
Red Riding Hood:Finding the ring(Hiatus/discontinuing)


new update!!


Early morning,it was quiet as usual.The girl ate her breakfast but halted in middle.Her mother spoke,"Seohyun,I and your father will be home at 11.So please becareful.We gotta go,sweetie."They stood up and left her alone."Guess it's my fun time tonight."She sigh and stood up as well as the maid way her way to her.

"My lady,Maam asked if you could come home early?"The maid asked,nervous choked her and made her stuttered.With a small smirk,Seohyun shrugged her shoulders and walk outside the house.


The school,still on its schedule,noisy as ever.She stood infront of the door and open it slowly.With her eyes,she scanned the room."Fools"She thought as she walk to her seat.

The maiden pulled her earphones and stared at the view outside.Until he interpret her thoughts."Morning Seohyun."He said and glance at the blank looking girl beside.She nod but brought her gaze back and atlast the students shut the mouths.Her thoughts was not at the board but the weird things in her life.First the eyes,her wrist,and now those fairies - she thought.With a sigh she shook her head and closed her eyes."What's happening to me?"she muttered and the bell ringed.


She was walking out the class but a hand caught her wrist."Seohyun."She spun herself and raised her eyebrows."This maybe weird..but...can I ask you for the math question?"He scratched his neck.The girl shrugged her shoulders,pulling the notebook she gaved it to him."I don't have much time,but you can give it back tomorrow."She said and left him frowning."This is not what it should to be."


Seohyun stared at her reflection,witha sigh,she grabbed her hoddie.Almost mading to the door,she reached for it and twisted it.But it won't open.Backing up,she charge to the door and planne to kick it.When she was near a voice stopped her."Where you going,Seohyun?"She turned her head."What now?"she replied.

"We'll tell you,but please sit down"As the fairy said,she sat down and watch them."You know we're fairies,right?..Well..We're not just the living mortals in this world."She nodded her head."I know,there's a lot.I can feel them."The six frown at her."What?You can feel us?"

"Yeah.And I hate it."She said,almost yawn with boredness."Okay..Sinced she knew..Let's do our job..Okay..there's a lot of us,and there's someone

to want to kill us too."It was Seohyun's turn to frown.

"Kill you?"The six sighed and nodded."In far time before

,lots of mortals lived here.The world,full of fantasies

as you say.Theirs a lot of kinds too,The wolves,Guardians,Fairies,Witches,Giants,Vampires,Angels,and Demons.We fairies are the the ones that can know futures,but not too far,we have powers too.The Witches are

like us,but more darker.The wolves are the strogest,as well as the vampires.Giants,the helpers and strong too.The Guardians are the more powerful,and they had to protect us.The Angels are the most powerful,and they are incharge to make this world in peace,but Demons are the one who stopped the goodness.They hurt all of us or killed us.We are from far years ago,but the demons want to take the world theirs.So the most powerful on every kinds gathered to be a demon hunter,the one that in charge for killing the demons.They killed the demons and shut them.Until,one the most coward accept the proposal of the living demon to betray his kinds.He betrayed them all,he went to be the new demon.He was powerful but the hunters stopped him.Years and years had passed,now was the day - we had a job to made the hunters back and kill the demons."

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pipipo27 #1
Chapter 25: i like you story more and more, i'll wait for the next chapter patiently... keep writing!!!
eugenenni #2
Chapter 25: I understand author-nim. I know author-nim had a hard work and I like your stories^^ Thanks I'll waiting update^^
Seororo_Hannie #3
Chapter 23: Who is that man?? Please don't do anything to her! She's innocent :( Luhan, I hope you are a nice guy like what Seohyun predict you are.
eugenenni #4
Chapter 21: Luhan and Seohyun will success to escape? I wonder Luhan's true colors. Thanks for the update^^
hereandnow13 #5
Chapter 18: I love the sapphire ring even though its not real and I can't even see it. Thank you for the update!!!
seohan_irish #6
Chapter 18: Update soon...!
eunixw #7
Chapter 16: This is getting creepy...
eugenenni #8
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update!!!
SoshiLuver327 #9
Chapter 15: Dangg!! Luhan knows Luhan knows!!!
Stuff is about to get down!!
Omo I'm so ready for the next chappie
eunixw #10
Chapter 14: How did Lu know about the stalker? Or.. is he the stalker? o.O Pray hard that Seo's parents are safe and sound~