Fluorescent Adolescent

R U Mine?

"Everything's in order in a black hole
Nothing seems as pretty as the past though"

There was a sort of stagnant silence in the room as the members of EXO sat around a long table and waited. There wasn't much else they could do since no one had any idea why they were there. What they did know, however, that whatever was about to happen would not be too pleasing. Everyone in the building had been watching the twelve men as if they knew something they didn't and weren't allowed to tell them. Despite the obvious, there was also an air of caution, as if everyone else feared what was coming. 

"I wonder if that girl outside works for SM," Chanyeol wondered aloud, attempting to break the silence no one else could stand.

"The one who was out smoking?" Kyungsoo asked, doubtful.

"I don't know, she looked like she had every intention to go inside after she finished smoking." Chanyeol shrugged.

"Really? She looked completely uninterested in everything, especially this building," Xiumin piped up.

Before anyone else could say something, the door to the room burst open and the girl in question stood in the doorway with a completely stoic face.

"First things first," she began, lips forming perfectly over her words. "Love is not, nor will it ever be, on the agenda. I'm telling you now so that there are no misunderstandings or mishaps. No one is falling in love with anyone. This is a publicity stunt and nothing more. If you want something more, maybe you shouldn't have royally screwed everything over to where I had to fix it."

There was a sort of venom about her words and the way she said them, but everyone seemed entranced by her. The way she stood, the way she formed her sentences, was of a person with absolutely zero inhibitions; confident seemed too lackluster a word to describe this girl. She seemed almost dangerous with her hard eyes and taught mouth, but there was a sort of light that hid behind everything. It was the kind of light that made it clear why she felt the need to draw the line on romance. That kind of light was the sort of light that made you want to open her heart and see inside and feel her warmth.

"Now that that's out of the way, the name's Ura," she said, finally moving from her post in the doorway.

"Uhm, Ura, why are you here?" Luhan asked timidly, the first to regain his bearings.

"If you remember, one of you knuckleheads said an offhand comment about wanting a girlfriend now that you could get a break. The public went wild thinking that there was just the tiniest sliver of a chance that they could date a member of EXO." Ura took a very irritated expression and shifted her weight from one leg to the other as she spoke. "So SM hired me to be your girlfriend, Luhan. I'm here to make sure the public calms down."

"Me? Is it that bad of a problem?" Luhan pointed at himself, taken aback.

"Well, they hired me, so I'm going to go with yes," she shot back easily.

"Why you?" Kris asked before quickly adding, "no offense."

"None taken, dear." She shrugged easily, turning her attention away from Luhan towards the blonde. "Why me indeed? Well, just look at me."

Ura paced the room, locking eyes with each and every present party. Her cool eyes still held that sparkle that kept all of them wanting to know what words she would utter next. They were like children listening eagerly to their bedtime story, waiting to hear how the hero saved the heroine. 

"Think about your fan base." She finally stopped at the head of the table in the room, arms crossed and feet shoulder width apart with just the slightest in her hip. "The people lining up to date Luhan aren't going to be like me. No one would expect his baby face to date a girl who smokes and drinks; I'm a foreigner with dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. I model French lengerie for Christ's sake, I'm untouchable. I'm here to dampen the spirits of young girls who think they're in love."

Everyone was shocked silent by her speech. She was, however, correct. She was everything that the girls who adored Luhan weren't. Though perhaps not too humble, Ura was untouchable. 

"So...you're saying we have to date until this all blows over?" Luhan asked uncertainly, almost fearing a relationship with the girl before him. 

"Correct." She nodded curtly. "Until the public calms down and it's long enough for it to not look like a publicity stunt, I'll be gone. I'm thinking a few months, tops."

Luhan, as well as everyone else present, wished that they could have the same confidence Ura had. She seemed so cool, so collect, despite the fact that the thirteen of them were collectively about to live out every afternoon drama ever. There was so much that didn't make sense, but somehow felt strange to be addressed. Why couldn't they just wait for everything to blow over without Ura?

"Look, I'm not liking this any more than you are." Ura uncrossed her arms and approached Luhan slowly. "But for the sake of my paycheck, make it damn worth it."

Roughly, she grabbed Luhan's collar and brought his lips down to her. 

"Not bad, sunshine," she laughed before sauntering out of the room, leaving her first notion of anything other than distaste to hover in the air of the room. 


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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 2: Authornim. You never fail to amaze me on how you write. You are one of my inspiration to write. ^^~ Yup, I don't really look up to the old authors except for John Green and J.K.Rowling. I'm weird. Don't mind my mindless ramblings. Hehe... Good job authornim! ^^~
Chapter 2: DUDE!! this story seems so interesting! I love it! :)