Side Story 5 - The Beast is Mine (TOP - Tiffany story part 2)

2 Hearts

The light from studio lamps in the ceiling above her has been turn on and even though some place don't as bright as the other but it's still give her more clear view to overall studio setting, well, Tiffany will called it landscape if judging from how much they manage to make it look real to build a forest indoor, the lake which just mention by Minami unnie earlier, were indeed look like a lake, small lake more precisely. How come they could build this on the 5th floor? thought Tiffany can't help feel amazed.

The trees might not in actual size but it still looming above her head, the leaves have filtrate the lights from above into million line of lights and makes the path in front of Tiffany looks more like scenery in the movie she watched before. Tiffany stand in the end of the path which separate the forest and the studio original floor. There were a rail beside the path which Tiffany assume probably for the camera, so that it could follow her along the path. From where she stand, Tiffany can see the lake which mentioned by Mina unnie earlier. Of course, it's not as big as original lake, but they seems put real water since the shade of the water is reflected in the ceiling above.

Behind her, people are busily back and forth to fulfill Mina unnie last instruction before they begins. Tiffany saw Mina unnie in the middle of debating with Jinho oppa, the staff who earlier talked to both her and Tabi oppa, probably about the setting because Jinho oppa once or twice point out their forest setting. After a while, Minami unnie seems satisfied with Jinho oppa explanation and nod her head.

Not interest to observe more, Tiffany move her eyes and browse her view to other thing, she stop when she found a man in a dark suit standing quietly not far from Minami unnie. Tiffany recognized Tabi oppa right away, it makes easier for her to recognize him with his height more than average man in this studio, although they're probably have a same height with him but they're wear different clothes.

Tiffany didn't realize that she once again staring at Seunghyun figure. She find that observing him is more fascinating than anything else in this studio, how can not if he is the most charming object. He still timid and stand shyly, try not to disturb anyone, thought Tiffany to herself. but if Jinho oppa or someone he know start talking to him, he will become more cheerful and sometimes throw a joke one or two.

I can still feel the awkwardness, thought Tiffany refering to their awkward moment several minutes ago. but he is a good actor, no matter how much awkward we are, he probably can make it disappear. That's why Hwang Mi Young! you should do the same.

Tiffany can't help to like Tabi oppa pink eyes and since Tabi oppa stand in dim light area, Tiffany can see clearly that his eyes are really glow in the dark. It also makes one or two people whose passing by him looks startled and the other seems amaze by it. Some even make compliment and praise his appearance which received by Tabi oppa with grateful and politely. His manner makes Tiifany respect him and somehow has warmth her heart and when his smiling, it makes Tiffany want to smile too, moreover, when he staring at her, all of sudden she just want to drown on it.

Just like this, thought Tiffany as she drown more deeper into her own thought, didn't realize that Seunghyun has turn his head and found that she is staring at him and he don't have a choice beside look back at her. People always claim him as the most fierce idol or the most with charisma or sometimes the most scary gaze, but with pink eyes, he become more approachable and maybe loveable? Well, in short, the pink color is makes him looks softer than his original image.

While Tiffany drown to her own thought, Seunghyun is realize that she looks daze while staring at him, as if her eyes are look to his direction but her mind was not. Maybe that's why she didn't turn away just like before, thought Seunghyun.

I wonder what she's thinking right now when she look at me like that? asked Seunghyun in his mind. Is it a good one or a bad one?

I don't care, said Seunghyun again, still talking to himself. As long as she continue look at me like that, as if I'm the most charming man she's wanted.

The thought is so absurd and it even makes him embarrased. Yaa! Choi Seunghyun! scream Seunghyun to himself. Jungshin Charyeo! (Pull yourself together!) Are you insane? Why make you think SNSD will choose you when their fanboys is more eligible than you?

Seunghyun stop himself for further delusional and try to distract himself from the thought as he found that Tiffany has pull her white hoodie back to cover her head. He prefer she pull down the hoodie instead put it back on, he even despise the white cloak she's been wearing now, as it covered her body completely. Not that I want to stare at her figure, thought Seunghyun, try to rationalize his dislike over the cloak. It just so thick that I can't even see her silhoutte through that damn cloak. They suppose to display her beauty not hide it under a fur-white cloak. It's Beauty and The Beast for godsake, not The White Riding Hood and the Beast?

"Okay, everyone! We will start the shooting!" shout Minami all of sudden, surprise both Tiffany and Seunghyun from their own thoughts. The moment Tiffany become self-concious is the moment she met Tabi oppa gaze. At first, Tiffany was thought that the light has makes her eyes seeing things but when she realize that Tabi oppa is indeed staring at her, her body turned stiff all of sudden and didn't realize that she has stop breathing.

Did he realize that I've been staring at him? asked Tiffany panicking. He wouldn't know that I stared at him, right? My eyes was completely hidden under the shadow of the hoodie, he won't be able to see it. continued Tiffany as she grap both side of her hoodie and pull it so her face more covered by the hoodie.

