Episode 1

Roommate Global

Narrator: V


Are you living alone? With your parents? Or with your friends? Welcome to Roommate Global where idols from all over Asia will live under a single roof in South Korea, and will mingle with idols from different countries. Eight females and eight males are invited to live together for a certain period of time.


A house in Seoul is rented for the 16 residents to live in. There are 8 rooms and 160 cameras installed. Every corner of the house is monitored to observe the regulation of the main rules. We will be able to see how these 16 people will live together despite the fact that they are all strangers to most of the roommates, and the different relationships that will grow in share house.


Let’s see who will arrive first.


Two vans have parked in front of the house. Who are inside these vans? Let’s take a look.


The first van opened their door, revealing EXO’s Kai and Chanyeol. Kai went straightly to the wooden gate and knocked three times. Chanyeol, on the other hand, stared at the black van parked after theirs.


He chortled and fixed his cap. “I know this van, I swear,”


Two girls came out from the van. It was Pyrite’s Hisae and Joo Hyeon. Joo Hyeon quickly ran towards Chanyeol and pushed him.


“This is our house! Go away!” Joo Hyeon crossed her arms to her chest.


Chanyeol laughed. “I am one of the roommates here, so deal with it.”


“Ya, there are cameras around here, stop fooling around! The fans might misunderstand.” Hisae warned, grabbing Joo Hyeon’s shoulder.

“I don’t care about the fans, they know how much we hate each other anyways!” Joo Hyeon smiled at the camera and gave a V-sign.


“You’ll get anti-fans if you keep on doing that Joo Hyeon. Let’s just pretend we’re best friends in front of the cameras, shall we?” Chanyeol offered a hand but Joo Hyeon just slapped it. “Ouch, you little brat! I’m not going to forgive you!”


Joo Hyeon snickered. “Since when did you?”


Chanyeol looked up to the skies and thought about Joo Hyeon’s question. “I hate you.”


“I hate you more.” Joo Hyeon’s eyes squinted as she stuck her tongue out.


“Then that makes me hate you even more.,”


“I hate staring at your ugly face, please go away.” Joo Hyeon covered her face.


“Ya, look at this girl she’s totally bullying me!” Chanyeol wrapped an arm around Joo Hyeon and pointed her.


“You started it!” Joo Hyeon defended.


“No, you did!”


“Ughhhh! Weren’t you the first one to say “I hate you”?”


“Weren’t you the first one to say “This is our house, go away”?!”


Hisae shook her head as her warning fell on deaf ears. She walked towards Kai, who seemed to be knocking at the door since forever. “Kai-oppa,” She said, earning the attention of the man. “They gave us a key, you know.” She shoved her hand in her front pocket, pulling out a keychain given to them the other day. She wiggled it in front of the man before opening the door for him. She glanced at the the two bickering behind them before turning back to Kai. “Oppa,” she said, leaning forward to whisper in the man’s ear. “Let’s get our luggage and leave these two to their lover’s quarrel?”


Her statement earned a soft chuckle from the older man before they walked to their respective vans to get their things.


“Joo Hyeon,” Hisae called out to her bandmate.


“WHAT?!” Joo Hyeon replied violently.


“I’m going in first. I ain’t helping  you with your luggages, alright?” Hisae said as she slowly walked to the front door with her luggages.


“I’m going with you!” Joo Hyeon quickly ran, as if Chanyeol would kill her if Hisae leaves them alone together.


“Don’t you want to stay here with your lover-boy and have your lover’s quarrel in front of the camera?” Hisae smirked as she approached Kai, who seemed to be waiting for her by the door.


“YUCK!” They both said in disgust. With the awkward silence, Joo Hyeon and Chanyeol ran to their respective vans to get their luggage and started bringing them inside the house.


Hmm... What's the matter between these two? The reason behind their angst for each other will be revealed soon!


“Woooooooaaaaaahhhhh!” was all the four of them could say as they entered the share house.


“This is a house?!” Joo Hyeon said as she stood half-frozen in front of the living room. The other three passed by her as they looked for their rooms, ignoring her comment.


“Oh yeah,” Hisae asked, turning to bandmate. “Hyeon, what’s your room number again?”


