Be an idiot
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She swears to the god of idiots how much she hates Byun Baekhyun.

His faked high-pitched voice whenever he talks, his wide and sparkling eyes that never fails to catch sight of her, and his dumb and obsessive attachment towards her.

She sighs as she realizes she’s thinking of that psychotic man.

And irritated by herself wasting time on him makes her want to curl herself up in a ball and force herself to forget about the existence of Baekhyun in her life.

And just when she was in the middle of taking him out of her mind, an eerie greeting wakes her Baekhyun radar.

“Good morning, Kaeru!”

She covers her ears in fear and in aggravation that she can’t do anything to avoid him.

She then stands up to walk away.

But before she could completely escape from Baekhyun’s lively presence that extends to a circumference of two ing meters, Baekhyun stops her with a phrase that sent chills to her spines.

“Ah, Kaeruru, why are you so beautiful even in the morning?”

Kaeru turns around in disgust and asks him, “What are you trying to imply? Huh?”

He takes a step or two nearer and grins widely. He shrinks the distance between their face and says, “I’m saying that I love you.”

The way he says it, so straightforward and so blunt and so carefree… It irks her and it annoys her and it makes her hate him more. Oh, how she hates him!

But she isn’t much different than him, though. In fact, she’s blunter, she’s more upfront, but one thing for sure is that she is never carefree. She takes extra precautions; before doing something, she would think about the consequences that might probably fall onto her. But after all, she is selfish and she is vain. But that makes Baekhyun love her more.

Baekhyun is probably a masochist, huh?

He doesn’t give a , though. He loves her, and not every man is in love.

Feeling extremely infuriated, Kaeru pushes him but hell, were Baekhyun’s shoes glued on the floor! She prances back and ends up stumbling on the desks and chairs. She curses herself for being a clumsy mess.

Baekhyun sighs and then kneels in front of her. He stretches out his hand and smiles, “Here, let me help you,”

It makes her laugh. The person she hates the most did nothing wrong to her, but she can’t help detesting him. She slaps away his hand and shows her injured elbow, “Can you remove this wound, then?”

Baekhyun steps back a bit in surprise, “Oh god, Kaeru! Let me take you to the infirmary, I’m sorry!”

His apology isn’t a sham; but seems like Kaeru sees it in a different perspective.

“Don’t touch me!” she yells, and then slaps away his hand, “You’re useless so don’t bother.”

Leaving Baekhyun silent, she guiltlessly walks away while concealing her wound from everyone’s eyes. Once she disappears from everybody in the classroom’s eyes, they all surround Baekhyun.

Baekhyun cries to them, “Guys, what should I do? She called me useless!”

A guy chuckles coolly from the middle of the crowd swarming around Baekhyun, “She called you worst things, Baek.”

“It’s my fault! Her beautiful elbows are now scraped!” Baekhyun buries his face into his palms and pretended to whimper. Everybody starts to speak in unison, but the person in the middle could easily make out what everyone is trying to say.

“You should give up, Baekhyun!”

“It must have been hard on you, Baekhyun, I pity you."

“That was harsh, poor you.”

“She was out of you league, anyways,”

“If ever I’m going to fart, now’s the right time,”

“Oh, Baekhyun! Give up, man!”

“Give up, Baekhyun, while it’s still shallow,”

“You should realize it by now that you are dearth of chances,”

Then someone says something that presses the anger button inside Baekhyun.

“What’s so good about Kaeru? She’s such a coldhearted woman,”

Baekhyun shrugs his anger off and tries smiling, “Oh my, Sehun, your words are too much for someone who has never loved anyone before.” Seeing Baekhyun smile while saying such devil things sends shivers to everybody.

“Whatever,” Sehun then smirks and walks out of the crowd. Baekhyun sighs and pumps his fist on air.

“Alright, guys! I’m going after Kaeru to take back her affections for me!” Baekhyun says with a determined look. Everybody stares at him, completely stunned seeing the opposite reaction they were expecting.

Baekhyun stands up and pushes his way out of the crowd. He heads towards the door and then says his last words before his idiotic conquest, “Okay! Thank you for pressuring me to get the love I yearned back! I am forever in your debts.”

With that, Baekhyun leaves fancily, hopping merrily towards the infirmary and leaving the whole classroom ticking their tongues in pity.

The gist of what everybody’s mind is saying is: “But how exactly can he take back what was never his?"



Baekhyun is just few steps away from the infirmary. He arrived there as fast as his heart beats whenever he sees her.

He’s about to take a step nearer the clinic door when he stops himself. A pang of surprise rings inside him when he sees his homeroom teacher, slash his older brother, enter the clinic.

Byun Taekshin was the name given to Baekhyun’s older brother, and he was 8 years older than Baekhyun. He wasn’t much of a difference to Baekhyun when it came to physical appearance; he was tall and slender and he was damn white! But his personality probably marks the difference between them. Taekshin is quiet, but he’s a fun person.

Well, it’s not that Baekhyun isn’t a fun person. It’s just that.. Well, he isn’t quiet.

A feeling of nervousness bothers Baekhyun and limits him from taking another step to enter the infirmary. Then, he hears a conversation start as Taekshin speaks.

“Oh, Kaeru,”

“Ah,” Kaeru chuckles, making Baekhyun who’s standing outside her knowledge smile, “Taekshin.”

Taekshin sighs and says, “I told you to call me Mr. Byun. Hey, I’m your teacher.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” she rolls her eyes and then laughs. Baekhyun suddenly wonders why there is such a chummy feeling between them.

“What brings you here?” Taekshin asks her and sits on an empty chair beside the bed she’s sitting on.

She casually replies, “I fell down and scraped my elbows,” she heaves her arm up and shows her aided wounds, “See?”

