More confident than ever

Please Look at Me!

"I was attracted by your pureness charm" Lay admitted.


Suhye looked just as embarrassed as Lay. "I-I uh…"


"I don't want to put you on the spot." Lay started to panic. "I'll give you the time you need to say your opinion. I'll be waiting."


Their footsteps which headed down the stairs back into the classrooms hid the sound of my tears. I hid behind the exit on the roof. My heart felt heavy. My chest seemed to sink in. In fact, for the remainder of the day I just wanted to stay up here. I didn't even want to bother going back down for classes - my head wouldn't absorb anything anyway. Maybe  should just close my eyes and rest for a little…



"Hey, are you okay?" A voice disturbed my slumber. I looked up to find a somewhat unfamiliar face. He seemed a little younger than me by the face, but that didn't really matter to me.


"Not really." I coldly replied with a  croak.


"Want to talk about it?" He sat down beside me. He handed his unopened soybean drink to me. "Here have this. Your voice sounds terrible."


What a way to start a first conversation. I took the drink and gulped half of the carton down.


"So what's up?" He asked.


I smirked. "You sure are nosy aren't you." I looked down at the drink package. It looked like the soybeans almost had little happy faces on them, but it must have been just my imagination.


"I can't help it if you're in my spot. Usually people don't sit behind here unless they're overhearing conversations that happen on the roof."


"So you just admitted that you're nosy."


He gave me a strange look. "Hey, don't avoid my question."


I sighed. "Yeah I overheard a confession."


"Ohhh, I get it now." He nodded. "Yeah confessions happen quite frequently on the rooftop, as clichéd as it sounds. Apparently everyone thinks it's the most romantic place, apart from the front of the school, the big tree in the side yard...oh and for sports fanatics it's next to the sinks behind the outdoor tracks."


"You seem to be quite knowledgeable about confessions." I commented.


"Well, you'd be too if girls come up here talking about that stuff and you happen to be sitting in this spot." He opened up his sandwich. "Want a half?"


Was it still lunch hour? My nap definitely seemed longer than that. My stomach wasn't hungry so I refused.


"Suit yourself." His first bite almost stuffed the entire half of the sandwich into his mouth. "So now you're just sulking around on the rooftop, Hyorae?"

"How do you know my name?"


He gulped down the food. "We are in the same class. But maybe you were too love-blind to notice. The name is Oh Sehun."


The name did ring a bell in my mind, but I still didn't recall the face. He seemed to be pretty happy-go-lucky.


"So where are your friends?" He continued to ask questions. "Don't girls tend to pour their sadness onto their friends?"


"F-friends?" I made a few friends the first days of school, but I didn't really follow up with events. Usually speaking, during the first year of high school, people form their own friend circles after a week or two. After I started to like Lay I became a little distant to the rest of the classmates. "I didn't end up making any so far. What about you?"


Sehun ate the rest of his sandwich. "I'd rather just chill up here. I invited others to come, but they'd rather play soccer. Can't say that I didn't try."


I raised one of my eyebrows. "What do you do here?"


"Nothing fancy." He popped out his phone. "I like the fresh air up here more than in the dusty fields where the other guys are, that's all. Things get entertaining up here sometimes, but it looks like I missed today's surprise."


I glared at him. "Not funny."


"Well it's not like you can change anything if they decided to date each other."


"Wait." I felt a little lighter. " She hasn't replied to his confession." A little bit of the soybean milk from the carton squirted out from my excitement. "I still have a chance!"


He abruptly stood up afterwards with a smile. "Gonna go back to class?"


"Aw yeah I am."


Somehow Sehun cheered me up from the conversation we had. In fact, I feel even more hopeful of confessing to Lay before the girl responds. It was time for me to get my action plan reworked and initiated again.


Of course, it would help if I actually remembered that I had set up a meeting time right before the afternoon classes started.




I had the (un)fortunate opportunity to live at the dorms of my school. My apartment is considerably too far away from school so my parents decided to sign me up to live in the dorms. There were some strict rules in place, like no guests after 10pm, the doors lock at 11pm, general lights are off at 12pm, no cooking in your room, etc. The genders are split between the floors; every even numbered floor is females, and every odd number is for males. Sure you can mingle around in the public lounges, but I hardly knew anyone by name on my floor. Elevator conversations always felt awkward to me so I never did it. 


I wouldn't consider myself unpopular, I just never had the will to put on a little makeup every single morning just to go to class. Everyone wears the same uniform, but some people just stand out - if you know what I mean.


That evening, I sat down at my desk and took out my journal. I record all my daily activities since the beginning of this school year in there (especially my daydreams of being with Lay lately). Technically speaking, this is my first time writing another guy's name in this book. I had always considered using a digital journal of some kind, but I also want to practice my handwriting (just in case I write some sort of love note, at least my writing would look cute).


So my target is Lay. I gotta figure out how to make him at least notice my charms and they're going to be better than Suhye's.


Though the question is, do I even have any charms?



Author's Notes


soybean drink reference:


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