“Room 6?” Joo Hyeon replied. “I guess it’s upstairs; there are only 3 rooms here…”


“Kai-oppa, Chanyeol-oppa!” Hisae shouted. Soon, the two males who were admiring the garden went inside to heed their hoobae’s call. “What’s your room number?”


“Hm,” Chanyeol smiled as he pulled out a paper from his pocket. “Room 5!”


Kai almost did the same and mumbled softly. “Room 1.”


Hisae nodded and pulled Kai towards the rooms nearly adjacent to the living room. “I’m in Room 2 so we're neighbors, oppa.”


“Chanyeol-oppa,” Joo Hyeon called and tapped Chanyeol’s back.


“What?” Chanyeol asked coldly, looking at his room number.


“Since your room is Room 5, I’m guessing that it’s upstairs and we’re neighbors too…” Joo Hyeon said as he kept on tapping Chanyeol’s shoulder. She gave an innocent smile to Chanyeol, as if sending a hidden message to him.


Chanyeol rolled his eyes and got his luggage. “I’ll help you when I’m done with mine.”


Joo Hyeon skipped as she brought one of her luggages too. “Thank you oppa!”


“Just stop doing aegyo, okay? It looks awful.” Chanyeol blurted with a disgusted look on his face.


“Me? Aegyo? No way! I was only trying to be friendly, besides, we’re going to be neighbors.” Joo Hyeon defended.


“Yeah, whatever.” Chanyeol said and took the stairs towards the second floor.

“Oh yeah!” Hisae suddenly shouted. “Are you the only two who’s joining here from EXO? I thought Sehun-oppa’s also included?”


“Why are you looking for him?” Chanyeol smirked as he walked downstairs to get some other luggages.


“Weeeeell,” Hisae paused, debating with herself if she should tell the truth or not. “No particular reason.”

“Really?” Joo Hyeon asked in a sarcastic tone. Chanyeol and her both laughed and did a high-five.


Omo, it's just the first day of our roommates and there's already an issue? We'll keep an eye on you Hisae...


A soft tint of pink graced through the other girl’s cheeks before turning her back on the two. “S-Shut up! Aish, these guys only get along with each other whenever they bully somebody else!”


Chanyeol and Joo Hyeon burst out laughing. Kai on the other hand tried not to show Hisae that he’s laughing as well.


"But no, seriously," Hisae turned, trying to compose herself in order to not feel embarrassed. "Why isn't he with you guys?"


“He’s in a shooting for a magazine,” Chanyeol replied.


"Him? Alone? Without you?" Hisae asked.


Chanyeol patted Hisae's head. "There's a thing called 'individual schedules', my dear hoobae."


"Oops! You're right." Hisae chuckled and covered .


Meanwhile, Kai was in his room, thinking which bed to take. He then noticed a box lying on top of one of the beds.


"Are there no assigned bed on one person?" He asked as he opened the box. A paper was inside it, and a clue about his roommate was written on it. "In charge of being y in the group..."


The clues written on the paper are the similarities between the roommates. Do you have any idea who's the roommates now?


"Loves to play the guitar..." Joo Hyeon uttered, reading the clue out loud in front of the camera. "I also love to play the guitar, my dear roommate! I even brought my guitar here. I can't wait to meet you!" She said, as if the camera was her roommate.


Meanwhile at Hisae's room...


"Loves anime..." Hisae read the clue out loud. "Who could she be?" Hisae thought.


Chanyeol on the other hand let out a drumroll using his voice before announcing his clue. He showed the paper in front of the camera on his dresser and read it, "Cute faces but deep voice,"


As the idols moved their things in the new house, a new guy came coolly from a black van... Who could this guy be?


The guy looked at the camera attached on the gate. He gave a 90-degree bow in front of it and waved his hand. "Hi! I'm Rome. Please take care of me." He then gave off a flying kiss and rang the doorbell.


Inside the house, Joo Hyeon raced towards the gate. As she opened it, Rome looked at her from head to toe. Joo Hyeon, on the other hand, froze on her spot and tried to smile as welcoming as possible.


"Ah, Kang Joo Hyeon from, Pyrite right?" Rome clarified.


Joo Hyeon nodded. She moved aside to let Rome enter the house, lowering her head in order to not meet the man’s eyes.


“Wow, it’s nice here,” Rome mumbled as he entered the house, carrying his luggage inside. “So, Joo Hyeon-ssi. Do you know where Room 3 is?”


