Baby, it's only you.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     News of mother and son leaving Korea spreads like wildfire throughout the country. Who was going to continue the Kim Group’s legacy? Would Enchantment become the Do Group’s building? What happened between Kim Junmyeon and Do Kyungsoo’s friendship? So many questions, yet there weren’t any definite answers. The nation was left to speculate on its own, and soon, the scandalous news died down.


Kim Sookhee bows to the press and takes a seat. “Thank you for coming here.”

“Why have you decided to leave?”

“What about the Kim Group—”

“Your son, Kim Junmyeon—”

She holds up a hand, silently begging them to ease down on the questions as she avoids meeting their curious gazes. Once the room settles down, she clears and bravely looks up. “I have decided to leave for Junmyeon’s wellbeing. Yes, Enchantment will be in the Do Group’s hands now, since I am in no condition to take over at the moment.” Sookhee pauses to take a breath, her eyes b with unshed tears. “My son, the rightful heir to Enchantment, unfortunately, will not be taking the position as CEO once he is older.” Her hands grasp firmly onto the material of her expensive fur coat.

“Who will take over then?”

“Why have you decided—”

“We hope to leave without any troubles left.” Sookhee announces before standing up and bowing to the press one more. The reporters, bewildered at the vague responses, begin to get up form their seats and run to the lady, but security stops them from approaching her.

Mrs. Kim leaves the press conference room quickly, but stops in her tracks when she sees an elderly man standing a few feet away. She softly gasps at the sight and bows her head in a respectful gesture. “Chairman Do, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

The elderly man sighs, “You are leaving with Junmyeon.”

“I cannot deal with anymore heartbreaks, please excuse me.”

“Enchantment,” he speaks up as she walks past him.

Sookhee turns around with a stunned expression, “Yes?”

Chairman Do turns around with a grim look and clasps his hands behind his back. “Enchantment will be given to Kyungsoo once he is of age. I believe you won’t have any objections, Sookhee.” He states firmly, gaze never once leaving the late President Kim’s wife.

She flutters her eyelids in disbelief, her lips slightly parted. “I – I don’t understand…”

“Junmyeon has personally told me his wishes despite you wanting me to be in charge of the building.” Chairman Do releases an empty, regretful sigh and closes his eyes for a moment. “I understand that you must have ill feelings against my grandson, but this is what your son has asked me to do. After all, he was once the rightful heir to Enchantment.”

Sookhee lets out an empty laugh, “He still is, Chairman Do.”

“In the times that you will spend with your son, I hope you can come to realize his wishes.” The elderly man nods his head at the woman and takes his leave with a heavy heart.




Junmyeon stares out at the night sky, a frown etched on his face. He clasps his hands together a little too tight, his mind constantly flashing back to the day he witnessed his mother hiding something from him. What could it possibly be? The author releases a grim sigh as he continues to stare at the cloudy night sky. After a while more, he wheels himself away from the balcony and sees his assistant standing there.

“Yixing,” his frown softens into a smile. “Were you waiting for me?”

The author notices his maroon-colored cardigan in the assistant’s grasp.

“I – I didn’t know if I should have said anything,” Yixing says with an embarrassed smile. He then notices that the balcony doors are still open and promptly walks over to lock the glass doors. “Brought this in case the weather outside got a bit chilly,” he continues, “but I believe we won’t need this anymore.” Yixing gestures to the cardigan.

Junmyeon chuckles and extends his hand out for the piece of clothing, “Give me.”

“Give you what?”

“The cardigan, silly.”

“O-oh,” Yixing lets out a shy laugh and hands the author his cardigan. “I didn’t think you would need this now that you’re back inside.” He explains as he watches Junmyeon place the piece of clothing on his lap with a sincere grin.

“I could never deny your good heart, Yixing.”

Yixing’s smile returns to his face as he places his hands on the wheelchair’s handles. “You’re a kind person, Junmyeon. A very kind person with a good heart.” He admits gingerly, voice gentle against the quietness surrounding them.

As soon as these very words reach his ears, the author’s smile fades and he lowers his head in guilt. “Me…a kind person?” his voice is soft and full of doubt. Junmyeon grasps onto the material of the cardigan as memories of his horrid past appears once again. The rainy day, the death of Kyungsoo’s parents, the fog, the hill—

“You always help those in need, and you never—”

“Yixing,” the man interrupts. “There are things you don’t know about people…”

“But,” the assistant places a reassuring hand on the man’s shoulder, “I know you.”

Junmyeon pulls himself out of his painful past and finds strength to smile, “Thank you.”

But I am not as kind as you think I am…




“Why are you still up?”

CEO Do’s attention turns to the young man leaning against his door frame with a very apparent frown on his face. He places the document down on the wooden surface of his desk and takes off his glasses, an exhausted smile on his face as he tilts his head at the idol’s direction. “Why are you still up?” Kyungsoo returns the same question, making sure to emphasize on the word ‘you’ to tease his boyfriend.

Jongin’s frown turns into a pout as he pushes himself away from the door frame. “It’s almost two in the morning already,” he announces once he takes a quick glimpse at his wrist watch. “You should be resting like the doctor said. It hasn’t even been a full week since you’ve been discharged; I don’t—”

“Thank you for worrying about me, Jongin.” Kyungsoo interrupts the worried idol, his words coming out as gentle whispers full of love and appreciation. “I’m all better now, I promise you.” He assured the male once more with a chuckle. The CEO finds a warm, bubbly feeling within his chest - something he hasn’t experienced in a long time; it’s a comforting feeling nonetheless, and he’s thankful to Jongin for providing him with so much love. So this, this is what they call loving someone…

The idol approaches the desk Kyungsoo is at and extends his hand out. “Come.”

“You really, really, really aren’t afraid of me anymore, huh?”

“Why would I be afraid of the person I love?” Jongin raises an amused eyebrow.

Kyungsoo shrugs his shoulders and ponders for a moment. “You used to be.”

“That – that was in the past,” the idol stammers out of embarrassment. He then clears his throat and glances at his extended hand, signaling for Kyungsoo to grasp it. “Hurry up and hold my hand, Do Kyungsoo!”

“What if I don’t want to?” the CEO finds himself enjoying this moment very much.

Jongin’s frown return and he narrows his eyes. “I will… I will kiss you then!”

“Wow, so scary,” Do Kyungsoo sarcastically replies before breaking out into a small fit of laughter. He then proceeds to organize the documents on his desk and close his laptop. Once done, the still amused CEO returns his full attention on the awaiting idol with the corner of his lips slightly tugged upwards. “I’ll give you thirty seconds, so—”

Before he can finish, the idol grabs a hold of his hand and pulls him up from his seat. Without much time to spare afterwards, Jongin tilts his head and brings Kyungsoo in for a swift yet loving kiss. It’s a simply kiss, really, but somehow, the CEO finds himself forgetting how to breathe properly. His heartbeat accelerates at an uncontrollable rate, and he feels his face beginning to heat up. This isn’t him, this really isn’t how the CEO of Enchantment should act, but Jongin has him turning weak and vulnerable with even just the slightest caress.

Kyungsoo doesn’t mind, however.

It’s Jongin after all, the man that he cherishes with all his heart.

“You…” the CEO realizes that his thoughts are scattered everywhere.

The idol’s eyelashes flutter up and down before a lazy smile appears on his handsome face, “What about me?” Jongin’s smile turns into a slight smirk as he stares into Kyungsoo’s cho

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
22 streak #8
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now