
Kuroyuki-- a Graphic Portfolio

Still. Not. Pretty.


(they didn't use the poster -_- it's okay, I won't cry)


I don't know whether I'm improving or not. I'm always regretting the poster I made, it didn't reach my expectations.
I think I shouldn't expect too high at the first place, huh.


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Chapter 4: omg senpai teach me your ways <3
Chapter 2: DUDE I love your posters 0.0 Like, seriously. Every single one is so good! And I love how you have such a range with them, too... you don't only do one genre. I am so super impressed and so happy you made those ones for me <3<3<3
Chapter 2: Well At least I know I won't be disappointed in the end product of my request. So don't be so hard on yourself! ^^ Your work is pretty amazing. I love it!
Chapter 1: at least yours are much more decent than mine xD
anyway, glad you published your portfolio too ^_^ from which anime was your sign from? OuO <3