“H-Huh?” Joo Hyeon raised her head, feeling quite awkward that she didn’t hear Rome’s question. “Pardon?”


Rome noticed how the girl felt awkward and chuckled softly. “I’m looking for my room.”


Aigoo! It seems like our tiger-like Joo Hyeonie can only be tamed by Rome hyung...


"A-Ah, right! Your room... What's your room number?" Joo Hyeon asked, trying to focus.


Rome tried not to laugh again and replied, "3."


"Ahh! It's there." Joo Hyeon pointed at Room 3 which is located at the first floor, beside Hisae's room.


"Finally!" Rome chuckled and thanked Joo Hyeon before going inside his room.


He quickly picked the bed near the window and fixed his things. As he saw the camera fixed beside the window, he waved to it.


"Hi! I'm Yu Barom and I prefer to be called Rome." He introduced himself to the camera like it was a person.


This hyung really loves camera. He even has his own video camera, so watch out for our own hilarious video clips in the next episodes!


"I will just fix my things and quickly go back to our company to train. We'll come back soon so watch out for it!" He chuckled as he fixed his luggage. "To my roommate, please wait for me too."


A knock came which interrupted his conversation with the "camera." It was the four other roommates. They introduced themselves to Rome formally.


"Me and Kai are actually going out for a schedule," Chanyeol said.


"Ah really? I have a training too, let's go out together." Rome stood from his bed and tapped Chanyeol's shoulder.


"Sure." Chanyeol and Kai replied in unison.


Unfortunately, our Rome-hyung didn't notice the box on his bed. Who could be his roommate then?


Hisae and Joo Hyeon spent their time in the house, fooling around with the cameras that followed them out of boredom. Suddenly they used the practice room and danced to their song.


So cool! Is this how idols get bored? Dancing prettily in sync?


A few minutes came and the doorbell rang, interrupting them from dancing. They both ran to the gate and opened it, seeing...


Mark and Jackson from GOT7!


Hisae stared at the dark haired man, squinting her eyes since the man has caught her eye since their debut and he seems awfully familiar to her.


"Oh my gosh Jackieeeeeeee!" Hisae squealed and hugged Jackson.


"Hisae!" Jackson hugged her back and they both jump in joy.


Mark and Joo Hyeon felt left out and smiled awkwardly at each other. They both bowed as a sign of greeting.


"I'm Kang Joo Hyeon." Joo Hyeon offered a hand.


"I'm Mark Tuan." Mark accepted her hand and shook it. They both let go and watched as Hisae and Jackson jumped in joy.


"Oh my gosh, I really missed you Jackie!" Hisae said as she pulled away from the hug.


"I missed you too, but stop calling me Jackie! It doesn't seem cute anymore." Jackson patted her head.


"But I called you like that ever since we were kids!" Hisae pouted.


"Kids?" Joo Hyeon asked. Mark on the other hand was as clueless as Joo Hyeon was.


"Yeah!" Jackson wrapped around Hisae's shoulder. "We were childhood friends back in Japan but I had to move to Hong Kong. I'm Jackson Wang."


"I'm Kang Joo Hyeon, nice to meet you!" Joo Hyeon said and they shook hands.

“Ne, can you still understand me?” Hisae asked in Japanese as she looked at Jackson. The man smilled before shaking his head slightly. “I kinda forgot how to speak Japanese.” The man replied in slightly wrong grammar.


Hisae chuckled and patted Jackson’s back. “That means I can tease you without you understanding anything.”


“Hey! I got that. I think…” Jackson mumbled as he looked to the side.


“Idiot. Go to your room,” Hisae said as she walked towards Mark and Joo Hyeon. “Be sure to read the box in your room, okay?”


As Mark and Jackson went to their respective rooms, they quickly found the clue on their beds as Joo Hyeon and Hisae instructed. Mark's room was in Room 5 - Chanyeol's roommate. Meanwhile, Jackson was assigned in Room 1 - Kai's roommate.


"We're roommates with EXO sunbaenims, bro!" Jackson said while looking around Chanyeol and Mark's room. "It's the start of our popularity!"  He joked, making Mark laugh.


Ya, GOT7 is popular too! "A~ Da aneunde wae jakku sumgyeo~" See? I know your song too!


