chapter one

Just one day

Jungkook's pov.

"babe, I'm home!" i yelled through the empty living room. Feeling uneasy, i went to our room to search if she's there. It was pointless as i saw no one. "she must be out." i said to myself. Feeling exhausted, i brought my lagguage up to the room, left it on the floor and slip under the warm covers smelling Soo yeon's sweet scent. The next morning, i woke up as my alarm clock rang. Feeling fustrated, I switch it off angrily, in the meantime accidentally dropping the frame that was placed beside the alarm clock. I groaned and went to the kitchen to get a plastic bag to clear the broken pieces. What a way to start my morning


Seeing that Soo yeon has not been back since yesterday night, i felt uneasy. I decided to give Soo yeon a call but it went to her voicemail. i decided to look for her at her parent's house. knock..knock. "Good morning!" "Goodmorning Auntie" when Soo yeon's mum, Mrs jung saw me, her face dropped. "oh hi jungkook, why are you here?" "i'm looking for soo yeon." "soo yeon? I'll call her down in a bit." "thank you." 

Soo yeon's pov

"honey, jungkook is looking for you, he's downstairs"

"but mum, i thought i told you i didn't want to see him."

"i just thought that there's a need to clear things up and end it  with a proper closure.


Jungkook's pov

I saw soo yeon walking down the stairs, she look beautiful, oh how much i miss her. I went up to her and hugged her but she push me away leaving me in a shocking state. "whats wrong? you never push me away once." "that was before" soo yeon curtly replied. "yeonie, why are you giving me a cold shoulder?" yeonie was the nickname i gave to her. she breathe and uttered, "jungkook, lets break up. i want to end it here."

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I'm sorry guys, will update soon!


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