
Blue Devils

1 year later...



"Sehun! We have to go!" Baekhyun shouted at me.


"Wait, I need to do one more thing." I ran back upstairs and saw Luhan's old skateboard. I put it inside a plastic bag when I saw an old photo of Luhan and I.


The mere sight of the picture brought tears to my eyes but I resisted it. This wasn't the time to cry.


I finally went downstairs and found a mad Baekhyun and a distressed Chanyeol comforting him. "It took you long enough your highness!" He said to me.


I rolled my eyes at him and patted his head, "We're going to be late if you keep shouting at me though."


"SHUT UP!" Chanyeol and I just laughed at him.






The drive to the hospital was long. The hospital was outside of town and since Baekhyun and I go to the university at the other side of the town, we can only go once a week.


"Do you think he'll like the kimchi spaghetti Kyungsoo made for him?" Baekhyun asked.


"Don't forget the meat buns, Xiumin bought." Chanyeol said.


"As long as we're there, he'll be happy." I told them.


We stayed silent for the rest of the ride listening to the old songs that was playing on the stereo of Chanyeol's car. Every minute seemed too long.


"We're here!" Baekhyun shouted.


Baekhyun ran immediately inside leaving Chanyeol and I to get our things.


"Are you okay, Sehun?" Chanyeol asked me.


I nodded. I've been through this. I'm okay now.


The hospital was still the same. There were still children playing around and the old people who were silently drinking their tea.


When we arrived at the room, Baekhyun was happily talking, but sadly, gained no response.


"Look! It's Sehun & Chanyeol! I'm really sorry though that the others can't come; only the three of us are free from exams now. The rest are still studying. But they promised they'll visit soon." He chatted away.


Chanyeol noticed the longing look that was plastered on my face, so he decided to pull Baekhyun away from the bed and the both of them went outside to leave the both of us some time alone. When they were finally gone, I approached the bed; I sat beside him and held his hand.


They were still cold as usual. "Hey. I'm back."


This was already a weekly routine for me. I kept talking to him hoping that maybe, just maybe, he would reply.


"And I brought you your skateboard." I said placing it at his feet. Still no reply.


"So Baekhyun already told you that our exams were done... I want you to pray with me that I can pass okay? You don't need to say anything. Just listen." I sighed and began to pray.


"Dear God, it's Sehun again with Luhan. My exams finally ended, I know I've studied properly, so I hope that I get good remarks and not fail. I'm being a good boy just like I promised. God, now that I did my promise, you need to do yours too..." I tightened my grip on Luhan's hand, "Please let Luhan wake up."






After we were done visiting the hospital, we decided to visit Tao this time.


"I feel guilty. Last time I visited Tao was five months ago." Baekhyun silently told me.


I smiled sadly, "Don't worry. I know Tao understands. You were busy those times."


We arrived at the cemetery at 3:00 in the afternoon. Chanyeol decided to stay in the car while Baekhyun and I visit Tao.


Tao's gravestone was clean, unlike the others, since I come here every week to clean it.


That night when Luhan did the skateboard stunt, a truck was fast approaching; and out of nowhere, Tao suddenly jumped and pushed Luhan away causing him to be killed.


Luhan, on the other hand, was put into a coma due to the collision of his head and the sidewalk when Tao pushed him.


I looked at Baekhyun who was pulling a few weeds around his gravestone, then I remembered Tao's last moment.



"Take L-Luhan to the hospital... M-make sure he's alive.... H-he's suffered e-enough."


Fighting back the tears I asked him, "Why?"


He closed his eyes and smiled at me, "S-some sacrifices just need t-to b-be made. I've done my p-part, now go do y-yours."



Tao saved Luhan's life. He saved a person whom he's not even that close with. That's why I vowed that I will always visit him every week just like I visit Luhan.


"Atleast he's happy where he is now." Baekhyun told me sadly.


I looked at my phone, April 8, 3:30 in the afternoon.


Five years ago Luhan and I met for the first time.


I still remember the first time we met.


He was sitting alone on the bench, happily drinking bubble tea. I decided to sit beside him and befriended him. The both of us clicked right away. I gave him his first comic book, while he gave me my first bubble tea.


The memory brought a tear to my eye.


"LUHAN! BAEKHYUN!" Chanyeol shouted.


"What's wrong?" Baekhyun asked.


"The hospital called..."


"AND?!" I shouted at him. Could this possibly be? Is Luhan is awake? Have my prayers been answered?


"I'm sorry Sehun. Luhan he... he passed away at 3:29 this afternoon."




I stopped seeing the bright side of every dark situation.

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Chapter 3: I'm crying waeeeeeee first tao then luhan :(((((( anyways your story is awesome !!!! ^^
Chapter 3: Your story is killing me inside out. Its really heart wrenching. But, every people has to accept it with an open arms that one day each one of us will leave one by one. The reality is so sad unlike fairytale
Chapter 3: huaaaa
Tao is so nice..
poor Luhan..
Ab123ebt #4
Chapter 3: Oh my days this is so sad, I ship TAOHUN and tao dies and luhan does and ugh OMG this is too much
Chapter 3: wow, this is written so nicely! Thanks for coming up with such a nice story for us to read.
aini_13 #6
Chapter 3: OH MY GOD !!!! You take Luhan too ???? Make sequel author nim ??!!!!
You're JJANG !!!
Chapter 3: oh no~ I'm crying rivers T_T No no no I shouldn't have start reading it~
Noooo...That was so emotional! I just can't...
My heart, I think I heard her crack a little :'(
But it was really nice! The final charter was amazing!
I couldn't hold my tears!
Great work!!!
Chapter 3: O...M...G...

I just..cried ; - ;

Sehun lost Tao and Luhan.!? Poor Sehun .

It's really sad,but a very good angst story.
aini_13 #9
Chapter 2: What happened with Luhan??? Update SOONnnnnnnnn author niiiiiiim