Meanwhile, outside of the house, another van is parked. It’s the famous Chinese model Dani Chou! Unlike the other roommates, she immediately took out the keys she received and let herself in without the others knowing. She immediately moved her luggage and found her room by herself--Room 7. She unpacked her stuff and proceeded downstairs.


Mark and Jackson left their room only to be surprised by the sudden appearance of another roommate.


“Oh. My. Gooooooosh!!” Jackson whispered not-so-loudly to Mark. “Is she real?!”


“Shh. She can hear you!” Mark whispered back. “And yes, she’s real!”


Dani smiled, staring at the two awkward guys who were whispering so “softly” and waved at them. “Hello.”


“Oh my God!!” Jackson and Mark shouted in unison. They bowed clumsily and hit each other’s head, and introduced themselves.


“Nice to meet you,” Dani smiled at them and bowed as well. “Shall we go down and meet the others?”


As time passed by, the roommates one-by-one arrived at the house in the following order. After Dani’s arrival, the famous dancer of a y group Ahn Jiyeon shortly after; Following her was Dani’s roommate, Min Ga Eul,  the main vocalist of LOEN’s new girl group, Angel; After that Joo Hyeon’s roommate Moon Sunmi arrived, bringing with her two guitars.


Wow. Time flies fast. It was now dinner time, but the problem is, does any of the roommates know how to cook?


“Jackson,can we stop playing for while?” Hisae asked, putting the controller down on the center table. “My stomach’s already grumbling.”


“Me too… Wait, do you know how to cook?” Jackson asked.


Hisae’s eyes grew wide and shook her head in embarrassment. “I only know how to cook rice, eggs, and hotdogs. Probably bacon too.”


“Pabo.” Jackson mumbled before turning to the kitchen.


“Ya!” Hisae smacked him on the arm. “At least I know to cook.”


“Shut up and sit down.” Jackson said as he picked up the pan. He walked towards the living room while holding the pan. Hisae eyed him curiously. “Jackson knows how to cook?!”


Jackson took a deep breath and held the pan up. “DOES ANYBODY KNOW HOW TO COOK?”


Someone immediately answered back. “Ya! Jackson Wang! Shut up! This isn’t our dorm!” Mark shouted from the second floor.


Hisae, on the other hand, stood up and grabbed Jackson’s hand that held the pan. “Jackson, baby.” She whispered before grabbing the pan, hitting the man’s head with the metal object. “If you don’t know how to cook, then don't tell me to shut up and sit down while you grab the pan! I really thought you know how to cook."


"Ouch!" Jackson rubbed his now forming bump on his head, a blush that was left unnoticed crept on his face at the mention of the word baby. "I-It's not like I wanted to impress you."


"And who said anything about impressing me? Pabo. Let's just order and let them deliver it for us." Hisae sighed as she took the pan from the male and returned it to its proper place before heading up to Mark's room.


"Mark-ssi, what would like to eat? We're going to call delivery." Hisae said as she popped her head inside Mark and Chanyeol's room.


"I'll have chicken!" The Taiwanese male said. The girl nodded in acknowledgement before walking to the other room. She knocked on the door softly and opened it after hearing a mumbled 'Come in!' from inside.


"Dani-ssi, what would you like for dinner? We're calling delivery." Hisae said with a matching smile as she looked at how neat the room was and it was totally opposite hers and Joo Hyeon's rooms.


"I'll have chicken! It's been a while since I ate one." Dani said as she continued to unpack her luggage. "I'll have that too!" Ga Eul shouted from inside the room's bathroom.


"Alright!" Hisae smiled at them before going to the next room.


Wow! Is this a coincidence? Everybody craves for chicken tonight!


The chicken came and Jackson generously paid for the dinner. I think I must stick to this hyung from now on. Kekekeke~


The roommates then gathered to the long rectangular dining table made for the 16 roommates. Feeling quite awkward with each other, the idols who were close sat beside each other, while those who barely knew anyone sat beside their roommates.


"Since I paid for the dinner today..." Jackson said while munching his chicken. "You shall vote for GOT7's A in the music charts," He joked and raised his eyebrows mischievously while everyone laughed at it.


Mark nudged Jackson's arm. "What are you saying? Please don't mind him," He then got a chicken leg and stuffed it whole in Jackson's mouth, making everyone laugh harder.


