Things About Kai

Monster Beside Me
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[a/n] hello! I hope you didn't forget about me or about this story. I'll TRY to update more regulary. Throw some water at me if I forgot to update my story :)

The second term of school had been started. Dyo brought his pictures that he got from their vacation and put it in front of Kai. Kai’s widened his eyes because the first picture he saw is Minji’s picture. He looked at Kyungsoo who smiled proudly because of his photography skill. Minji took a glance at them but she looke back again to her book. She must be better in this term.

“Uhuk.. Good morning everyone, uhuk,” Bomi said when she came to class. Three of them looked at pale Bomi.

“Are you sick Bomi?” Minji asked.

“Hmm, actually I still have a fever, but I still have to come to school,” Bomi said. The three of them move slightly away from Bomi.

“Just make sure don’t pass it to me,” Minji said coldly.

“Hmm, don’t pass it to me too,” Dyo said with cheerful tone.

“If yoy spread the illness to me, I won’t forgive you,” Kai said. Bomi pouted and nod her head. She put her bag on her desk then reached her mask. After she put her mask she walked back to her friends and looked at the pictures that Dyo brought. Dyo proudly told about the picture to Bomi. Minji back to study and Kai just smiled and admired Minji’s beauty. He then looked at the book that Minji study.

“Trigonometric?” Kai asked and made Dyo looked at Minji.

“Wow, I thought we will learn it in our second year. You’re at that level , already?” Dyo asked. Minji stopped writing then looked at the three people who looked at her. She then saw Kai who smiled at her. She then study again without answering all of them. Dyo and Bomi looked at the pictures again.

“Kai,” Minji said without looked away from his book.

“There’s something I’ve been thinking for a while now,” Minji said and finally she looked at Kai who ready to listen at her question.

“When did you start studying?” Minji asked. Yeah that’s right. Minji was curious about this. How can he did his test well, but she never saw him study at all.

“Ah, I never did,” Kai said then took Minji’s book. Minji startled when he took her book, but she let him anyway.

“Liar. If you never studied how could you  beat me in last term?” Minji said.

“I already read everything needed in high school,” Kai said. Minji read Kai’s expression. His eyes dark, in different menaing.

“Well, it’s because during middle school I never went to school, that made me have nothing to do at home, so I just picked up books and started reading it,” Kai said while smiling then put Minji’s book on her desk again.


“Oh yeah,” Kai said while scratching his neck and looked away. He was kinda nervous to say this but he needed to ask this. Without he realized Minji was on fire to study after hearing what he just said.

“The... uhmm.. the date. Do you have place in mind?” Kai asked while looked at Minji.

“Library,” Minji said coldly.

“You, you still want to study at this time?! You haven’t changed at all!” Kai protested but Minji could be careless about that. This term, her rank should be better.

After Bom Seosangnim walked in to the class, everybody turned to quiet. After a while the some people get bored. Dyo started talking with boy who said behind him. Bomi started playing with her online seld. Kai was busy building pyramid by toothpicks. Minji took a glace at Kai. She sighed and remembered about what he had said.

During middle school I never went to school that made me have nothing to do at home, so I just picked up books and started reading them. Minji remembered clearly how hollow his eyes are.

Stop thinking that you have to find out everything about me, that’s what Kai said to her yesterday when his brother visited. She really didn’t understand anything about Kai.


“Ramyun! Ramyun!” Kai yelled while walking beside Minji who kept reading her book.

“Hey, he is handsome,” a girl said to her friend while pointing at someone who stand in the school gate. Both Kai and Minji looked at the figure who has curly hair standing in front of school gate. Most of girls who walked by spent their times ti admire his face. That figure then looked at Minji.

“Minji-ah,” he said while waving at the girl. Minji then turned to her side to see missing Kai. He ran away as soon as he looked that his brother stood in front of school gate.

“That’s great, I thought you guys left already,” Taemin said while blushing. “I felt that everybody stares at me,” he said with pale face. Minji stared at Kai’s brother. Somehow, he can relate with his brother, hate being people’s attention.

“What are you doing here, Kai’s brother?” Minji asked.

“Just called me with oppa. Taemin oppa,”Taemin said while smiling.

