Reaching You

Reaching You
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I look at everything around me, and it reminds me so much of what you’ve left behind. I fight back the tears. I don’t want to seem weak, but something inside me finally gives in. I cry and I cry as the tears flow on by. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now. You’re gone. You’re never coming back. I can’t do anything about it because you’re no longer here right by my side. Everything around me has become meaningless. I go about my life like a zombie. I don’t even pay attention to what used to mean so much to me before. All that matters to me is how I’m supposed to go on without you.

You were everything to me; my life, my love, the air that I breathed in. You meant so much to me, yet I didn’t mean anything to you at all. Or so it seemed since you never told me anything. You just walked out of my life just the same as you’ve entered it. You came in, made yourself comfortable, and then got up and left like it was nothing. You became a part of my life for just those brief moments. You made an impact upon me. You left your little footprints on my heart. I don’t think I can get over it at all. You just meant so much to me and I think I can’t really let you go.

I could say goodbye, but what will that eventually do for me in the end? You’re gone. You’re not here anymore. You’re not here to ease my pain. You’re not here to comfort me. You’re not here for me to run to when I want to be hug. You were the one who I used to

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Chapter 1: Targeting on some matters? LOL
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