
Kuroyuki-- a Graphic Portfolio


Don't cringe when you see the posters below.

Okay, you can stop cringe now.

My wifeu, Lee Hyemin a.k.a Lee Euaerin ish sho cute with her obsession towards Iron Man.


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Chapter 4: omg senpai teach me your ways <3
Chapter 2: DUDE I love your posters 0.0 Like, seriously. Every single one is so good! And I love how you have such a range with them, too... you don't only do one genre. I am so super impressed and so happy you made those ones for me <3<3<3
Chapter 2: Well At least I know I won't be disappointed in the end product of my request. So don't be so hard on yourself! ^^ Your work is pretty amazing. I love it!
Chapter 1: at least yours are much more decent than mine xD
anyway, glad you published your portfolio too ^_^ from which anime was your sign from? OuO <3