“Well, whatever. If you are looking for Kai, he’s gone,” Minji said then took a step away from Taemin before he called her.

“Minji, hold on,” Taemin said. Minji stopped walking then looked at Taemin.

“I came here to look for you,” Taemin said while smiling.


“.. .. How can I forgot about Minji,” Kai mumbled while walked back to the school gate. He was disappeared and walked to back gate alone before he realized that he forgot about his girl.

“Kyaa!” he nearly bumped in to girl when he turned.

The girl with glasses shocked when she nearly bumped in to Kai. Her heart beat faster when she remembered about last accident when Kai attempted to help her. She also scared if Kai got angry to her because she kept silent because of scared the last time they met. (read chapter5)

“Huh? You are...” Soojung shocked then took some step away before Kai could yelled at her.

“Wait, I need your help,” Kai said. Soojung looked at him.


“So, is that guy still there?” Kai asked to Soojung who peeked to the school gate.

“Mmm. I don’t think he’s there anymore,” Soojung said.

“Are you sure? Did you look carefully? He’s the guy with the head of an eel,” kai said.

“Mmm..,” Soojung answered timidly.

“Really?” Kai then peeked at the school gate and see no taemin nor Minji there.

“At least, he was not around,” Kai said in relieve then laid his back on the wall. Soojung just hugged her books and felt timid, sat beside Kai.

Kai, then looked at the book which Soojung hugged. It’s actually schedule book that only class committee who has.

“Wow, you’re amazing. Class committee members are usually the most popular among everyone,” kai said with big eyes showing his interest. Being a class committe means everybody rely on you, and that was pretty cool in Kai’s mind. The thing that he didn’t understand that actually class committe is someone nerd who be asked to be class committee because some people felt lazy to do that thing after school.

Soojung just sighed while looked at her schedule book. “I was picked for this job just because I wore glasses,” she said.

“Wearing glasses, huh?” Kai smirked at himself. “You are genius class rep. That’s pretty cool idea, I should try it,” Kai said smiling at her. Soojung blushed then looked away. She needed to say what she wanted to say now. The thing that she wanted to say days ago when he helped her, thank you.

“Hmm, Jongin-ssi,” Soojung said. “Hmm?” Kai asked. Soojung looked at him. Somehow the words hard to come out from .

Ting Ting Ting, suddenly Kai’s phone rang. He thn flip his phone to read the message that come. After read what message about he flipped back his phone hard. Her eyes become dark.

“I need to go first,” Kai said then ran away from Soojung. After looking at Minji’s picture having date with his brother make Kai realized his decision to leave Minji earlier is wrong after all.


“Minji-ah, sorry to keep you waiting. The line was a bit long,” taemin said happily then sat beside Minji. They were in the street beside river. Minji was sitting in bench while looking at the river blankly.

“I’ve been crafting for doughnuts. And people said, that shop sold the best doughnats,” taemin said then gave Minj

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Hello, there are some changes in CHAPTER 3. before, it said it was on AUTUMN. but I change it into SUMMER. Sorry for distuption~ T^T


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BlackJack2NE1Otaku #1
Update please. <3
Chapter 8: I hope soojong will not make any movement please dong break them :"(
Chapter 7: So happy that despite kai being weird minkki always with him altough she is cold tho. They change for sombody better because of each other.
Chapter 7: "He's the guy with the head of an eel"~~lol poor Taemin you just become an eel~lol../*off topic*/but did you know that one of Minkki's fave food is marinated grilled is a real fact~~kkk ^^ Aww is Minkki jealous of Soojung? ^^ Thanks for updating Authorniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim!~ I'm excited to read the next chap!~ ^^
Chapter 6: good thing minkki didn't drown ^^ I think Taemin is less weird than Kai...and Kai's become weirder because of Minkki? ^^ so cute! ^^
hfpriyandini #6
Chapter 7: Interesting!!!!!
mairimzm #7
Chapter 7: thanks for the update
Chapter 5: Kai needs to learn how to control his temper...but I guess as long as Minji is around him he will slowly change that kind of behavior..Minji is the only one who can tame him~~kk so cute!~~<3 Thanks for the update Authorniiiiiiiim!~~ ^^
Chapter 5: They are so cute