Chapter two

Just one day

Soo yeon's pov

"...what but why?" Jungkook uttered. "I'm sorry Jungkook, i can't do this anymore. It's too tiring waiting for you all day to come back. You're so exhausted that we can't even spend time together. I don't see why we should continue this relationship when its only me trying, its a waste of time. Lets just break up." A tear threatened to fall. "I don't ever want to see you again." With that, i close the door and lean my back against it. "I'm really sorry jungkook" i clutch my chest and let my tears fall freely.

Jungkook's Pov

My phone kept buzzing but i didn't care to answer. I was too hurt to care about anything else. I needed something to numb the pain. The pain of breaking up, the pain of losing her, the pain of this world. "I don't see why we should continue this relationship when its only me trying, its a waste of time." ouch that really hurt me "didn't i love her enough?" i started opening a can of beer. "obviously you didn't love her enough that's why she broke up with you idiot." I answer myself and take a sip of beer. 

BANGBANGBANG "ARGHH CAN'T YOU SEE I'M STILL SLEEPING" i groaned and walked to the door, tripping on a few beer cans along the way. "WTF CAN'T YOU SEE I WAS SLEEPING AND WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU FREAKING HERE AT 3AM?!!" i scream at the "stranger". "Jungkook, why the hell are you screaming at me when you don't even freaking bother to answer your call?! Do you know how worried the members are? You can be inconsiderate at times!" I look up at the guy who scolded me, "WHO ARE YOU TO SCOLD ME?" i yelled at the person as i was drunk. "hell why are you even drunk and where's Soo yeon?" "STOP TALKING ABOUT HER, SHE LEFT ME. SHE'S GONE." i started kneeling on the floor and cried my heart out. With that, the "stranger" pulled me out of the house and made me sit in his car. Slowly as time goes by, i started to fall asleep.


I opened my eyes trying to fully asorbed where i was and i realised i was in BTS dorm, my dorm. i groaned as my head started to hurt from the hangover. Who knew i could drink so much. I stood up and went out of the bedroom to the common toilet. On my way to the toilet, i could hear whispering coming from the kitchen. i went to the kitchen and tried to hear what they were talking about. "He was so drunk that he shouted at me asking me who i was. The drunkard him is so annoying." "omg, i shouted at Nam Joon hyung?" I thought and facepalm myself. "hyung, what do you think made him so drunk?" Taehyung hyung ask. "right now, i think the only person he'll get drunk for is Soo yeon. i heard him talking about soo yeon leaving him." The moment he mentioned her name, my heart started to hurt even more. "when will this pain ever go away?" i wondered. I didn't want to continue listening to their conversation anymore so i left quietly to the bathroom.

Taehyung's pov

"right now, i think the only person he'll get drunk for is Soo yeon. I heard him talking about Soo yeon leaving him." Nam Joon hyung and i gasp. "this is bad, this is real bad. I think we got to talk to Jungkook about this." "omg hyung, you knew about this yesterday and you just realised until now." "I'm sorry, i was too focused on bringing him home because he didn't answer our calls." "we better talk to him now hyung."

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I'm sorry guys, will update soon!


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