First Meeting

My First Kiss

[Sujin's POV]

I woke up very early this morning. Usually, I wake up around 8:30 a.m since my work starts at 10:00 a.m. But today is different, I woke up an hour earlier than usual. I'm really excited to see Kris again. I suddenly remembered our conversation yesterday.


I just finished touring Kris around the office and it's very tiring. We decided to grab some snacks before returning to work.

"What do you want for snacks, Sujin?" Kris asked me.

"A tuna sandwich will do." I said as I handed him my money.

"No need, this is my treat. You must be exhausted touring me around here." He said as he ignored the cash I am giving him.

"Thank you Kris." I said.

I couldn't help but blush at the thought that Kris paid for my snacks. Don't laugh at me. I just find it very sweet. You'll know what I feel when you're in love.

"Sujin?" Kris broke the silence between us.

"Uh, why Kris?" I asked him nervously. I'm sure that I'm blushing right now.

"You know what? When I went to study in Canada..." He paused for a while and he stared in my eyes and took my hand.

"I can't stop thinking of you. I realized that you're the one I love and not Jessica. I was so dumb back then. But now I am back. I am here for you. Please give me a chance to prove myself to you. Let me court you, please?" He asked as he squeezed my hand tightly.

I looked in his eyes, and all I saw was sincerity and love. I slowly nodded my head. I feel like I'm going to explode anytime. I didn't expect this to happen.

End of Flashback****

I literally skipped going to the bathroom. I'm so excited to see him again. Whenever I see him, I feel the butterflies in my stomach. And my heart is thumping so fast like it's gonna explode anytime.

[Sehun's POV]

"Sehun! Hey! Wake up! You sleepyhead will be late for school again."

"5 more minutes. Please." I shouted back.

"Hey it's already 8:00 Sehun. 30 minutes left to prepare for your class."

"WHAT?!? Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I said as I got up from my bed as fast as I can.

"Yeah. I started waking you up since 7:30 and you kept on saying 5 minutes more please." Tiffany noona said as she imitated my voice.

"Just go and hurry up, Hunnie. If you don't want to get scolded by your teacher." Tiffany noona added before she left my room.

Tiffany noona is my cousin, she cares for me a lot. Before she goes to work, she will go here first just to wake me up. I'm an only child in the family. I always wanted a sibling but it's impossible, because my mom already passed away. That's why I just treat Tiffany noona like my own sister.

I took a bath as fast as I can and quickly wore my school uniform. I fixed my hair a bit and grabbed my bag. I bid goodbye to our maids and to all the workers in our house.

I sat beside an office lady in the bus, since it's the only sit vacant. I still feel very sleepy, so I decided to sleep in the bus.

[Sujin's POV]

Aish. This high school kid beside me is very annoying. His head keeps on falling on my shoulders, and to add, he is snoring. Ah, good thing, I'm already here in my destination. I quickly got up and got down from the bus. I grabbed a mirror from my bag and checked myself before I walked towards my office.

"Good morning Sujin!" Baekhyun and Taeyeon greeted me as soon as I entered the office.

"Hey Baek! Hey Taeng!" I energetically greeted them back.

"Oh what's with the happy mood, and your make-up? I don't usually see you like that. Hmm." Taeyeon asked me suspiciously.

"Yeah. And mind explaining to me about yesterday?" Baekhyun asked me.

"Hey, I'm not a criminal. And one question at a time okay? Taeyeon I just feel so happy and yeah that's it." I answered. "And Baek, Kris is my high school crush and he confessed to me yesterday." I added.

"REALLY? Mr. Kris Wu, our boss, is your high school crush and he confessed to you yesterday?" They asked in unison.

"Yeah." I mumbled as I nodded shyly.

"Are you two dating already?" Baekhyun asked me, and he sounds so serious.

I quickly shook my head. "No no no. I'm not that easy to get Baek. Promise." I answered nervously.

"Okay. Good. Don't rush things. Understand?"

"Yes Mr. Byun Baekhyun."

"Okay. Let's get back to work now. Let's just talk again later, lunch time." Taeyeon said.