Hisae looked at Joo Hyeon quite suspiciously; a very faint smirk was etched on her face. “Jackson!” Hisae called. “Let’s make a bet.”


Joo Hyeon looked at Hisae, confusion was evident in her expression.


“Bet on what?” Jackson asked, his sassiness showing.


“Who’ll get the higher rank in the music charts.” Hisae smiled, but it was a very threatening one directed at Jackson.


"Ya! We'll get anti-fans from GOT7's fangirls!!!" Joo Hyeon warned. "Let's just support each other."


“Mou, Joo Hyeon. You’re no fun.” Hisae pouted, looking away from her groupmate as she crossed her arms while eating the chicken in a somewhat aggressive manner.


"I'm sorry, Hisae. But I think I'll take Joo Hyeon's side." Mark smiled at Joo Hyeon.


Hisae kept mum and continued pouting while sending a few glances at Jackson to help her out; but to her dismay, the man was too busy devouring his chicken.


Joo Hyeon raised her hand up, asking for a high-five with Mark. The latter then reached for it and did a high-five. "Yeah, now someone understands me! You talk in English too, right?"


Mark nodded. "Yes, and Jackson too." He said in English. "Do you?"


"Yes!" She replied in English. "I was born in the Philippines,"


"Ohh." Mark nodded.


Hisae checked her wristwatch and almost choked on her food. She coughed while Daeun gave her a glass of water.


"You alright?" Daeun asked worriedly while the other roommates watched her anxiously.


"I-I'm sorry," Hisae giggled and blushed in embarrassment. "I just got surprised by the time! Joo Hyeon-ah! We still have a shoot! We're almost late!"


Joo Hyeon also choked on her food and coughed. Her roommate Sunmi quickly passed her glass of water.


"Right! Why did we order chicken Hisae?! Our diet!!! I can't imagine our manager-oppa getting mad at me for eating dinner." Joo Hyeon pouted.


"You guys don't eat dinner?" Sunmi asked.


"No, it's only me who's not allowed to eat dinner. Hisae's body's already y; but fats easily show on my body so our manager and our trainer suggests that I don't eat heavy dinner or at least eat dinner before 6PM."


"Woah, it really is hard to become in a girl group. Sunmi said.


Don't worry Joo Hyeon-ah, we will always finish the dinner before you see it so you won't feel hungry anymore! Kekeke!


Hisae and Joo Hyeon got themselves ready before going out of the house.


"We're sorry that we won't be able to help you with the dishes tonight." Hisae apologized.


"No, it's okay. When we're all in the house, let's talk about the distribution of chores." Daeun smiled at them.


"Ne!" The two girls replied politely before going outside the house.


As Hisae opened the gate, her eyes grew wide by the two figures that greeted her - EXO's Oh Sehun and model Yoo Hyera!


"Hi!" Hyera greeted brightly and waved her hand. "I'm also a cast of Roommate!"


"Annyeonghaseyo!" Joo Hyeon and Hisae greeted in sync.


Wow, even their greetings are in sync. Pyrite, DAEBAK!


"But, why are you two together?" Hisae asked, her smile changed into a frown.


I smell something fishy Hisae. First, looking for Sehun. Now, asking why is he with another girl?! Are you jealous?!


[Hisae's Individual Interview]

YA! It's too early to draw conclusions! I swear I was only curious! I am innocent!!!


"What?" Joo Hyeon asked in a not-so-loud voice.


"I-I mean, you!" Hisae pointed at Sehun. "Y-Your groupmates were here earlier!"


"They already told you he has a photoshoot Hisae." Joo Hyeon whispered, a big grin plastered on her face.


Hisae blushed and scratched her head. "N-Nevermind! N-nice meeting you, Yoo Hyera! You're my roommate a-and Sehun oppa don't talk to me I feel awkward!" Hisae squealed and ran towards their van.


“Sorry for her weirdness. She’s just happy to see you finally, Sehun-oppa.”


Sehun chuckled. "Tell her I won't insist to talk to her if she doesn't want me to. But she might miss me if she won't."


Joo Hyeon bid her goodbyes to the new roommates and went inside the van.


Meanwhile, Sehun and Hyera  went inside the house and unpacked their luggages.