Seunghyun see what Tiffany's does clearly as she pull her fur-white hoodie forward so that he can't see her face anymore, as if she suddenly frightening after she looked at him. Seunghyun grind his teeth as the ire start to crawl in his chest. He really hate when people think that he is scary or even afraid while looking at him. Is not like he can change his face, he also can't help when people find him a little bit intimidating, well okay, fine, most of them find him more than intimidating.

What can I do? Use a mask for the entire of my life? Remake my face? Gauge my eyes? What? asked Seunghyun can't help to feel the rage. But, above all those feelings, finding the fright comes from Tiffany's eyes would be the most disappointed things for him and all he want to do is ensure her that there's nothing to be afraid of, he more than what meet the eyes, he more than willing to prove that.

"Mi Young-Ah," said Minami which grab Tiffany's atttention to her. "I want you to start walking along the path until you see the lake, well, the replica of it way upfront there, you need to show me that you enjoy the scenery. Then, after you arrive infront of the lake, take your time there and maybe take off your cloak, so I can captured your beautiful dress." continued Minami as she portrait her analogue to Tiffany.

As Mina unnie explained to her, Tiffany already can imagine what should she do, so, she nod as she understand what Mina unnie want for her single shot.

"Oh, wait," said Mina unnie suddenly stop herself from the way to her camera. "Younhi-Ah, grab the fragrance~" shout her to Younhi, her asisstant.

Couple minutes later, Younhi come with a small bottle in her hand and give it to Mina unnie.

"Pull down you hoodie for me, Mi Young-Ah," said Mina unnie which followed by Tiffany with confusion, while Mina unnie open the small bottle which look like a perfume. She splash a little what inside the bottle to her both side of her head, right in her braided hair. "give me your wrist," asked Mina unnie again, which makes Tiffany raised her right wrist and once again she splash her wrist.

"Give me your other wrist," said Mina unnie. TIffany raised her left wrist. As Mina unnie put another splash to her left wrist, Tiffany try to smell the fragrance in her right. She little bit confused because she couldn't smell anything.

"What is this, unnie? Is this supposed to be perfume?" asked Tiffany curious.

"This is," said Mina as she shake the bottle softly. "a combination of butterfly weed, bee balm and purple coneflower."

"And?" asked Tiffany as she still didn't understand what it used and why Mina unnie has put it to her.

"And what?" asked Mina unnie didn't realize that Tiffany is waiting for further explanation. "I don't think they put anything else though," continued Mina as she try to analyze the bottle seriously.

"I mean, what is it for, unnie?" asked Tiffany impatiently. "You won't put that on me without a reason."

Mina unnie just answered her with big smile in her face and said, "You'll see," and then Mina unnie turn away and start to walk toward her camera which already stand by on the rail beside the path which she will walked through. "Okay, Mi Young-Ah, anytime you ready." continue Mina and give her thumbs up as sign to her to start anytime.

Tiffany take a deep sigh because Mina unnie has hanging her question, again, which makes her wondering whether it's Mina unnie character to not answered her question or she just simply want it to be mysterious. Tiffany admit that the way Mina unnie doing her job is way too different from other photographer she's been working with, moreover, with the analogues which she created and mostly described what kind of pictures she wanted from her model, makes the different wide open. It showed a lot in pictures she took and in Tiffany's opinion, everytime she saw Mina unnie pictures, it looks alive and as soon as she saw it, she can grab the model's feeling right away.

I just hope I can do the same, said Tiffany to herself as she adjusted her hoodie back to her head. Will it be different from the other photoshoot I've ever done before?

Tiffany don't have time to analyze her own thought any further because everyone are waiting for her to start walking. So, she take a step forward and start to walk along the path.

They seems have turn on another lights above her because she can see that the setting brighter than before. Tiffany turn her head and look up but she right away raise her hand to cover the lights which almost blinded her eyes. It feel like a real sun is hanging above her and Tiffany realize that they probably hanging UV light to replace the real sun.

Tiffany impressed by the way they created the setting. Jinho oppa, as one of the creator, should feel proud to himself because he's able to create such a large setting and it makes Tiffany thankful for it because with it more or less she able to express herself which suit Mina unnie request.

Seunghyun watch Tiffany from where he stand and didn't move a muscle as she walking through the path. The lights has makes the fur in her cloak glowing, moreover, with the hoodie on, Tiffany like spreading a light from whole her cloak while she walk. Seunghyun realize that there are a vague pink color on beneath her dress, it's so vague and it almost makes Seunghyun didn't catch it.

It also makes Seunghyun more curious about the dress she's been wearing and he just hope that before this session end, he will able to see it or he will end up imagine it after this over. Looks like the dress have a little bit tail in it's back because Seunghyun can see it under the cloak and it's slightly sweep the path like a mop.

The photographer, Minami, follow her closely while two of her staffs push the wheel she's been sitting on. Seunghyun couldn't see clearly from where he stand except the white figure of Tiffany who walking among the trees toward something like a huge puddle of water, which he refer to the photographer, supposed to be somekind of lake.