"Okay." I nodded and smiled at them before they left.


[Sehun's POV]

"Okay that's all for today class. Goodbye and see you tomorrow." Mr. Lee said before leaving our classroom.

At last, the boring class has ended.

"Hey Sehunnie!" Somebody called me.

"Oh hey there Chanyeol hyung! Where's Suho hyung?"

"He said he's gonna do something and he'll just meet us in the cafeteria."

"Okay. Let's go!"

We started walking towards the cafeteria. As I stepped out of the classroom, fangirls started squealing and some fangirls are even waving placards. "Sehun oppa! Chanyeol oppa!" "Sehun oppa, I want to be your girlfriend." "Chanyeol oppa, play the guitar for me please." We smiled at them and they squealed our names louder. Some even fainted.

"Oppa, accept this cake please. I made it for you." A girl handed me a cake.

"Thank you so much. I appreciate this. I'm going to eat this." I told her as I smiled.

"Your fangirls are no joke." Chanyeol whispered to me as she pointed to a bunch of girls with gifts in their hands.


[Sujin's POV]

I'm so tired. It was a busy day. I started packing my things and I fixed the documents in my desk. I'm now ready to go home.

"Baek, Taeng! I gotta go first. Bye! See you tomorrow!" I bid goodbye to them.

"Okay. Take care!"


Ugh. I've been sitting here in the bus for almost two hours. I peeked on my the window to see what is the cause of the traffic. It seems like there is an accident. As I returned to my normal sitting position, I felt something soft landed on my lips.

"ert!!!!" I screamed as I realized what happened. I started hitting him with my bag.

"Wait!!!! That was unintentional. And I know you liked it." The kid defended himself while wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

"Ahjussi! Stop this bus please." I shouted while glaring at the boy.

"Sorry miss! You can't go down here. We're near to the next stop. Just wait.

The boy smirked at me playfully. It's really disgusting. Yuck! He started pouting and making kissing sounds. Yuck.

"Aish!!! You're so arrogant. You're not even handsome!" I yelled at him and hit him with my bag again.

The bus stopped and before I got down, I glared at the boy, and he just smirked at me.

As I entered my apartment, I went straight to my bed and I decided to take a nap.


Hooray for double update. XD Sorry if there are some grammatical errors. I'll try to update again tomorrow. Thanks to my two subscribers. Much appreciated. Hope you'll enjoy reading this. :)
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Sorry if I disappointed you with my 1st chapter. I'm really not that good in writing stories. I promise that the next chapter will be longer.


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The story was sooo freakin cuteee~ Hope u update soon, author-nim!! Hwaiting!!
iamout #2
Update? Please? ;^;
iamout #3
Chapter 11: sehun the mama's boy ohoho he's a kiddy man eue
Chapter 11: I want sehun with sujin. I don't want her with kris. Sujin should forget about kris even though he said he like her but I think sehun will change her. Hehe
iamout #5
Chapter 9: asdfljjfl i wanted to see the d a t e qvq but i'll have to wait more i guess /sweats
take your time! p.s. tiff was my inner spirit in this chapter bcos AWW SEHUNNIE
iamout #6
Chapter 8: #staystrongauthornim !!
Kris what even are you d o i n g
SeJin (yes i created a ship name) go go go WOOT WOOT
iamout #7
Chapter 7: Ah man, Sehun should've stayed DD: It'd make talking to him less approachable .3. Wonder if he can slide it off though, haha.

As for y o u, everything's gonna be alright~~~ Better to know you did it than not doing it, right? You were brave, dear sir! Well done. :D
iamout #8
Chapter 6: I think Sehunnie is really childish .3. And then there the lovestruck Sujin, and bishie king aka Kris and then the friendsssss haha. SooMan's a very strict person I'm surprised :O /inwardly winces

Oh and hello! I wanted to give this a shot, because I like fluffy romcom :3 Would it be weird if I told you I stalked your profile and stories? ^^; Huehue.
Please do continue this! I want to see how it goes after TaoHun's reunion. ˊ▽ˋ
mizzsuzy #9
get a kiss from random high school boy reminds thai movie.. so cute..