The Famous Boy, Kai!

Monster Beside Me
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“I’m back,” Minji said as her door's opened. Minji said as soon as her father open the door for her. He surprised when he saw a tall man standing behind her daughter.

“I’m Kim Jongin! Sorry for the intrusion," Kai said while followed Minji.

Minji and Kai came in after Mr. Gong, Minji’s father, opened the door’s house. Mr. Gong was blank because of his daughter brought a man to the house in the night. It’s really rare for a normal girl brought a man to her house, especially for Minji that Mr. Gong knew her daughter didn’t have any friend and unsociable.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Gong," Kai said and bowed.

“Uh…that.. Minji… this person…” Mr. Gong stammered while still staring at Kai. But Minji just walked in casually and called her little brother.

“He said he doesn’t want to go home tonight,”  Minji answered her father.

“Huh?! I can’t believe you said something like that!” Mr. Gong shouted in disbelief.

"Excuse me, then,"Kai said as he walked through Mr. Gong who still frozen.“Is your mother not around?” he asked to Minji. Mr. Gong stood there and looked at his daughter who talked casually with the boy.

“She is at work,” Minji said.


Tonight, let’s spend the night somewhere together. that's sentence succeeded to make Minji froze for a moment. All of weird and wrong thoughts couldn't help but flooded Minji's mind. Well, everyone would think same when their crush suddenly asked to spend night together. But luckyly, Minji is the most reasonable person. She realised soon that there was something wrong with Kai.

Now, they were on dining room. Kai sat on the chair while waiting Minji make some dinner. Minji's father sat beside Kai while pretending reading this-morning-newspaper. Minji's father kept his eyes on Kai and observed him carefully.

“Here,” Minji said as she gave a plate of fried rice to Kai.

“What is it?” Kai asked her. He looked immersed to Minji's food. His face looked sparkling like it's the first time of his life seeing food.

“Can’t you tell that it’s fried rice?”

“Woah! You make this by yourself?” he said cheerfully. Minji just rolled her eyes and walked to her refrigerator. Sometime she couldn't take this idiotic act of Kai.

“Just then you have seen me cooking, right?” Minji said. “I’m right in front of you,”

Now, Kai ate the fried rice without saying anything.


In the game center.


“How many times I told you to not come here anymore, Taemin?” Yongbae said worriedly as a tall and curly long haired man come in.

“Where’s that guy?” Taemin, that man, said while observing the place.

“He’s not coming back today,” Yongbae said. He knew, ‘guy’ that Taemin meant was Kai, Taemin’s little brother.

“What?! And I went out of my way to bring some presents for him,” Taemin looked disappointing. His souvenir for his brother would be wasted. “Ah! Whatever! Go and get me a cup of tea!”

“Alright, alright,” Yongbae said weakly as he left Taemin behind.

Taemin sit on the couch nearby.  “Kai is such a coward,” he mumbled. “Exactly how long is he going to avoid me for?”


Kai was taking a bath while his mind was wandering to somewhere. He couldn’t go back home because of his brother’s coming, the most person he didn’t want to see. He took a deep breath and he felt someone was watching him. The door, which you could enough see someone on the outside, showed a little shadow was passing.

He had already showered and then he walked in to living room where Minji was studying. “Minji, your house has a spirit,” Kai said while drying his hair with a towel.

Minji stopped studying and turned her head. What she saw was an upper--Kai-who-already-showered-and-drying-his-head. She could see Kai’s broad chest and his abs. “W-why-why are you walking around like that in someone’s house?” Minji stammered and her face was really red.

“No way? You even study in home too?” Kai said in amazed as he came closer to Minji. Minji threw her gaze away and glued it to her text book. She was trembling and she could smell Kai very well.

‘Wh-what should I do?’ Minji thought. ‘ I don’t know where I should look at.’

“Ah, it’s boring. Let’s play some word game,” Kai said as he walked away from Minji.

“N-no, thanks,” Minji said in full of nervousness.

‘Actually, Appa always walks around in his underwear as well. I-is this normal?’ Minji thought again.

She could hear her heart was beating really fast. Although she was in front of her book, she couldn’t read it well. ‘O-okay, maybe just a really quick look.’

She really didn’t understand why Kai was more interesting than her text book then. After a bit calmed, she put a really big courage to take a look at Kai.

What she saw was Kai already in a deep sleep on the couch, in full-dress. He already put his shirt on before sleeping.

“Kekeke,” Kai talked in his sleeping.

Minji stood up and kick Kai until he fell down. “Don’t sleep at there,” Minji said in annoyance.

Afterward, Kai already moved to guest-room. He immediately closed his eyes when he was on the bed. Minji turned off the light and step outside of the room.

‘When he said he doesn’t want to go home, it looked like he wasn’t his usual self. Is it just in my imagination? Oh, whatever.’ Minji thought.

Minji closed the door, leaving Kai who was in a deep sleep.

….Actually, Kai was not sleeping at all.


A few days later, the final exam result was out already. And unexpectedly, Kai really beat Minji in term of the-highest-score. Everybody on the class looked at Kai in disbelief.

“Jongin is the first? It’s impossible!” Someone whispered but it’s quite audible.

“How come he can beat  Gong Minji?”

Minji was sitting on her chair and put her head on the table. She looked really desperate. “It looks like I have to study hard in my summer break,” Minji said weakly.

“Oh, no! Minkki, raise your spirit!” Bomi tried to cheer Minji up. “The 689 points is already really good. Unlike me, although I answered all of them, I didn’t get even 300 points.”