He quietly watch Tiffany stop right in front of the lake, she try to look something inside the lake as Seunghyun saw she lean her body a little while the photographer continue to shoot her. Somehow he little bit confused by this photographer, Minami, he never encounter this type of photographer before. The typical of photographers he realize after all this time were they're always said something, anything like how he supposed to create poses they want, how they guided him to express what they want to be captured in the photo or just simply taking picture in simple studio with abstract background or outdoor with real scenery. This is the very first time for him to see such a huge setting just for a photoshoot. The kind of setting he saw only for a movie or drama, moreover, he have to act, as if he in the middle of filming which he never done before in any photoshoot.

Of course, he did acted before in several photoshoot, but he never need to take out his acting skill for photoshoot before, they never ask him that, heck they just want his face to be display in their magazines, they don't need his skill because it's something that couldn't be capture and put into 2D pictures. That's why, he curious right now, on how the photo gonna be.

Seunghyun watch as he saw Tiffany keep walk further into the artificial forest while the photographer, Minami, keep shooting at her until Tiffany arrived at the side of the lake, which mentioned before. He can't see clearly because of the distance is prevent him to, but he can still see Tiffany from where he stand, the only white figure in the not-so-light place. Seunghyun realize that Minami has stop take a shoot and shout out something from someone behind her, before she's get back to behind the camera.

Tiffany arrived at the side of the lake and keep a safe distance so that her dress won't get smear by the water. She amazed by the fact they're build the lake indoor, moreover, if they purposefully build the whole setting just for today photoshoot, but she don't know that, she have to ask Mina unnie about it. The setting, the dress, everything, are really make her start to feel like she really turn to Belle from Beauty and The Beast. Not to mention I have an extraordinary beast for myself, thought Tiffany, can't help to feel greedy and proud at the same time. Who wouldn't want to be me at time like this. I hope oppa fans won't furious too much and pour the wrath on me after the photos release. continued her as she just remember how famous Tabi oppa is among his fans.

Well, I don't know yet, how the photos would turn out, thought Tiffany try to think positive. So, it could be alright. continued Tiffany.

How come they could made these lamps bright so much as if the sun is really hanging above there? asked Tiffany as she raised her head and try to staring at the studio ceiling, she slowly take off her hoodie but the light is to great for her eyes, so she raise her hand to cover her eyes. Tiffany turn to see the lake and watch as it's surface swinging calmly. And how come this artificial lake could give a me peaceful? asked her again, she loosen up the rope of her cloak and slowly let the cloak slide down from her shoulders before it fall in her feet. 

Minami take Tiffany's pictures several time while the girl standing there, look like an angel while the lighting above pouring her down like a halo.

"Jinho oppa, can you release them?" asked Mina unnie, distract Tiffany from her own mind. She turn to see Mina unnie and Jinho oppa who come right away from somewhere in the back with a medium cage in his hand. Tiffany turn her body a little bit to see clearly when she thought that she saw butterflies in the cage.

Tiffany convince that it is butterflies that carried by Jinho oppa when he walk closer toward her and stop beside her.

"Do you want them to release here, boss?" asked Jinho oppa as he bend over to open the cage.

"Yes, please oppa," said Mina from behind the camera. Tiffany little bit surprise when she heard the word "please" come out from Mina unnie, it's not because Mina unnie rarely use it, but more because how she say it, it almost... nice.

Apparently, she's not the only one who surprise as she saw that Jinho oppa is also looks startled and confused for a second, before he manage to smile as if he just got a lottery. "Roger that, boss." answer Jinho oppa, sound brighter than before. He make Tiffany want to smile too and feel happy for him.

Unnie must have been changed so much to be able make people smile like that, thought Tiffany in her mind. I guess we just worried too much. continued Tiffany, refered to all SNSD members concerns regarding Mina unnie participation in the famous variety show in the country.

Tiffany almost drown to her own thought when suddenly all the butterflies that been released by Jinho oppa, are flying directly to her, mostly to her braided hair and her wrists. Tiffany stop counting the butterflies when she reach 20 and realize that one buterfly is beautiful, but more than that she kinda feel scared.

"Unnie, why these butterflies won't go away?" asked Tiffany panic.

"Of course they won't," answered Mina unnie, as if it's obvious fact that the butterflies won't go away from her. " Because I make them not to." continued her as she raised her head from behind the camera to look at her.

"What do you mean, unnie?" asked Tiffany start to terrified. "What did you do?"

"Relax, Mi Young Ah," answered Mina unnie in calm tone. "The perfume I put on you earlier, is something to attract them to you. They're beautiful right?"

"Sure they do," said Tiffany as she start to understand why the butterflies won't go away from her. "but I prefer they don't swarming around me like I'm somekind of food."

"You supposed to feel like a flower instead a food," said Mina as she take a position behind her camera again. "The butterflies know who the most beauty in this studio." continued Mina unnie with her cheesy line which makes Tiffany flutter.

