The Day I Cease to Exist

Of Stars and Black Holes


Overview: Where everyone has a time meter floating above their heads, and anyone but yourself can see it.

Note(s): Fem!Sehun, AU, this story was inspired by a post I saw on tumblr. I forgot the name of the lovely person who had come up with it, but if I ever see the post again, I shall link it :D




Sehuna knew something was off the moment she woke up. Everything seemed still, as if the Earth had stopped rotating and has somehow frozen in place. She blinked a few times before waving it off as her not being a morning person.

In the midst of shuffling over to the bathroom half asleep, she nearly crashes into her older brother, of whom had woken up with terrible bed hair, which almost covered up the numbers floating above his head.

"Goddammit Luhan!" She rubs her eyes and looks up to frown at him, ready to argue with the elder sibling. Fights between them were common, routine even, especially since Sehuna had recently started high school. Being the only girl in the family, life was hard, but that's what's made her strong...kinda.

The expression Luhan gave her was a complete 180 of what she was expecting. 

His eyes were soft, downturned, and he wore a sympathetic smile to match.

"I'm sorry Sehuna, I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry for being a terrible brother to you. C'mere you ." Luhan pulled Sehuna into a hug until she pushed him away with a huff. 

"Ugh, don't touch me you son of a ," she pushed her brother out of the way and before closing the bathroom door on his face, Sehuna gave Luhan a onceover.

"Your hair looks like it's been chewed on by cows by the way."


The morning was getting wierder by the minute. Her dad had made waffles with whipped cream and various toppings, which was strange considering he was a health nut. 

"It's your favorite isn't it?" he had said to her, eyes somewhat glassy.

Breakfast itself was nothing out of the ordinary, except Sehuna had noticed the nervous glances thrown around the table. There was tension, she could feel it, but she wasn't about to let that ruin a perfectly delicious breakfast.

Things started to get even stranger by the minute at school.

Everyone at her school had it, even she had it. Every time she steps foot into her school, she sees mobs of people in different colored clothes, all wearing the same clear blue gray number above their heads. Some read as high as 79 years and others as low as 5 years. Whenever someone was hours away from death, their number becomes red, which they wouldn't know because well, they couldn't see their own number. Though everyone is curious as to what their number was, nobody wanted to be the that told someone they only had two more years of living.

 You see, when someone is only hours away from death, their number turns red. This happened to a boy in the upper grade last year, and the only thing anyone could do was try to make his last day as great as possible.


Students, teachers, the ing principal treated her as if she was some kind of queen. Normally, she would have been flattered by the attention, except the anxious look in their eyes made her uneasy. Sehuna wasn't popular by any means, and getting the royal treatment all the sudden just fueled her earlier suspicions. 

Making her way to fifth period, she ran into Krystal Jung. Aka: No. 45. Her red hair was perfectly curled, her makeup flawless, and her outfit, impeccible. However, much to her surprise, Krystal didn't out like she normally would. 

With a flip of her hair, Krystal smiled, complimented Sehuna on her err, outfit, and ing invited her over after school. Sehuna eyed Krystal up and down; her perfect black shoes all the way up to the faint blue numbers above her head, before quietly declining. 

Lunch was...interesting, to say at the least. She had taken her seat near the vending machines like always, and the moment she sat down, people had been coming up to her, asking if they could sit next to her, all wanting to know what was up and if she was doing anything after school.

She wanted to believe that maybe she really is popular; maybe people had only gotten over their fear of her awesomeness and had finally approached her. She wanted to believe it so ing bad. Except, there was a small part her that knew why.

Just when school was letting out, Kim Jongin had approached her. 

Kim Jongin, grade 12, age 18, the hottest piece of she had ever laid eyes on, offered to have her come over. 

She happily said yes.


The evening went well; Jongin's family was friendly, and the food was amazing, the overall experience was great, which helped take her mind off of things. Jongin was even more handsome up close, and smelled almost as good as he looked (not that she smelled him or anything).

He had walked Sehuna to her house and they exchanged phone numbers. 

"Call or text me when you have the chance, kay?"

His eyes knew the answer.

"I will."

With a peck to the cheek, Jongin began walking back to his house. 

Sehuna was just about to enter her house when she remembered something.

Reaching up, she felt at the warm scarf that hung around her neck...well, Jongin's scarf to be exact. He had let her borrow it for the walk home and forgotten it.

She ran around the corner, up the street, to the crosswalk until she finally saw the outline of Jongin's back.


The crosswalk sign signaled green; walk.

She ran towards Jongin, waving the scarf.

Just when he turned around, a bus came into view.



It was a honk, and then the sound of her bones getting crushed.

There was only one thought that ran through her head;


I was ing right.




tats right es, i killed off your precious sehun muahahaha







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baconcoconut #1
Subscribed, bcos this looks great :)
Chapter 2: soooo ..... the thunderstorms that Luhan's watched were Sehun and Jongin? right? wow that's amazing
Chapter 1: dang it. I really am screaming reading this chapter like akskdjkdjfkshdkfishfldmdj WHY DID SEHUN DIED??????? WAEE WAAEEE WAEEEE??????
darksanctuary #4
Chapter 1: Oh damn. Ok, bye hun.
Next storyline..... /wow, i'm so cold/