“Summer break, huh?” Kai mumbled to himself. His head was wandering to somewhere else. “I like bikinis!” Kai suddenly shouted while looking at Minji with bright expression.

“Ooh, Kai! You’re so bold!” Bomi said cheerfully.

“Whatever you are thinking now, I can’t go to the beach with you,” Minji said flatly.

“Hey, Guys! You have to sign in to Sport Event—“ Dyo approached them while bringing assignment for Sport Event when Minji already stood up and gonna leave them.

“Where are you going, Minkki?” Bomi asked.

“I have a question how my answer was scored,” Minji said before leaving. And then, she already left the class and walked toward teacher’s room.

“Uuu! It seems Minkki doesn’t wanna join in school activities,” Bomi pouted. “Even though she already has a friend like me!”

Dyo laughed because of Bomi’s confidence, “Perhaps, she never consider you as her friend,” he said while laughing


“Park-seosangnim, why are you giving triangle to my answer?” Minji protested to Park Bom while showing her answer-sheet. The correct answer was supposed to be marked with a circle and the wrong answer was marked with slash. So, if Minji was marked with triangle , it’s strange.

“….Today has already finished..” Park Bom said weakly. She sit on her chair and put her head on her table in front of her, she looked really exhausted. “..Your teacher hasn’t got one of bit energy left..”

“But it’s still on school time! Please do your work properly!” Minji said almost scolding to her teacher.

Park Bom lifted her head up and took Minji’s paper lazily. She read the answer that Minji said it was marked with triangle.

Q15: Describe the main character’s emotion state less than 50 words!

A: She was in despair after losing her chance to marry into money.

“Oh, this question,” Park Bom pouted. “Even though your answer isn’t wrong but I can’t say it is correct at all.”

“So, can I know why?” Minji was eager to know. Park Bom slammed the paper on table, made a big noise in teacher’s room.

“So you really want to know why?!” Park Bom yelled at Minji. She glared at Minji while pointing Minji’s answer. “Fine, I’ll tell you! It’s because your answer doesn’t portray one shred of the pain of losing one’s love!!”

Minji looked blankly at her teacher and suddenly Park Bom became melancholic. Like she was on soap-opera.

“Suffocating  anguish with no outlet…. Heart break….. Goodbye to my love….” Then, Park Bom was talking like reading a poet. She even posed her right hand on her chest while she put her left hand to the air. Oh My, she looks pathetic.

“This is only your interpretation, right? I can’t agree with that!” Minji protested again with her usual cold tone.


“Alright! Alright! Arasseo! You’re really so persistent,” Park Bom was already conscious and then she remarked Minji’s answer in final. “You must don’t really know what it’s like being rejected.”

Minji took her answer paper and left the teacher-room. Because Park Bom mentioned it, Minji remembered that she was rejected by Kai a few days ago. Then what did she need to do to make Kai fall in love with her? Minji didn’t have any idea at all.

…and the most confusing thing, why was she fallen in love with Kai?

Minji was passing the aisle that connected to second building - where her class was there. That aisle was outside the school so you could see some students were playing ball, even Bonchon's coop.

“Oh, Minji!” Kai greeted Minji when he saw her presence. “Did teacher give you more scores?" He asked while peeled the cabbage for Bonchon's food.

Minji stopped and turned her body back. She saw Kai was holding a cabbage and smiling at her. Determinedly, she walked toward him. Kai bewildered and then Minji kept her face close to Kai, she was observing him. 'Am I really falling in love with this guy? Am I?' Minji thought.

They became silent and suddenly a ball rolled to Kai’s foot.

“Uhhm, excuse me,” A girl approached Kai and she was going to take her volley ball, which was on Kai’s foot. “Eeepp, Kim Jongin!” she hold her breath and she looked trembling.

Didn’t know what to do, Kai gave the girl a cabbage instead her ball. “Ehhm, m-my ball,” she stammered asking her ball.

“Oh, this,” then Kai gave her ball back. That girl took the ball quickly and ran quickly, “I’m sorry!” she screamed,  because she scared of Kai, as she ran.

“Are you okay?” that girl’s friend asked her. “H-he scared me. H-h-he kept glaring at me.” Her voice was still trembling.

Minji sighed, “You shouldn’t glared at people like that,” Minji s

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Hello, there are some changes in CHAPTER 3. before, it said it was on AUTUMN. but I change it into SUMMER. Sorry for distuption~ T^T


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BlackJack2NE1Otaku #1
Update please. <3
Chapter 8: I hope soojong will not make any movement please dong break them :"(
Chapter 7: So happy that despite kai being weird minkki always with him altough she is cold tho. They change for sombody better because of each other.
Chapter 7: "He's the guy with the head of an eel"~~lol poor Taemin you just become an eel~lol../*off topic*/but did you know that one of Minkki's fave food is marinated grilled is a real fact~~kkk ^^ Aww is Minkki jealous of Soojung? ^^ Thanks for updating Authorniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim!~ I'm excited to read the next chap!~ ^^
Chapter 6: good thing minkki didn't drown ^^ I think Taemin is less weird than Kai...and Kai's become weirder because of Minkki? ^^ so cute! ^^
hfpriyandini #6
Chapter 7: Interesting!!!!!
mairimzm #7
Chapter 7: thanks for the update
Chapter 5: Kai needs to learn how to control his temper...but I guess as long as Minji is around him he will slowly change that kind of behavior..Minji is the only one who can tame him~~kk so cute!~~<3 Thanks for the update Authorniiiiiiiim!~~ ^^
Chapter 5: They are so cute