She supposedly feel creepy instead of flutter, but the way Mina unnie say it with her straight forward and calm natures make her feel that she really meant it, moreover, when everyone in the room are listening what she's saying, Tiffany didn't have a choice beside accept it with embarrased feeling. "Hajima-yo, unnie (Stop it, unnie)," said Tiffany with red face. "Oh, jeongmal, changpi-e (Oh really, it's embarrasing)."

"Wae (Why)!?!" shout Mina as she didn't understand why should Tiffany being embarassed about what she said. "Sasil-eun jana (It's a fact, right)?" continue Mina as she turn around to the people around her, ask for their agreement, which, miraculously answered with nodding and smiling.

Tiffany become more embarrassed when she saw that everyone seems teasing her. "Ah, chincha (Ah, really)."

"Arrasseo! Arrasseo! (Alright! Alright!)," said Mina unnie, as she give in when she saw that Tiffany become little bit sulky. "Let's just continue, shall we?"

"As long as no more teasing," said Tiffany as she congrats herself for able to win over Mina unnie. " and no more cheesy line that creeps me out."  continued Tiffany which make everyone laughing. It seems that Mina unnie's habits of throwing over compliment to her female model is known by everyone, because like her, they're might also realize those habits that posessed Mina unnie, won't be easily stopped just because she ask to.

Meanwhile, when everyone laughing out loud, Seunghyun is barely understand and didn't care much because his attention already drawn to her the moment Tiffany's take off her cloak and saw her flawless-white shoulder, her open back which he felt too appealing and almost make him want to run toward her and grab the cloak on her feet to cover her. He changed his mind about the get rid the cloak, right now, he wish she keep wearing it. Moreover, as soon as the butterflies being released and won't go away from her. Somehow he little bit jealous because those butterflies could easily come closer to her, something he want for himself too. People probably would think that their both close since they're both enter the industry almost at the same time, pass all the qualified phases to be called as Sunbae, but truthfully, they are not that close. Their group's busy schedules are almost the reason for that, not to mention their own individual activities which never crossed path. This photoshoot probably the first time that put them together again after years.

He always thought that it would be easier for him to drown to his character more if he have comfortable feeling toward his co-star and since the photoprapher seems expect him to act, right now Tiffany is his co-star and to be closer to her is seems crucial at time like this moreover when he expect to improvise. Seunghyun totally ignored and convince himself that his reason is purely for work and not for personal interest, that he totally don't feel the throbbing he felt everytime Tiffany throw her signature smile at him, that he didn't recognize the warmth feeling he felt everytime he look at her and mostly how annoyed he become when he know that all eyes has also staring at her flawless white shoulder.

"Okay, Mi Young Ah," said Minami, drag Seunghyun back from his thought. "You're ready?"

"Nde (Yes), unnie," answer Tiffany. As soon as she said that, Seunghyun watch her take a step closer to the lake and raise her right hand, as if she received the butterflies which still flying around her wrist while some of it fly toward her braided hair. Her flawless white skin looks glowing because of the UV lamp above the studio has fall on her. Since Seunghyun watch her from the side, he could see how happy she is when she play with those butterflies, give her finger from them to rest and everytime she waving her hand, as if she tried to drive them away, those butterflies keep coming back to her.

At some point, Seunghyun start to watch her with new perspective, as if she's totally stranger for him and this is their first encounter. He could feel that he start to build another persona inside him, someone new, someone he don't know, who keep growing as he continue watching her. Seunghyun didn't try to resist the emersion of this new persona, instead he let himself sink and slowly disappear while his new persona arise and start to take over his body. Even so, he didn't let this new persona take over his right mind completely, just so he could pull out from it anytime he want.

Tiffany feel a twitch feeling in entire of her body, out of no where while she busily play with the butterflies. At first, she thought that it must be her imagination, but after the second time, she start to confuse and slowly sweep her eyes around the studio without being obvious. She stop when she see someone rather far is standing still while watching at her. Out of the people inside the studio who also watching her, this particular person is somehow spread certain aura which makes her little taken aback.

Tiffany realize that it was Tabi oppa when she recognize the costume he wear and because he's taller fro most of the people around him, who also has watching her. Mostly, Tiffany knew it was Tabi oppa because the way he gazing at her, as if she is his prey.

Why he staring at me like that? asked Tiffany to herself as she start to feel nervous under Tabi oppa gaze. Eventhough he should become the Beast, I should become the heroine, right? not his prey.

But again, thought her. Mina unnie said that he could become any Beast he wanted, she even encourage him to be different from the original version. Is this his version of Beast? continued Tiffany start to panic. Making me as his dinner?

Seunghyun realize that Tiffany has notice his persona the moment he recognize the fear in her eyes, he can see clearly eventhough they both rather far from each other. Her fears is somehow make his persona feel more superior and the feeling to torture her more with his gaze is become more severe.

Seunghyun didn't realize that the intensity of his gaze is so great that even Minami could feel it from behind her camera. She didn't meant to feel those gaze, but when she realize that Mi Young attention has distract, she's about to search anyone who distract her and throw her tantrum. She stunned and right away feel impressed to this new model. She rarely feel that way toward any male model before, she acknowledge before about his features and they way he bring himself, he have that quality that every photographers search from any model, it's like he born to be one and for him to push himself until this far is beyond her imagination.

