Cigarette Smoker Fiona

R U Mine?

"Well-spoken girls in stilletoes

aren't something to fear"

"Your hands are clammy." Ura stated as she walked down the street with her fingers intertwined with Luhan's.

"I told you I'm nervous!" Luhan hissed under his breath.

"Yeah, I know, you look like it." She rolled her eyes and pulled him to a stop in front of a boutique. "You look like I blackmailed you to go out with me. I hope you know this act is a two way street."

Luhan nodded and swallowed as Ura entered the shop with him in tow. She seemed completely and utterly irritated at him, but at least she usually looked like that. He knew that he had to step up his acting, but he just felt far too uncomfortable walking around with Ura as if they were a couple. For the moment, she was complying to his wishes not to kiss, but he knew that she was close to throwing that idea out the window.

"Hey, stop looking so vacant, okay?" Ura's face appeared in front of Luhan's, shocking him out of his thoughts with her sweet smile.

"Yeah," he breathed, nodding and following her as she browsed through the racks.

It was completely astonishing how she could smile so brightly when she held such an uninterested look most of the time. Upon several occasions on their date, Ura had smiled at Luhan the way she just had which completely took him off guard. No doubt, it was part of the act to make it look like Luhan was the only one she could smile with like that. Either way, it was just slightly unsettling for Luhan as was the entire plan that they were executing.

"Wanna grab some coffee?" Ura appeared before Luhan once more with a single raised eyebrow. "You look exhausted."

"Sounds good," he agreed and took her hand in his to which she nodded ever so slightly in approval.

As they walked, Luhan took a moment to really look at Ura. Despite living together for so long already, not a single member of EXO had learned anything about Ura. They had all agreed that she was a mysterious sort of beautiful, but that was as far as any conversation about her had gone.

She was, in a way, a sharp person. Her grey eyes were severe and looked at everything the world had to offer with a sort of disdain, yet all the while, if she was looking at you, she would look at you with eyes that gave you their full attention. The rest of her face mirrored the severity of her eyes save her lips. Ura's lips always seemed inviting as if daring you to kiss her. When she smiled, they would curl up in the most satisfying way that was most certainly part of her overall beauty.

"Keep it up, lover boy." Ura's voice interrupted Luhan's observations and he realized they were standing in line at a cafe where curious eyes were watching them from everywhere.

"Wha?" He managed, shocked. He kept drifting off in his own world and he couldn't help it.

"The way you were looking at me, it's the way a man in love looks at his girl." Ura smiled and winked at Luhan as she turned to order her drink.

"Do you want to sit over there?" Luhan asked, pointing to a small two-top in the corner of the cafe.

"Let's sit outside," she replied pointing to the open patio.

"Why?" He shot back with reluctance, eyeing the patio as if it were filled with live squid.

"One, it's public. Two, I'd fancy a smoke." Ura rolled her eyes at his tone and began walking towards a table outside without waiting for Luhan.

The man sighed and followed the blonde with heavy feet. When he arrived at the table she had chosen, she already had a lit cigarette between her fingers.

"So tell me about you," she said, blowing smoke out and away from Luhan which he found oddly courteous.

"Why?" He answered without thinking, watching as Ura took another drag and blew the smoke out through her nose.

"I'm not some heartless who only has her paycheck in mind. We can still be friendly, can't we?" Ura laughed lightly which blew smoke into Luhan's face before sitting back and crossing her arms. "Besides, it's good to know about each other in case someone asks."

"Well, I mean, there's not much to tell. Basically everything about me is on the internet anywa-!" Luhan was cut off by Ura blowing her smoke directly in his face and he began having a coughing fit.

"Boring," she said, leaning forward and taking another drag from her cigarette. She blew the smoke out from the corner of as she waited for Luhan to quit coughing before speaking again. "I want to hear it from you. Internet is no fun."

"Okay, but on one condition," Luhan said and leaned forward as well to place his elbows on the table between them.

"Oh?" Ura smiled a sort of challenging smile as if she were enjoying his sudden change of character. "And what would that be?"

"You have to tell me about yourself first," he replied, smiling back.

"Okay," she agreed after a moment of thought, leaning back and taking one last drag on her cigarette before putting it out. "What do you want to know?"

"Well, first, where are you from?" Luhan asked with genuine curiosity. If he was going to have to pretend that Ura was his girlfriend, he may as well at least be her friend.

"Loads of places really." She shrugged. "I was born in Melbourne, but I moved to California when I was little and grew up there. I went to most of high school in Seoul, but spent senior year abroad in Barcelona. Finally, I went to university in London, but abandoned my studies to model in France. In between all that, I traveled all over the place from Istanbul to Brazil."

"Wow, that's...impressive." Luhan stared at her in awe. "So I'm guessing that you're pretty well off?"

"That would be an imense understatement," Ura laughed, throwing Luhan a smile different from all the rest. This one seemed genuine and rare like a precious stone that needed to be hidden away from the public or else they may just fall hopelessly in love with it.

"Did your parents work for the Mafia or something?" He teased, smiling back at Ura.

"No, no," she shook her head, "nothing illegal."

"Please, don't tell me, I love the suspense," Luhan laughed.

"It's nothing extraordinary, really. Both my parents just came from long lines of loaded old people who never spent their money. I'm just the first person in my family to actually know how to spend money and live a little." Ura shrugged with a smirk playing on her lips.

"You are one fearsome girl." Luhan shook his head at her, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm nothing to be afraid of," Ura protested.

"Really?" Luhan raised a skeptical eyebrow. "You always look so severe as if I've done something that completely sets you off. Not only that, but you've got all that money and you're so good with words. No one would want to mess with you."

"I guess you're right," Ura laughed lightly and tussled her hair with her fingers. "I've never been good with the whole people thing. But you should know that well-spoken girls in stilletoes aren't something to fear."

"Well, I know that now. I guess the one good thing to come out of this mess is that I got to meet you and learn not to fear 'well-spoken girls in stilletoes'," Luhan laughed.

"See, this is good." Ura nodded at Luhan with a look of approval.

"What is?" His brow furrowed, confused.

"You've finally warmed up. Before, our date was like lugging around a brick wall to go shopping with me. This here is good. Keep this up, and we'll be able to part ways as unlikely friends in no time," Ura explained, smiling.

Luhan nodded, but in he couldn't help feeling a little downtrodden. Though he had been the most opposed at the beginning, Luhan now was strangely interested in becoming friends with Ura. She, on the other hand, seemed keen on getting everything over with and leaving with a check in hand.


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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 2: Authornim. You never fail to amaze me on how you write. You are one of my inspiration to write. ^^~ Yup, I don't really look up to the old authors except for John Green and J.K.Rowling. I'm weird. Don't mind my mindless ramblings. Hehe... Good job authornim! ^^~
Chapter 2: DUDE!! this story seems so interesting! I love it! :)