First date?

Sunday Monday
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It was just another simple wednesday morning. I was seated in my maths class, doing some math paper works. I was determined to do better for this topic. Seriously wanted to get rid of the last impression that I gave my maths teacher. 

Buzzz ♪

My phone buzzed and I quickly took a glance just to spot the flashing blue light displaying. Just when I try to concentrate.. Annoyed, I grabbed my phone and unlocked the screen before tapping the message open.

Him: "Hey", the text read.

I opened my eyes wide. I started to feel the butterflies again and felt my mind was crazily excited. It's Myungsoo ⊙.☉ Why does Myungsoo text me, anyway?

Me: "Good morning", I replied and excitedly waited for the response. 

Him: "What do you have now?", he replied within 5 seconds.

Me: "Maths :("

Him: "Haha. Why? You hate maths?"

Me: "Not hate. Just dislike -.-"

Him: "Wow. Such an extremely huge difference. xD"

A smile crept up on my lips. 

Me: "Yeah. As big as... Sunggyu sunbaenim's eyes? ^^'" Don't get it wrong. We weren't friends or something, me and Sunggyu sunbaenim. He didn't even realize my existence, I guess. But he was Myungsoo's friend, just one of the populars.

Him: "Wow. He's gonna kill you if he sees this"

Me: "Exactly why you should keep this as our secret"

Him: "Haha. What would I get as the bribe? :D"

Me: "Free air"

Him: "Wow. Thanks a lot. That was a fair bargain. Your wish to keep the secret is now granted!! "

I bursted out into laughter.

Me: "Wow. Thanks a lot, Mr. Genie! :'D"

Him: "Lol. Am thinking if we should debut as comedians in the future"

My heart clenched at the word 'we'. Right.. When did the 'we' between us start? We are 'we' now... 

Me: "Haha. That's a really mature idea -.- What do you have now, anyways?"

Him: "The most compelling subject on earth, social study -.- Seriously, the lesson really sounds like a lullaby to me"

Me: "Do you know what 'SCHOOL' stands for?"

Him: "What?"

Me: "Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Lives :D"

Him: "Damn true"

Me: "Deserve a gift here \(◦'⌣'◦)/"

Him: "What do you want?"

I caught my breath immediately before feeling my heart hammering in my chest later. OMG! 

With a big grin on my face, I excitedly started the screen-typing again before I felt a hand snatching my phone away. 

Raising my chin up in surprise, I was facing the huge face of my maths teacher. I flinched aggressively and mentally praising myself for not falling off the chair. But the more I stared into those angry eyes of hers, the more I wanted to run away and hide somewhere far away. I was frightened, of course. 

"You are doing so bad in this topic and yet you're texting with your boyfriend in study hour. What exactly are you trying to do?" she asked, her voice calmer that I had expected which I mentally thanked so much. But did she just say 'boyfriend'? Oh my god.. Myungsoo is my boyfriend.

"Uhhh.. It isn't a boyfriend"

"No, I don't care. Boyfriend or girlfriend or gayfriend. All I care is that you're using cell phone in my class and you just had assembly yesterday. Mr. Yoon clearly announced the disadvantages of cell phone and you aren't even respecting his advice"

I was mute immediately. Too nervous and too speechless. Well yeah, I broke the rule. 

My maths teacher let out a short sigh before opening and said, "Detention at lunch time." 






"Sorry. Can't make for the tutorial today" with the saddest expression on my face, I tapped 'send'. 

Him: "What? You busy?"

Me: "Yes, very. Cleaning my homeroom class (. ❛ _ ❛.)"

Him: "What? Or.. you get detention?"

Me: "Sadly, yes"

Him: "Hahaha. Why? What did you do?"

I could imagine the chuckle that Myungsoo would give in my mind. And that idiot doesn't even know that he made me into this..

Me: "Thanks to you."

Him: "What? Is it something related to me? What had I done?"

Me: "Nevermind."

Him: "I'll go and help you out."

My eyes were widened immediately. And I could feel the fast pace of my heart beats again...

Me: "No, you don't have to." I replied, but mentally praying that he'd come, seriously was praying hard.

Him: "Going now. See ya in 2 minutes"

And sudd

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 11: Wow!!! Really super cute funny myungeun story...we want more.
"myungsoo❤️son naeun" fabrics...
blackCOUPLEII #2
Chapter 4: I want myungsoo version please.. ><
Waterlily #3
Chapter 11: I LOVE IT!!!!!!! THAT WAS SO SWEET!! keep up! You are a good author ♥♥
Littlesonyeoshin #4
Chapter 11: Im starting to tear up too T_T THIS IS A SUCH SWEET STORY!!! I love it <3 everything is just perfect.. Good job author-nim! Keep writing more myungeun fanfic ! Hwaiting
Chapter 11: This is funny. Hahaha. Cute~ sweet~ really love it! I hope MyungEun in real life
ayalovehyomin #6
Chapter 11: I just read the whole story!
Its super cute!

When Myungsoo tell the truth omgomg MYUNGEUN FOR LIFE!! ♥
Good Story, Author-nim~
Marshaarsha_ #8
Chapter 11: This is super cute!
Stepfanietaeun #9
Chapter 11: This is super sweet! They love each other before she tutored him ^^