The discarded guitar

Please Look at Me!

"Hey Sehun. Teach me how to play the guitar after school today." I said to Sehun as I walked over to his locker.


He looked a little puzzled. "Why? I don't even know how-"


"We're friends, right? And don't all guys know some sort of guitar sounds? You seem to look like one who knows something about music."


"Well I do have a guitar lying around at my dorm…"

He didn't sound too enthusiastic about it. "Which dorm do you live in?" I asked.


"The same one as yours…" He trailed off slowly.


He's living at where I'm staying? I've never seen him there during the time I was there. "Wait what?" Then again, I hardly go out to meet people.


"I live on the floor just above yours. I saw you in the elevator a few times and you get off at floor 2." He sipped his soymilk drink. "So you want that guitar?"


"Uh yeah sure." I nodded. "But why do you have a guitar and not know how to play it?"


"A…'friend'... of mine left it there and never took it back."


Why did he pause when he said 'friend'? "Whatever, just give me the guitar."


I went over to Sehun's floor right when school ended. As I exited the elevator, there were several guys who had a face of shock at Sehun. When I looked at Sehun, he simply just casually walked by them. The hallway seemed long to me as we continued to pass by people. I figured I shouldn't be asking him about what they're looking at in public, so I kept a mental reminder to ask him later.


We finally reached his door.


"Can you wait out here?" Sehun slipped into his room without waiting for an answer. I couldn't even catch a glimpse of what was inside his room. Some guy approached me.


"How long have you guys known each other for?" He asked.


"What?!" I became irritated. "I'm only here for the guitar."


"Ho - the guitar?" Someone else came up. "He's finally giving the guitar away?"


"No way, I was begging him for it a few days ago and he refused." Another added.


This conversation was getting stranger and stranger. "What do you me-"


Sehun burst out of his room with a guitar case. "Here. Take it. Go." His face was completely different than this morning - as if he was someone else. I could sense coldness and hatred from those eyes. I hurried away from his floor with the guitar. I could hear the slam of his door from the elevators.


Back in my room I fell down onto the floor hugging the guitar. My palms were still filled with sweat. What was that all about?


The guitar case appeared to be pretty new. It had a luggage tag attached to the handle but the name is partially ripped. All that remained was an "E". Inside the case the guitar was noticeably used, but was cleaned very well by the previous owner. I tried plucking the strings with my hand and although the sound was a little out of tune, guitar had a crisp sound to it. do I play this thing? I have seen variety shows on youtube where kpop groups would bring out a guitar and start playing some songs on it. Maybe I should look up some tutorials on youtube first. I practiced way past my bedtime, but I was still determined. I only learned two scales perfectly, but that should be enough for some jam material. I didn't recall what time I fell asleep. When my alarm woke me up in the morning, I was slouched over the guitar.




The next morning I brought the guitar and placed it into the lockers in the music room. I kept hoping that I didn't forget everything I learned last night.


I passed by Sehun. I waved at him "Mor-"


He coldly passed by me without a word to his seat. Fine be like that. I thought to myself. One day he wants to be friends the second he just ignores me. Guys are so hard to figure out. Though, there was a small unnoticeable part of me that worried for him.


On the other hand, Lay greeted me with a smile. "Good morning Hyorae."


"Hi Lay! I'm totally prepped for our jam session!"


"Really? I'm glad. Thanks so much again!"


It was really difficult for me to pay attention to the following classes. My mind kept on thinking about what I should say, what I should do during our little mini-date. My trail of thought was cut short when I noticed during class that Lay was constantly looking over at Suhye. I still hurt inside every time he did that - I don’t even know why he even likes her. I wanted to know why Lay liked her so much, but I would probably be more upset the more I knew about it.


At the beginning of lunch, I saw Sehun pick up his sandwich and he still had a darkened face. I didn't know what urged me, but I followed him up the stairs to his place on the rooftop. He didn't even bother to close the door behind him as he exited the stairs.


"I know you're following me." He suddenly mumbled when I stepped out, which startled me.


"How did you-?"


He sighed.  "You're not very good at stalking, are you?"


"It's not like you're an expert." I joked back.


Sehun became silent  which made the situation a little awkward.


"Uh…" I tried to come up with something to say to change the conversation. "So, are you upset with me or something? You aren't as cheerful as before I picked up the guitar."


He walked over to behind the stairs and sat down. "It's just…"


"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." I plopped down beside him. "I don't want to be nosy about it, but maybe speaking it out can help relieve some of the frustrations?"


Sehun looked at his untouched sandwich. "The guitar was left by the girl I was chasing after."

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