. Soon. You'd be surprised how many questions we come up with. Of course, there's many repeated questions, too. We'll try to get to some of those first. Maybe...

Let's begin.

Question #1: What are you most afraid of when filming outside?

Both Kim Jaejoong and Wang Xinling answered with the sun... sun burn... and the likes of it. Oh, these vampires... When we move on to shoot outdoor scenes, we'll make sure find the most professional umbrella holders for them. 

Images are BTS from Jaejoong's Triangle drama and Xinling's Second Life drama (their latest acts coming into this fanfic filming project).

We'll find pro-er people than these guys. Promise. They're both super light skinned. Kim Jaejoong probably gets tanned easily (but really, there's nothing that good make-up can't fix). Wang Xinling has like milk white skin. You'd have to see her up close to understand. The fortunes to brush up against it. Soft and smooth like a baby's bottom. This is another good conversation starter. "Have you touched Xinling's skin?"

Our next question will be... "What are your feelings on walking around in the for MLTW special?"

Please look forward to their reaction on our next Staff DIARY *\(^o^)/*

©2014-2015 Filming Diary is a part of BleedLikeMe Media Network.
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Chapter 11: Oh my....this is one hell of an expensive project! XD lmao I especially love the interviews at the beginning two chapters (really felt as though I was reading a fashion/tabloid magazine).
Chapter 33: all of em are coming now
Chapter 31: i ought to see the jaelings and lingjaes. why no piccies of them
Chapter 29: i didnt get this at all
Chapter 26: laugh my off indeed
Chapter 21: Squeee! >_<!!!!!
Chapter 21: are they the clones or the real erted ones? the clone jaejoong was super gentle and soft while the real one was a real frisky dude...hope the jae here is a clone...
Chapter 9: Lololol! Can't wait for the 'movie'! XDD