Love Is an Open Door

Love Is an Open Door

The clock struck to 4.20 am when Chanyeol arrived at his new house. His shared house to be exact. He just moved in yesterday to arrange his stuffs on his room earlier in the morning because he had to take a shot for Exo's new MV 'Overdose' right after that.

He was the first person who came to the house and followed by Jo Seho the...comedian? Or was he an actor? Oh well...

They only did some get-to-know-each-other-conversation while arranging their stuffs on their own room—Seho did prank call Chanyeol once, or twice—before Seho had to leave for his schedule and left Chanyeol alone again in the house.

During his time in arranging his stuffs, he found a box on his bed with a glossy paper with Roommate logo on top. There's a card saying 'Vroom-Growl'. It must be the hint about his roommate, Chanyeol mused. He also found an A4 size paper on the table, some sort of rules that needed to be obeyed by the house tenants. He couldn't help his laugh when he read one of the rules: "Dating within this house is encouraged. If succeeded, they will get two plane tickets for a trip."

Chanyeol heaved a sigh. Well it wasn't like he'd date anyone anyway. Making his fans mad was the least thing he wanted to do.

Back to the present time, Chanyeol is tiptoeing to the kitchen after carelessly putting down his bag on the couch in the living room, with his hood pulled over his head and his oversized jacket covering his cold body.

He was thirsty.

He's pouring a glass of cold water when he heard a loud gasp.

"You surprised me!" whispered the man's voice. Chanyeol couldn't really figure out who the man was because the light was off so he could only saw a silhouette of a tall guy.

"Oh–" he immediately put down his glass on the kitchen counter. "A-annyeonghaseyo…" even though he didn't know who the guy was, he still politely bowed to him. And a second later the kitchen lamp was lighted up and revealing the face of the other occupant of the shared house.

"Yes. Uh-I'm Chanyeol. Exo's Park Chanyeol," Chanyeol bowed again. He greeted the man with a hushed voice—not wanting to disturb the others.

"I'm Lee Dong Wook," Dong Wook replied as he bowed to the younger man. "I thought you were a burglar with that hood and black jacket. Hoooh, I was so surprised," he said with a hand clutched to his chest.

Chanyeol somehow felt guilty but he can't help his voiceless laugh hearing it. "I'm sorry, sunbaenim."

"What are you doing here at this hour anyway?" Dong Wook walked past him to get another glass. He was, too, thirsty.

"I just arrived home actually. I was shooting for Exo's new MV," Chanyeol explained as he grabbed his glass again and gulped the water.

"Oh yeah," Dong Wook shuffled closer to him. "Have you got your room key?"

"Yes. I actually had come yesterday morning to arrange my stuffs," replied Chanyeol as he stared at the man before him.

"Oh, araso." Dong Wook sipped his water. "I just arrived an hour ago. Had to finish my scenes that need to be finished first."

Chanyeol nodded. He remembered the older man was shooting a new drama before he got casted in Roommate. One of Exo's coordi-noona was Lee Dong Wook's big fan.

"What room are you in?" Doong Wook asked.

"Eung? Uh- room four," Chanyeol replied.

"Do you know who's your roommate gonna be?"

Chanyeol remembered the clue he found on his bed yesterday morning. "I haven't met him too actually. But from the hint I got, I think Shin Sung Woo sunbaenim will be my roommate."

Dong Wook nodded this time. "You're lucky. I got Jo Seho as my roommate," he joked with a fake sad face and laughed afterwards. Chanyeol couldn't help himself but to laugh as well.

The house was utterly quiet except for their hushed conversation. No one was saying anything for a moment. Before they got too drawn in such an awfully quiet atmosphere, finally Dong Wook broke the ice. He put down his glass on the kitchen counter, "You must be tired right?" Dong Wook put a hand on Chanyeol's shoulder and gave the younger a slight massage.

"Ahaha yeah, I'm sleepy actually." Chanyeol replied as he scratched the back of his hood-covered head.

"I know. No wonder, tho. It's morning already." Dong Wook slid his hand off the younger's shoulder who shuffled to the kitchen sink and put his glass on it.

Chanyeol was about to wash the glass when Dong Wook's hands stopped him from doing so.

"No, let me do it."

"What– But–"

"It's okay, Chanyeollie. Just go to sleep." Dong Wook gave him an assuring smile and pushed Chanyeol out of the kitchen.

Chanyeol felt uneasy at his kindness so he just awkwardly looked back at forth at Dong Wook and the stairs direction like saying 'Really? It's okay if I just go straight to my room? REALLY?'. And Dong Wook just smiled watching Chanyeol's with that cute confused expression.

"Kamsahamnida, sunbaenim," Chanyeol bowed at Dong Wook before he took a step backward to the couch and took his bag. "Good night—ah I mean, good morning—"

"Sleep well, Chanyeollie." Dong Wook cut Chanyeol's stuttering and waved at him as he went back to the kitchen sink.

"You too, sunbaenim," then Chanyeol went upstairs to his room.

Just when he got to his door, he put both hands on his chest first. His heart was beating so hard. But he wasn't sure what's the cause behind it. Not sure if it was because he was tired of climbing the stairs, or it was the excitement of him who finally going to meet his new roommate for real—note that it was still in such an ungodly hour and his roommate would still be in deep slumber so practically he wouldn't have the need to greet his roommate 'till afternoon the least—or was it because his first encounter with Lee Dong Wook?

There were so many possibilities in Chanyeol's life.




How was your first impression of Lee Dong Wook?

"I was somehow felt a bit guilty for scarring him in the middle of the night like that. But I was feeling so thirsty so instead of going to my room to change my clothes first, I went straight to the kitchen. I thought no one would be awake at such hour so…" Chanyeol coughed, "Anyway, I think Dong Wook sunbaenim is a cool person. I don't know but, from what I see in his drama on television, his true personality is even cooler even though I just met him once—not to forget it was in such an ungodly hour hahah. But yeah, I think I could get along well with him fast. He was okay."




When Sunday came, all the house tenants were given a task to do some stuff together with their roommate. Chanyeol was staying in his room with Shin Sung Woo, jamming together with his electric guitar, plugged to an amplifier he brought from his dorm. That was before Sung Woo saw an orange toolbox on the table. The older rocker asked if it was his.

Chanyeol explained to his hyung that it was given by a fan. “It will come in handy when a door in our dorm was broken so I could fix it in no time with this," he said. And like a light bulb, it flickered in Sung Woo’s head that hey what if they make a flat bench outside in the yard since the weather is good nowadays and Chanyeol was so excited because he knew that his toolbox would be useful someday and because finally he got something more fun to do together than jamming with his roommate.

When they were done buying woods for the flat bench, Sung Woo apparently got a schedule so they couldn’t make the bench soon. So Chanyeol came home alone and saw Dong Wook and Seho sitting in the living room.

“I’m home..” he announced to the men and made them swung their head as he made his way towards the couch.

“Oh, you’re here," said Dong Wook as he put away the laptop he had on his lap to the couch.

“Where have you been? Have you eaten?” Seho asked a dumbfounded Chanyeol. “Here, eat pizza. Pizza," he pointed his finger to the served pizza on the coffee table and Chanyeol grabbed one.

“Come and sit here.” Dong Wook tapped the seat next to him for Chanyeol to sit and Chanyeol obliged.

“I actually have to go out soon and shoot a music video," Chanyeol mumbled before he took a bite at his pizza. And then it drawn on him that his two hyungs been doing some lip sync practice.

"Are you doing lip sync?” Seho hummed as a response.

“Yes, we are, but I haven’t seen this movie," Dong Wook said.

“Have you seen this movie?” Seho turned his head towards Chanyeol who sat behind him on the couch.

“Frozen?” he asked back. He actually heard some part of the song on his way in to the living room.

“Yes.” Dong Wook answered him.

And then everything came in fast.

Chanyeol was about to say something regarding Frozen movie like aah I know that movie and there is one hyung in my dorm that represents Elsa very much because they have similar power on freezing things! but it was wiped out instantly as Dong Wook’s thumb brushed one corner of his lips all of a sudden.

He could feel the blood rushing up to his face. He was stunned for a second before his brain could coordinate every words he wanted to say earlier that had been shattered by the sudden touch.

"What song—what song would you sing?" he finally worked his brain out.

"Love Is An Open Door," Seho answered him.

“Aaaah!” Chanyeol slapped his palm on his lap and he slowly rose up from his seat and scooted away to the other end of the couch. Yes this is better, he muttered inside his head, not wanting to admit that his heart was beating so fast.

“Do you know the song?” Seho asked again.

“Yes, I know the song. I really like it.”

“Can you sing it?”

“Yes, I can.”

“Oh, good! Good!” Dong Wook rose up from the couch as well. "You're probably thirsty, right?" he asked as he opened the cola bottle and pour it on a glass. Chanyeol grinned shyly.

"We’re glad you’re here. We even wrote the lyrics in hangeul. Look over there." Suho pointed a finger on two boards in the wall in front of them.

“Wahahahah!” Chanyeol was surprised to see it. These hyungs can't be serious, right?

“Isn’t he smart?” muttered Dong Wook and Chanyeol laughed again.

A moment later Love Is an Open Door was playing in the living room. Seho was singing the girl part and doing the acting with all of his might and Chanyeol excitedly sang the guy part with his low voice that would drove his fangirls go head over heels with his english. While Seho and Chanyeol were singing and acting to the song, Dong Wook could only watch them enviously and amazed at Chanyeol's very good English. He watched too-excited Chanyeol putting back his glass and pizza on the table and rising to his feet and sing more comfortably with Seho next to him.

“Can I say something crazy? Would you marry me?” Chanyeol sang his last part as he kneeled down to Seho.

“Can I say something crazier? YES!” and then they clapped together as the song had reached the end. Chanyeol raised both hands to high five with Seho who gladly received it.

“Whoa you’re so good!” Dong Wook shouted at Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol knows it all! Hey, teach Dong Wook for about ten minutes since you ate the pizza.” Seho joked and Chanyeol just laughed at the compliments he got. To be honest he needed the distraction from Dong Wook's nonchalant move wiping pizza crumb from his lips. But he just couldn't teach the song the older actor. He had to get away fast right now.

"I'm sorry Seho hyung, I have to go to my schedule now." Chanyeol said apologetically. "I hope I can watch your lip sync later! See you!" and Chanyeol ran without looking back. He didn't see the crestfallen look on Dong Wook's face who, at that moment, was hoping he could talk more to the younger boy. They're roommates, after all. He could use a little help for the lip sync, too. Dong Wook promised to interact more with the popular boyband member later.




How do you feel when Lee Dong Wook touch your lips?

He took a deep breath before he answered the question, “From what I remember, my parents never wiped my lips either.” He said as his own thumb brushed the side of his lips to demostrate how Dong Wook had touched them. “I was really shocked when Dong Wook hyung wiped my lips. And—and for some reason, I had butterflies on my stomach," he paused. "He was cool," he added and giggled at his own words.


We know that your schedule that day won’t start until evening, so why did you decided to go when Seho personally asked you to teach Dong Wook to sing Love Is an Open Door?

Chanyeol's eyes widened at the question, and he uncapped and capped his snapback—a gesture he usually did when he was nervous. “Umm, I don’t know. I felt so..nervous? Oh my god I didn't come off rude, did I? I swear I was just so nervous I just had to make excuses!" he elaborated, unknowingly blushing.

Seconds later he covered his face with both palms, “Omo what did I say just now... I'm so sorry, Seho and Dong Wook hyung!" he mumbled, as if he couldn't believe it himself and made the staffs behind the camera laugh at his antics.


Why should you be nervous? Seho and Dong Wook are so friendly to you, aren’t they?

“I won’t answer that question. No. Let’s just stop right here," Chanyeol said with his palms still covering his mouth but the blush were still visible on the high definition cameras.




Chanyeol came home at 2.45 am.

Somehow he was feeling bad for coming home in such an ungodly hour in this past two days. But at least he finally finished his MV shooting so he could rest better now and stayed in his new house and got to socialize more with others. And Lee Dong Wook.

He sounndlessly opened the front door and slipped his feet into his slippers. The living room was empty so he decided to rest in there for a while and slumped his on the same couch he sat yesterday afternoon when he ate pizza with Doong Wook and Seho.

He reached one hand to where Dong Wook had sat on his right. He's tired from the shooting, so he immediately drifted off to dreamland.

Just when he’s dreaming about eating pizza with a faceless figure, he felt a shake on his shoulder.

“Chanyeollie. Chanyeollie.”

Chanyeol stirred from his sleep as he slowly opened his eyes. He rubbed his sore eyes and found Dong Wook sitting on his right—the same seat like yesterday.

“Oh hyung!” Chanyeol quickly sat up straight and bowed slightly to the actor.

“Why are you sleeping here?” Dong Wook asked him with hushed voice.

“I guess I was too tired when I got home and ended up sleeping on the couch.” Chanyeol answered as he rubbed his face then tried to cast a look at Dong Wook. He’s still fully dressed like himself. “Did you just arrive too?”

“Yeah. I’m usually come home at this hour actually.” Dong Wook said. No one said anything after that. Chanyeol was pulling up his consciousness while Dong Wook just sitting there, head rested to the back of the couch and his fingers were linked on top of his stomach as he tried to absorb the quite surrounding.

“Do you want hot chocolate, hyung? I could make it for you.” Chanyeol offered him.

Dong Wook turned his head towards Chanyeol, “Is it alright?”

“Of course. Let’s just say this is my payback for the pizza I ate yesterday," Chanyeol joked and made Dong Wook pulled his mouth into smile.

“I’ll be right back.” Chanyeol said as he excitedly got up from his seat and jogged a little to the kitchen.

As he waited for his hot chocolate, Dong Wook rose up from his seat and headed towards the back yard. When he opened the sliding door, he was hit with a comforting breeze. He slowly walked to a huge wooden swing and sat on it and slowly pushed it with his feet. After a few minutes sitting and swinging by himself, Chanyeol walked out from the house with two mugs on his hands.

“Thanks.” Dong Wook said as Chanyeol handed him his hot chocolate. “Sit here,” he patted the seat next to him.

They said nothing for a while. Just sat there, drank their hot chocolate, and swung in the night breeze. Somehow it calmed Chanyeol’s day. His tiredness suddenly gone.

“This house is really cool, don’t you think?” Dong Wook said out of nowhere. Chanyeol snapped his head to Dong Wook who had been staring at the house and then he stares to the two stories building as well.

“It is," Chanyeol agreed and sipped his hot chocolate. “Actually I was about to make a flat bench together with Sung Woo hyung and we will put it here in the yard. The weather is nice nowadays so maybe we could have picnic in the yard.” Chanyeol informed the older man with bright eyes.

“Ah, that’s a good idea!” Dong Wook smiled at him. “So that’s where you going yesterday before you met me and Seho in the living room? Building the bench? So where is it now?” he asked out of curiosity as he turned his head right and left trying to spot a flat bench in the yard. But of course there’s nothing.

“No, we just bought the woods yesterday because apparently Sung Woo hyung had another schedule so we have to postpone it. Hopefully we could get it done by today.” Chanyeol explained again.

“Aaah..” Dong Wook nodded in understanding. He sipped his hot chocolate.

“So how’s the lip sync going, hyung? You’ve done it?” Chanyeol asked when suddenly Love Is an Open Door was playing in his head like an alarm.

Dong Wook shyly laughed and put down his glass on his lap, “Yeah we’ve done it. But.. you know..” he laughed again and Chanyeol followed suit. “We have watched it together too with all the people in the house last night. Oh God, I was so embarrassed watching it.” He threw back his head to the head rest and laughing hard.

“Can I watch it too? I really want to see it!” Chanyeol asked him.

“Sure. But please don’t ask me to watch it again with you. I prefer to be buried than to see the video again.”

Chanyeol laughed as he covered his mouth with his hand. “I really want to see it now but since everybody is sleeping I don't want to wake them because I don’t know if I could help my laughter," he said before he sipped his hot chocolate again. And then Dong Wook spotted some chocolate stains on Chanyeol’s upper mouth.

Just like déjà vu Dong Wook reached his hand and wiped the stain with his thumb again.

Just like déjà vu, Chanyeol was startled from his giggling because of the touch. Again.

“Sorry.” Dong Wook pulled his hand back to his lap.

Chanyeol spontaneously wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and let out a nervous laugh, “Thanks hyung.” Chanyeol’s heart was beating so fast he's afraid that Dong Wook would hear it in the current situation where no one was talking. It was so quiet. He found his hand palming the warm surface of his mug on his lap.

“Hyung—” Chanyeol paused and Dong Wook hummed as he turned his head to the younger, “I’m sorry didn’t teach you singing yesterday.”

Dong Wook laughed, “What are you sorry for, Chanyeollie? It’s okay, don’t worry ‘bout that.” He landed his left palm on Chanyeol’s right lap and gave it a light pat. Chanyeol couldn't help but to stare at the large hand. Unconsciously, he gulped his own saliva and he could feel his heart beating faster than ever. A moment later Dong Wook pulled back his hand.

“Yeah, I don’t know but I kind of need to escape yesterday.” Chanyeol said as he bowed his haid down as he was afraid to look at Dong Wook’s eyes. He could feel Dong Wook boring his stare into him.

“Escape? From what?”

Chanyeol looked up to find Dong Wook was staring at him with a frown on his forehead.

"From... you?” he said hesitantly.

Dong Wook didn’t laugh this time. He kept staring at Chanyeol who blushed and looked down to his mug again.

"And why is that?” Dong Wook sounded calm when he asked it.

“I don’t know.” Chanyeol just shrugged his shoulder.

“It’s not because I wiped pizza crumbs from your mouth, was it?"

Chanyeol burst into a giggle and covered his mouth with his hand again, “Uh.. I guess so?” he said shyly.

Dong Wook couldn't help his laugh this time. “You know what, maybe we could win that couple vacation trip—” he paused. "If you want," he added the last sentence while looking into Chanyeol’s eyes. He looked sincere with his words.

He then reached out for Chanyeol’s hand on his lap and wrapped them on his own hand.

With the help of the moonlight, Dong Wook could see Chanyeol’s blushing cheek getting more visible. He smiled at the younger as he squeezed their hands.

“D-does it mean you want to be a couple with me, hyung?" Chanyeol whispered, biting his lower lip. He didn't want to sound too eager.

Dong Wook nodded with a nervous laugh. He leaned back against the swing, pulling Chanyeol to lean his stiff body against his chest. He let go of their hand holding to throw that arm to the back of the swing, squeezing Chanyeol's shoulder to relax.

"I will finish filming Hotel King soon, where do you want to go for a vacation?" he kept his hand on Chanyeol's shoulder as a pillow.

Chanyeol wanted to rub his face to Dong Wook's firm chest, but he pinched his thigh so he wouldn't do that.

"Dubai? Let's see the rich oil country, hyung. I heard luxurious cars are a common sight there."

"Great! Let's go," Dong Wook turned to the camera strapped next to his head. He smiled charmingly. "Did you hear that, SBS Roommate? We're going to Dubai. WookChan couple fighting!"







so that's a wrap!

I know the whole plot is different with the real situation, except for the pizza scene and I love it to death mWAHAHAHAHAH. okay so, thanks for my friend who's been patiently assisting me (being the patient BETA reader and correcting and adding here and there) on writing this crap. thanks for the great ending! it wouldn't be this if you're not helping me *sobs*


ps: please could you leave comments for me? 감사합니다 친구들~ o:)

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Dustermuster #1
Chapter 1: It was damn cute. loved the interactions of dong wook& chanyeol
Chapter 1: oneshot? nooo kyaa that was so cute! lol sorry for that reaction but that pulled out all my feels for this couple! And their character and interaction was completely believable! I loved it!!^^ I wish this were longer!!!
kaisoooshawol #3
Chapter 1: Omg feeeels
Chapter 1: damn~ I wanted a kiss though!!! Hahaha!!! But this was great~!!!! I'm glad to see someone write a fic about them~

now I need to find someone to write Sungwoo and Chanyeol... hehehe... or I would find time to write it myself~
Chapter 1: OHMY!! I REALLY WANTED THIS TOO!! BECAUSE YA KNOW!! THAT SITUATION WAS PERFECT!!!! (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)♥ AHHHH IF ONLY! loved it very much!! (‐^▽^‐)
Chapter 1: This is so cute...!!>.< I was thinking the exact thing when I was reading it:...;)!

Omg....Authornim, do chu think chu can try da kang join and Minwoo couple;/? It's only a request, dun feel pressure, please;)
xjlove011 #7
Chapter 1: Sweet, we need more of them :-)