I'm curious about his interpretation of the Beast that I told him to, thought Mina as she click zoom in button to see him clearly. If his interpretation of Beast is to eat her alive, than I've nothing to complain, continued her as she smile mysteriously.

Minami let whatever tension which happen between Mi Young and the other model to be formed into something she can call as basis, different from what she felt between Yoona and Lee Jonghyun, this couple somewhat don't have it, even if they may have, it's not as stronger as she expected to be. Therefore, by letting the tension grow at itself, she hope they could give her the "Feeling" into her pictures, or at least half of the "Feeling" she received from Yoona-Jonghyun couple pictures.

Moreover, as she realize that the tension between them have kinda different feeling, it give her another idea which suddenly pop out from her mind. The idea which will fully different from Beauty and the Beast original version. Minami smile as the idea become more and more interesting and she can't wait to tell this couple about it.

"Younhi-Ah," called Minami as she move from behind the camera and turn her body to search her asisstant.

Younhi come as soon as she heard Mina's voice and walk closer to her. "Do you need me, unnie?"

"Of course I need you," grumble Mina as usual. "Do we have a black cloak in his size?" asked Mina as she pointed Seunghyun with her chin.

"A black cloak?" asked Younhi back as she also stare at Seunghyun which stand in some distance from where they're stand. "I need to look first in our storeroom, unnie."

"Okay, look for it then," said Mina as she nod her head. "Make sure the cloak is big enough to cover his figure."

"Arasseo (Okay), unnie," said Younhi, she turn around and start to walk away.

"Ah, Younhi-Ah," call Mina all of sudden make Younhi stop and turn again to face her boss.

"Nde (Yes)?" said Younhi.

"Look for a claws while you in there," said Mina. "I think we still have it from our past halloween photoshoot last year."

Instead answered her boss, Younhi make an "O" with her finger and smile before she turn again and start to walk away.

As soon as Younhi turn away, Minami shout out to take five to everyone which accepted with grateful by her staffs. Especially Tiffany who feel relieved that she could escape from Tabi oppa gaze which somehow start to feel intimidating. Tiffany grab her cloak before walk toward Jinho oppa who still waiting aside in safe distance, to help her with the butterflies and put them into their cage again.

While everyone start to walk to the snacks tables, Mina get down from the wheel and walk toward Seunghyun who standing still in his position and seems didn't bother to follow the others. It's like he maintain whatever he is now, thought Minami. Well, we'll see how far he could go and how much he could give me. continued Mina as she close the distance between them and stop infront of Seunghyun.

Seunghyun is stare at Minami as if she's don't matter, because as soon as he realize that someone has come closer to him, he only take a glance at her and he bring his eyes back to follow Tiffany who already walk toward the snacks place, look oblivious that Seunghyun has staring at her back.

"Seunghyun-ssi," call Minami, try to distract him from stalk Tiffany with his eyes.

But Seunghyun didn't answer her, instead he silent and just stare at her as if she's nobody and how is this nobody dare to bother him while he in the middle of hunting his prey.

Realize that Seunghyun won't answer her, Minami continue to say, "I wan't you to wear a black cloak that will brought by my asisstant later and standing behind that tree over there. " Minami pointing the tree near the lake, not far from where Tiffany stand before, "I want you to hide yourself but let her realize that you are there watching her."

Seunghyun still fall silent, but it seems he's listening to her instruction, so Minami continue as she say, "Give her a feeling of being threatening, but I also want her to feel fascinated to the point that she feel afraid but don't want to turn away her eyes from you. I want you to give me those kind of feeling to my camera."

"After that, make sure you come closer to her and touch her. How or when you going to approach her, I'll let you to improvise and surprise me." continue Minami. Again, no reaction whatsoever from the model infront of her, but his gaze indicate that he get what she want.

Minami nod her head as satisfaction. Not long after that, Younhi come with a cloak in her hand but the color is not as pitch black as Mina thought. The cloak itself made from shred of leathers with degradation color start from medium grey up to black which sewn together into cloak, beside that, the maker has put soft strands around the cloak and it's hoodie so it will appear slightly rigid and won't easily blown by winds.  

As Seunghyun wear it, his tough and firm figure is disappear immediately into the cloak and when he put the hoodie on his head, he right away replaced by somebody with no face and with no name. Just like how Minami want him to. Younhi then give him the claws to be wear in all his ten fingers, giving more terrifying feeling to whomever stare at him.

Seunghyun didn't wait for the photographer to order him, he turn around and walk to the tree mentioned earlier while Minami asked Younhi to bring her nikon. Younhi turn to take Mina unnie's nikon while Mina turn to opposite way, follow where Seunghyun go. Minami walk along the path among the trees right behind Seunghyun who already take his position in front of her. Minami stop as she find the right position for her to take Seunghyun pictures from behind.