Sehun quickly saw the box on his bed and opened it. He then read the clue aloud. "'Famous blank faces'..." He laughed and faced the camera. "Are you talking about my face?"


Sehun hyung... It's not just really you, you know... Let me just sigh...


Sehun went outside his room and found the dance practice room. "Wow! This house is the coolest!"


He quickly took his phone out and called Kai. He put it on loudspeaker mode so that the viewers can hear the conversation.


"Hyung, where are you right now?" Sehun asked, still admiring the practice room.


"Why? I'm sleeping and you woke me up for that question?" Kai asked agitatedly.


Sehun breathily chuckled. "Hyung, the house is awesome!"


"I know, I'm on my way there, are there anything else?" Kai asked.


Omo! This hyung is creepy... I swear I won't dare wake him up. Never!


"Hyung, don't forget to check if you drooled on your pillow." Sehun humorously reminded and laughed.


"Shut up. I'll hang up." Kai chuckled and hung up.


Sehun then went to the living room and found the others talking to each other.


"Sehun!" Hyera called. "Come here quickly, we're getting to know each other here."


Sehun ran to the couches and sat beside Hyera.


"It's another EXO member!" Jackson announced. He then ran to the nearest camera. "Seriously, I feel like I will be popular right now, since this show is dominated by EXO members!"


Everyone laughed to it while Mark brought Jackson back to sit on the couch.


"Ya, GOT7's popular too, hyung." Sehun said in a polite tone, remembering that Jackson was older than him.


"Oh, I'm older than you?" Jackson asked. "But you're taller! Why are kids like this nowadays... Even Yugyeom's height mock me so much." He pouted while the others kept on laughing.


"Ah, Yugyeom? Your maknae?" Sehun asked. "I'm not sure if you're my hyung but I'm a '94-liner,"


"Ya! I'm a '94-liner too! Stop calling me hyung and stop talking to me formally, you punk!" Jackson slapped Sehun's arm lightly.


"Alright then," Sehun chuckled. "I shall call you 'bro' since you're a foreigner right?"


"Wow, 'bro' sounds good to me! Let's be best friends!" Jackson raised a hand for a high-five and Sehun returned the gesture.


The evening passed and the roommates were all getting ready to bed. But two roommates haven't arrived yet and the Hisae and Joo Hyeon haven't come back yet.


It's almost three in the morning when Hisae and Joo Hyeon came back at the house. They then greeted the cameras as quiet as they could, until they heard the gate open. Who could that be?


"I think someone's outside," Joo Hyeon whispered, pointing outside.


"So we weren't the last one to arrive?" Hisae asked.


"Maybe... But you know what? I've a brilliant idea..." Joo Hyeon smirked at Hisae, while the latter looked at her with curiosity.


"What?" Hisae asked.


"Let's hide behind this door and surprise whoever goes inside." Joo Hyeon walked to the door with light footsteps.


"Alright! Do what you want, and I’ll do what you want." Hisae exclaimed and giggled, following Joo Hyeon.


As the footsteps from outside grew louder, the two girls positioned themselves by the door, ready to pounce on the person or persons who are about to enter the house. Hisae pursed her lips, trying to muffle the laugh that’s threatening to escape her lips.


“I bet it’s Chanyeol-oppa and Kai-oppa.” Hisae mouthed to Joo Hyeon.


Joo Hyeon’s lips curved into a smile, she has yet to see this reaction from Chanyeol and she thought that it was time for the male to taste the wrath of Kang Joo Hyeon.


The two girls braced themselves as the doorknob opened. They waited until the two entered the house before scaring them. They saw two shadows pass by the door before slowly making their way behind them. Joo Hyeon noticed that they were not Chanyeol and Kai, but before she could warn Hisae, the younger girl has already grabbed the shoulder of the taller male and shouted “Boo!”


The taller male flinched visibly, while his companion looked at the direction of the two and stared at them in confusion.


“Um, is this how you welcome new roommates?” The smaller one asked.


Hisae froze at the sound of the voice, it was familiar yet strange at the same time. She looked at the taller male whom she had surprised. She raised both of her hands immediately and backed away, hiding behind Joo Hyeon.


“They’re not Chanyeol and Kai!” Hisae panicked.


Yes, we are not your Chanyeol-oppa and Kai-oppa! Annyeonghaseyo! We finally came in the house! