
Of Loneliness, Hugs and Kisses
genre: fluff, romance
pairing(s): sehun/luhan
wordcount: 1483w
summary: Luhan is a nerd in class, and Oh Sehun just happens to have a crush on that nerd. 
written by: selu

You Got My Attention (two) ;


"You screwed it up man," Jongin said and laughed, as Sehun told him what had happened yesterday after he had left. Sehun pouted, Jongin was supposed to be comforting him, and not laughing at him. 

"Why are you laughing at me?" Sehun asked. 

"Because for as long as I know you, you confessed for the very first time, and got rejected, not to mention that you captured every girl's heart, and even some boys, but sadly, none of them is Luhan," Jongin uttered and Sehun facepalmed himself. Why is he friends with Jongin again? 

"I am not going to give up, no, just no."



The next day, Luhan was in the library when he spotted Sehun walking towards his direction, he pretended not to notice him, and continued reading the book that was placed on the table. For the very frst time, Luhan didn't see Jongin beside Sehun. Sehun sat down opposite Luhan and greeted him, "Hi." 

"Why are you here and where is your friend?" Luhan asked, annoyed, not looking at Sehun.

"I'm here for you, and Jongin is having lunch on his own today."

"It's not nice to ditch your friend."

"I did ask him if he wants to follow him here, but he said no, so yeah." 

"Whatever," Luhan mumbled and the two of them didn't talk after that. Sehun was contented by just looking at Luhan. Sehun thought that Luhan was probably the cutest thing he had ever seen (or rather person). Sometimes he would notice Luhan pout, sometimes he would notice Luhan wrinkling his nose, sometimes he would notice Luhan bitting his lower lip. It was fascinating and Sehun wouldn't mind looking at Luhan all day long, to be honest.



For the next few weeks, Sehun mostly spent his time with Luhan. He would go where Luhan was, sometimes with Jongin accompanying him, sometimes with him himself alone. At first, he was the one who was always starting the conversation, and with Luhan answering a simple reply, the conversation ended. However, as time passed, Luhan found himself enjoying Sehun's company, or even Jongin's company (sometimes), everytime when it was break time, he was secretly hoping Sehun had break at this timing too, and was looking forward to Sehun approaching him (but Luhan would never admit it). And everytime Sehun approached him, Luhan would act like he didn't see Sehun until Sehun said "Hi".

Today once again Sehun and him was in the library, with Sehun sitting opposite Luhan (as always), and Luhan reading a book. 

"Yo," Sehun greeted.


"Stop reading books, at least for today, wait for me outside your class after school, let's hang out," Sehun suggested and Luhan looked up, eyes wide. 

"Just for today, please?" Sehun pleaded, and as much as Luhan wanted to reject him, he finds himself couldn't.




Luhan was nervous. He was actually waiting outside his classroom, waiting for Sehun. He didn't know why, but recently, whenever Sehun was around, he goes pretty nervous and all. 

Is it what it feels like– No, it couldn't be. 

Luhan saw Sehun walking towards him, and he noticed Sehun holding a letter in his hand, looking confused. 

"Hey Luhan," Sehun grinned. Luhan felt butterflies in his stomach. But no, he wasn't supposed to be feeling like this. No.

"Bubble tea? Do you want bubble tea?" Sehun asked, and Luhan's thoughts were interrupted. 




The bubble tea shop was not really that far away from the school, but when he was walking out of the school with Sehun in front of him just now, people were looking at him, he could feel it even with his head down, looking on the floor, while holding a bunch of books in his hands.

After getting their bubble teas, with Sehun getting chocolate-flavoured while Luhan got taro-flavoured, they chose a place in the corner, Luhan preferred not to be seen by many people. 

"So... a girl confessed to me and she wanted me to accept her," Sehun uttered and Luhan almost choked on his bubble tea. 

"Why aren't you accepting her then?"

"I don't like her."

"I think you should accept her, it would make her happy. Besides, I think it is time for you to get a girlfriend," Luhan told Sehun. As soon as those words left his mouth, he instantly regretted it, because he could see the hurt look on Sehun's face. 

"You really think I should?" 


"Fine then, give me a moment." Sehun took out his phone and Luhan could see him typing something on his phone.

"There, all done, I had sent a message to her to say that I accepted her. Aren't you gonna congratulate me?" Sehun asked softly.

Luhan's grip on his bubble tea was tighten, he tried to ignore the pain he was feeling and smiled. "Congratulations. I hope you last long with her."

"I think I got to go," Sehun stood up and left. After Sehun left, Luhan's tears started to fall. Now that it happened, he realised he probably had a crush on that boy. He didn't know why did he asked Sehun to accept that girl. He was regretting so much now.

That day was the first time Luhan felt so, so heartbroken.



"He is so dumb, can you believe that?" Sehun said as he messed up his hair. 

"Did you really accept the girl though?" Jongin asked even though he knew the answer. The answer was no, Sehun would never accept someone whom he doesn't have any feelings for.

"No, I rejected her. I am moving on from Luhan, I realised he doesn't feel the same way as I do, so why bother?" 

"Are you going to be okay though?"

"Yes I am. Probably not now, but soon."



It had been three days since that incident in the bubble tea shop happened. Luhan felt so lonely, he felt weird without Sehun around, without Sehun talking to him, without someone sitting opposite him in the library. Everything seemed so wrong. Damn, he couldn't even concentrate on his studies, he was hurting so much. His life was boring without Sehun. Luhan tried his best to avoid Sehun because nope, he wasn't ready to see Sehun with another girl yet. At least... not now. He actually missed Sehun. He looked at the time and realised that the break was going to end soon, so Luhan stood up, and packed his books and stuff. 

As he walked out of the library, he bumped into someone. "Sorry–" He stopped talking when he realised it was Sehun who he bumped into. Oh. With his cheeks flushing, he bowed a little. "Sorry." 

"It's okay. I actually came here to look for you," Sehun said and at that moment, Luhan felt that his cheeks couldn't be any hotter. 

"Y-your girlfriend... s-she... she is gonna misunderstand," Luhan told Sehun softly, but loud enough for Sehun to hear. With his cheeks blushing, Luhan didn't look at Sehun. 

"No, I didn't even accept her in the first place, I rejected her."

Upon hearing this, Luhan couldn't help but to smile a little, he felt relieved. Perhaps... perhaps he still stand a chance? 


"Are you that dense or what? Can't you understand that I still like you? My feelings for you have never even changed since I laid my eyes on you. You got my attention and all, man, I really don't know. It's hard to understand you. I really really like you, but it seems like you don't feel the same, did you know how sad I was when you told me to accept that girl? I can't, I just can't accept her, because I like you. I tried to move on, and for the last three days, I can't stop thinking about you, in fact, I had never stopped thinking about you. And right now, I am taking this opportunity to ask you this one last time, I like you, do you feel the same way?" Sehun blurted out and then panted, he spoke too much all at one time, and then he closed his eyes, waiting for his answer.

Tears welled up in Luhan's eyes. Is Oh Sehun really confessing to him once again? Before, he would probably reject Sehun, but not anymore. He was going to accept Sehun. 

Luhan tiptoped and hugged Sehun, "Yes, Oh Sehun, I feel the same way. I like you." 

Sehun slowly opened his eyes and released Luhan away from the hug and looked at Luhan, eyes forming into cresents. "You really do?" 

Luhan nodded shyly and blushed even harder, "Yes, I do." 

"Finally," Sehun mummured, as he leaned closer to Luhan and Luhan closed his eyes. Their lips met, and they pulled away a few seconds later. Without any words exchanged, Sehun hugged Luhan tightly, never wanting to let go. 

At the beginning, Luhan probably didn't like Sehun, but people change, and Sehun managed to change Luhan. 


A/N: Finally updated the sequel, sorry for the long wait omg ;-; Hope you guys like it!! c: 


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Chapter 8: is there any chance that this can get updated ? ;;
faithlu #2
Chapter 8: previous chapter gave me so much feels
heart was aching so bad
Chapter 7: i cant comment wow


i laughed

memmukazz #4
Chapter 7: I cry on 4 and 5, so hard.. I feel so sad. Please update soon
Chapter 6: I cried sooo badly . T^^T My mom realized then she said My face ugly when Im crying . Haaa
Chapter 6: So sad... TT^TT...
Chapter 5: Yayayayayaya can't wait for sequel !! XD ..
prince-lulu #8
Chapter 5: Oh i have one!!

maybe like it could be their anniversary but someone forgets or something kike that maybe?? ^w^
faithlu #9
Chapter 4: Oooooh Sehun got rejected xD