Tiffany who didn't know anything about the arrangement between Minami and Seunghyun, is walk back to her previous place. She gave the cloak back to Younhi before start to walk Tiffany came back with full stomache and feeling happy because she manage to talk to several people and forget about the frighten feeling she felt earlier. Tiffany walk toward the lake and stop in front of it as she lean on to see what inside it. The lake apparently clean enough because she have a clear view to the bottom of it.

Tiffany squat and make sure her dress won't immersed into the water. Curious because she thought she saw a fish inside the lake, Tiffany raised her right hand to touch the water with her finger, feel it coldness with her finger and play with it. All of sudden, Tiffany surprised by the appearance of a butterfly which fly directly to her wrist. The butterfly must be missed out when she and Jinho oppa try to get them back into the cage or perhaps it magically escape from the cage and since Tiffany still wearing the perfume which attract to them, the butterfly fly back to her.

This butterfly seems different from earlier, it have a white wings and slight yellow in the edge, when it stop fly and perch in her wrist, it didn't look like a butterfly, it's more like a little flower in her hand. Tiffany open her palm and let the butterfly come into it.

Tiffany didn't realize that Seunghyun is watching her behind the tree nearby. He manage to hide himself from her view, while in return he could watch her easily. Seunghyun can't help to feel mesmerize when he see her under the light, look all glowing included her black braided hair, giving him an innocent feeling and at the same time he feel protective over her, but his persona didn't allow him to feel such a thing, all his persona want is grab her and own her for himself, as if he want to keep her forever from the sight of the world. The feeling is surreal as if it comes from the darkest part of his heart and if he didn't manage to hold it, that part of his heart will take over him completely.

He never build this kind persona inside him before, well, no one asked him to be the "Beast" before, he done to be cold blood killer or spy, but never fictional character such this. I need to manage so that he won't take over my common sense, thought Seunghyun. Moreover, when the photographer asked him to threatening her when all I want is to be close to her. Seunghyun close his eyes and open it again when he feel his persona little bit calm down.

She's so beautiful, said someone in his mind with his voice. I want her.

While he almost drown to his own thought, Seunghyun is somehow have a feeling that someone has watching over him. It's not Tiffany because she still didn't aware his existence nor realize that he's watching her. So he sweep his eyes to search who it is. People still gather around the snacks table, just one or two of them left the place but they don't seems look to his way, but he could still feel it, it's like it stabbing back of his head. Suddenly, he could hear a several click sound near him, once again he sweep his eyes around him, when he realize that click sound is from his behind.

Slowly he turn his head to his right, He can feel that his persona has develop the annoyed feeling toward anyone who dare to disturb him and Seunghyun unconciously let his persona take over his emotion as he turn his head with furious in his eyes. He realize that the photographer is behind him, taking pictures while he didn't even notice she was there all along.

Minami watch through her nikon as Seunghyun has finally notice her presence, he turned his head and look at her as if she is the most annoying creatures in the world, which she capture perfectly. Then, he turn his body completely as he take down his hoodie as he walk slowly toward her.

Okay, I think I need stop now, thought Minami as she sense something bad would happen if she continued taking pictures, beside she already have plenty of good pictures as she spying on him.

"Let's continue our photoshoot, shall we?" said Minami as she start to walk and try not to concious too much on how furious is Seunghyun looks like and it seems that he want to punch her for that, but that's must be her imagination.

Seunghyun barely manage to stop himself for walk further and realize that his mind is being blank for almost 5 seconds and he don't know what is going on in that 5 seconds, but he know that his persona has succeed to take over. He take a deep breathe as he try to take back his right mind, he may create his persona but he don't intend him to take over his body completely. This is the first time it's ever happen to him and he don't know why, but he will make sure his persona don't have a chance to take over him again.

Seunghyun raise the hoodie back to cover his head and back to stand behind the tree, the photographer already half walk back to her wheel while she shout to everyone that the take five is over. Everyone are disperse themselves from around the snacks table as soon as they heard her shout, Seunghyun saw as Tiffany also notice the photographer's voice and stand up from her squat position. He move right away and hide himself deep behind the tree which miraculously wide enough to hide while he could still watching her, beside, the poor lighting above him has also help him to cover his body entirely.

On the other hand, before Minami return to her camera, she walk toward Mi Young who smiling at her, oblivious to the threatening aura behind Minami which keep stabbing at her back. Well, she have to tell Mi Young about what her plan, at least little bit what she arranged with Seunghyun, though she don't know how the photos will turns out, she just have to believe their abilities to give what she want.

"Are we going to start again, unnie?" asked Tiffany as soon as Minami unnie come closer.

"Yes, we are," answer Minami. "Mi Young Ah, before we start I need to tell you something about the photoshoot that I want."

"What is it, unnie?" asked Tiffany, she looks confused but still smiling beautifully.

"We going to start the couple shoot, so I want you to keep standing here, until Seunghyun-ssi show up," said Minami bluntly. "He will walk closer to you and touch you, that's when I want you to faint, well, pretend to faint as if he make you to." continued Minami to the point and didn't notice the shock which written all over Tiffany's face.