“Mm, you’re such a clumsy kid, aren’t you?” Taekshin smiles, making Kaeru’s eyes widen in surprise.

After a while, silence befalls them. Baekhyun feels a sense of relief, though. For a moment there, he thought there was actually something between her and—

“Hey, Taekshin,” she calls out and says bluntly, “I love you.”

“I,” he stammers, “What are you saying, Miss? What about Baekhyun?”

“It’s not him. It’s you.”

Taekshin’s eyes widen as he fixes his gaze away from her.

Baekhyun’s eyes suddenly grow colorless and his knees suddenly feel like jelly. He wobbles and then stumbles, making him hit the door slightly. It makes a loud sound, making both the attention of Kaeru and Taekshin move on to the door that miraculously made a sound.

Baekhyun curses himself under his breath, “Stupid.”

Taekshin, having an inhuman hearing level, manages to hear Baekhyun’s quiet curse. A smile crack on Taekshin’s lips and tells himself how much of an idiot his brother is. Taekshin quickly hides his smile away and looks at Kaeru with more courage, “I’m sorry, Kaeru.”

“I will wait,” she tells him without any hesitations, “I will wait.”

“No, I mean, Kaeru, I’m—”

Baekhyun nudges the door slightly, resulting both of their attentions to get driven away again. They fixate their eyes on that door that has been making sounds since earlier.

Kaeru furrows her eyebrows and tells Taekshin to keep quiet for a while. Kaeru walks towards the door and before she could see Baekhyun, Taekshin speaks up again.

“What I’m trying to say is that I’m grateful that you feel that way to me but I’m sorry I can’t return such kind of feelings towards a student,” Taekshin says as he bows. Kaeru asks frankly.

“Is there someone else?”

Taekshin looks at her with a surprised look and nods hesitantly.

“W-Who?” she asks with a distinct curiosity in her voice, and at the same time, the struggle of keeping her composure shows.

“Well, I'm not supposed to be saying this but, it’s—”

Taekshin gets cut off as his little brother enters the room innocently. Baekhyun smiles, pretending that he didn’t hear a thing, and says, “Oh, you two are here!”

Kaeru gets pissed off and asks, “Hey you, what do you think are you doing here?”

“Oh, uh, I forgot something in the classroom,” Baekhyun lies. It isn’t the most brilliant lie, though.

Taekshin sighs in disbelief and tells Baekhyun, “Baekhyun, this isn’t the classroom. Are you an idiot or something?”

“Oh yes, he’s indeed an idiot,” Kaeru purses her lips angrily.

Baekhyun replies, “I came here to ask for directions. Hehe~”

Hearing such an utterly moronic reply from his little brother, Taekshin shakes his head slowly in disappointment and puts his fingers on the sides of his nose bridge. He mumbles, “Ah~ Idiot.”

Kaeru, completely angered by Baekhyun’s sudden intrusion, stands up and walks out of the clinic. Baekhyun freezes for a while and then realizes that she has ran away from him. Baekhyun turns around and runs after her, but before he could completely leave the infirmary, he says,

“Taekshin, stop this misunderstanding or else you’ll hurt more people,”

Coolly saying that line while wearing a cold expression, Baekhyun mentally claps to himself and takes a mental note that Byun Baekhyun is really cool. He then runs after her in haste.

Once Baekhyun has completely left the infirmary, Taekshin sighs and says, “Is this the youth today?”

“Yeah, they’re amusing, aren’t they?” a person in the same room replies.



Baekhyun has been running restlessly since he lost sight of Kaeru. The first period has already started and he’s still looking for Kaeru.

Even if he heard the words he wanted to hear the most escape her lips for another man, Baekhyun still can’t stop worrying about her. He feels like he needs to give her more love. More love than what she’s yearning from Taekshin.

Baekhyun has been having these thoughts since she ran off earlier. He asks himself, “What if she’s crying after being rejected by Taekshin? What if she locked herself inside a cubicle? What if she went somewhere dangerous alone?”

He shrugs off the nasty delusions away and gathers his composure. He reminds himself that this isn’t the time for him to think about such impossibilities.

After almost an hour of looking for Kaeru, Baekhyun finally gives up as his feet give up on him, as well. The first period has already ended so Baekhyun thinks he should go back for now and look for her later.

He can’t afford to lose track of the lessons, of course. He isn’t the smartest guy out there.


He arrives there after a while of staggering his way upstairs. His knees feel really week and swollen that it was difficult taking even just a small step.

Then, his eyes start getting blurred with tears as he laid his eyes on the most precious figure he’s been looking for.

He can’t run towards her, though, all he could do at the moment is smile.

Why can’t he run towards her just like how he does it every single time?

That’s because at that moment, he feels like a complete piece of .


She can’t help but feel guilty at the sight of Baekhyun looking awfully exhausted. When he arrived at the classroom and looking like a mess, she can

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[be an idiot] guys why are the subscribers suddenly increasing. im scared now. o u o but thank you!


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parkcarla #1
Chapter 4: Actually I'm not a fan of a fluff story. But this one is soooooo good!!
Well done author!
I'm excited to read this :>
Chapter 4: that "how many I love you I have to say for you to say it back" really got me
He's such a cutie
Park Kaeru and Byun Baekhyun is the most adorable couple everrrr!!!
Chapter 2: I'm tearing up just because Byun Baekhyun in this story is the sweetest in the world. ♥
yeollercoaster_ #6
yeollercoaster_ #7
Chapter 3: wbk she fell for baek. it’s impossible not to
yeollercoaster_ #8
Chapter 2: i want baekhyun to love me like this T_T
yeollercoaster_ #9
Chapter 1: can you imagine not being in love with baekhyun? cuz i can’t. this story is super cute so far. can’t wait to read the rest of it