"Wait a minute, unnie!" said Tiffany fast, before Minami manage to say something more. "I thought we going to take Tabi oppa single shoot first, at least that what I read in the schedule and what do you mean if he showed up? From where?" continued Tiffany as she looked around try to catch a glimpse the man she's been talk about, but she right away furrowed her eyebrows as she didn't find him anywhere. "Where is Tabi oppa?" asked her as she didn't succeed to find him.

"Well, he's around," answered Minami secretive. "and I already did take his single shoot, so that's why we going to continue to couple shoot."

"What do you mean he's around, unnie?" asked Tiffany as she look don't understand. "How could we continue a couple shoot without a couple?"

"I told him to hide among the trees behind me," said Minami calmly. "Don't bother to find him.." continued Mina as she saw that Tiffany has curiously look behind her back, try to find Seunghyun figure among the trees. "You wont find him, that's the meaning of being hiding, right?"

"What should he hide in the first place?" asked Tiffany still persistent, she seems didn't accepted Minami's explanation and somehow sense that something is up. "And what do you mean by I have to faint when I see him? I never read Belle was faint when she met the Beast, do we read the same storybook, unnie?"

"Well, if you talk about the original version versus my version then the answer is no," answered Minami shrugged her shoulders. "Why don't you just do what I want, it will be good, I promise." continued Minami as she try to persuade Tiffany who seems hesitate.

"As if I have a choice not to," said Tiffany as she take a deep sigh. "That's why you pay me for, I'm just going to be professional and go with it."

"Good, so you will faint for me?" asked Minami, she smiling sweetly despite how absurd her question is.

"Fine, I will faint for you," said Tiffany as she shake her head and didn't believe that she actually said that to answer Mina unnie's question. "I think I'll be crazy at the end of the day." mumbled Tiffany to herself.

"What did you say?" asked Mina, she heard Tiffany said something but didn't quite listening.

"Nothing, unnie," said Tiffany, she smiling with her signature smile. "Let's just continue the photoshoot, okay."

"Okay," answered Mina unnie, she smile back at Tiffany before she walk right away toward the her camera on the wheel. Minami call for the lighting staff and told him several instruction before she put herself behind the camera. Her other staff is shout out that the photoshoot is continue and it's become somekind of command for Jinho who already place himself beside Mina's wheel, to release the butterflies, this time he only release several of them, which fly right away toward Tiffany.

Minami wait patiently as she try to detect Seunghyun existence behind those trees while she continue to watch Tiffany's reaction whether she finally feel his presence or not.

Apparently, she don't need to wait long, as she start to feel a very strong pressure from the trees where Seunghyun is hiding, it almost make her couldn't breathe, Seunghyun is not even comes out from his hiding place, but the pressure he manage to form enough to make Minami feel it too, even from where she's sitting right now. Minami realize that the studio become quiet and silence all of sudden, as if they're all have a same experience as her earlier. Minami glance to see people around her out of curious and found them all watch to the same place as her, the place where the Seunghyun "Beast" are. Curious to what Tiffany's feel when all this people who just become the audiences, could even feel the pressure he spread, Minami back to her camera and search Tiffany from behind it.

Tiffany is in the middle of playing with the butterflies which flying back to her as soon as it release from it's cage, when she felt the suppression feeling which she couldn't described. It makes the twitch she felt before comes back, but this time is more stronger than before as if it try to threatening her. Her body turn to stiff slowly as the pressure is keep stronger and stronger and she suddenly felt nervous as if something is coming. She turn and try to find where this feeling was come from, didn't realize that everyone were also felt the same and now watching her reaction, especially Minami who keep taking pictures through her camera. Tiffany take a step forward slowly toward the direction she felt have the most strongest pressure, she didn't know how she have known that, she just know. The trees in front of her have a poor lighting above it and her feet unconsciously take her closer to a blindspot which couldn't be seen from where she's stand. Step by step Tiffany walk closer, she raised her gown just so that she could walk without being worried to stumble by it, the butterflies are follow her because of the perfume, but they're fly nervously around her, as if they can also feel the pressures.

Suddenly, Tiffany feel something dark that hold her from taking further step, so she stop herself and try to look more carefully. The butterflies around her is flying randomly in weird curves before she realize that one by one the butterflies were no longer surround her, as if they could also feel the darkest creature she felt.

Then, she saw it, a figure with dark cloth has standing behind the trees not far from where she stand right now, she can't see the face because it hide under the hoodie. She realize that the figure wearing a cloak with various of dark colors and it seems made from shreds which stitched together, there's something so dark comes out from the figure and it give a chill to her entire body. The figure slightly moved from behind the tree and slowly raised it's head.

The moment the figure has raised it's head, at that moment she saw a glimpse of pair of eyes which glowing under the hoodie and staring back at her with his pink eyes fiercely, almost at the same time Tiffany realize that she just found where Tabi oppa has been hiding. Tabi oppa is looking at her but Tiffany couldn't read his eyes, but one thing for sure, she feel like he pull her toward him with his eyes, because she can feel her body slowly swinging forward before she take a small step toward him, as if he told her to come with his gaze.

Come to me, said his eyes in Tiffany's mind. be mine.

The voice is sound so real as if Tabi oppa himself has said it, moreover, it startled her a little bit when she saw he raised his right hand toward her, as if he asking her hand. Tiffany can't help to not raise her own hand to reach his, as though she no longer have her own freewill and only live for his will. Tiffany watch as Tabi oppa slowly take off his hoodie with the other hand, displaying his gaze even more. A beam of light from the UV lamps above has slightly fall over him, makes his pink eyes more glowing than before, it's almost like his eyes is the only lucent thing compare to his all dark attire.

Come Beauty, come closer to me, said Tabi oppa's eyes, but Tiffany almost sure that he was saying that with his gaze. Your place is only in my arms.

As much as Tiffany hate to be ordered around or felt like Tabi oppa turned into obsessive person, she still can't help mesmerized by him, felt the flutter in her heart, felt her body tremble and move closer to him helplessly.  

Minami watch as Tiffany is walking closer to where Seunghyun is. Since she can't see Tiffany's face, Minami tried to read her body language from her back while Seunghyun is do nothing except raise his hand, as if he lure Tiffany to come closer.

Should I call this off now? asked Minami when she saw the determination in Seunghyun eyes, it's almost feel like he will eat Tiffany's alive as soon as her hand touch his. But it might ruin the tension I felt from them right now. And I need that tension.

But before Minami is able to think more, Tiffany's left hand already reach Seunghyun's open hand, she can see it through her camera, the contrast between white flawless hand on top of firm hand with a claws were look terrifying but it's almost beautfiul at the same time, moreover, when the hand with the claws is cover Tiffany's hand gently and pull it closer to him so that Tiffany's body will come along naturally.

Minami bit her lips behind the camera to hold her cheer, as she watch Seunghyun is grab Tiffany's waist and trap her in his arms while Tiffany seems willingly to be in his arms, looks fragile and powerless. They both still look at each other when Seunghyun is close the distance between their faces. When Minami thought that he will kiss Tiffany, Seunghyun tilted Tiffany's head a little to his left side and whispered something in Tiffany's ear.

A second later, she watch as Tiffany's body has loosen up and lean on Seunghyun's shoulder with a weird position, before she realize that Tiffany is looks like asleep, or fainted, thought Minami. She was expected Tiffany to fall to the ground when she fainted, but this way was even better. She swear that even people around her could felt the obsession which being throw by Seunghyun, as if he can do what people can't do, and that is control Tiffany for his own benefits.

The last thing she captured before shout out to wrap the first session was Seunghyun stand beside the tree as he holding Tiffany in his arms while his gaze look straight at her camera, as if he try to say, She belong to me, don't you dare look at her.


This isn't over guys, I have one more chapter to write down -_____-, Tiffany's or should I say Beauty's counterattack.

Well, I kinda twisted the original story, but hey this Minami I'm talking about, it wont be her if it's not twisted >_<

Firstly, I would say thanks to LouAbra, thanks for reminding me for updating this story which I've been put on hold for several months, hope this chapter is as worth as your patience because of waiting for this.

I don't know how much of you like this pairing, or even like the story, but I would still put my hope for someone out there to put a comment or ciritic about this pairing, or maybe subscribed me T_T!

Lastly,  thank you for reading this chapter and I'm sorry for you who follow Minami journey that I barely update her story, but I promise I will try to update as soon as possible.

P.S I'm not yet re-read this chapter, so if you find any gramatical error or even weird paragraph, hope you'll understand ^__^

P.S, again --> I already re-read this chapter and I realized that I forgot something to add. If read above, I was mention about Tiffany who take off her cloak but when I check, I don't find any paragraph about it and it make me realize that I missed wrote about that, so like you all know about my detail freak stuff, I changed the story, just a little bit so the "take off cloak" could be add naturally.

I'm really sorry #big bow#

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Chapter 20: love the side story, its so intense. i almost can feel tiff feeling
Sifany4 --> I'll try... but I'm couldn't promise... wish me that I have time for it... >_<!
Sifany4 #3
Please add more chap about topfany authornim..
I love it so much when u write some chap about them :)))
Update soon ;)
LouAbra --> I still don't know yet... we'll see ^__^
Chapter 20: Will you continue the topfany story?
nickoluca #6
i'll never get tired of topfany! waiting for the next chapie :)
tthnguyen --> I'm wondering about your question mark here ^__^! is it good or bad?
bluesky1290 --> hmm.. I'm wonder... I will, please wait for the next chapter
LouAbra --> he he he ^__^ that you my friend, so it's worthed then? Please wait for the chapter okay?
Chapter 19: Wow is that my name on your author's note? Or I'm just hallucinating? Hahaha. I love the tension in this chapter. More topfany please? :D
Chapter 19: Update soon..
Seems like it's gonna be full of pressure from seunghyun..

"She belong to me, don't you dare to look at her"

How sweet.. >.<
tthnguyen #10
Chapter 19: Wow...that was...intense?
Update Soon!! ^^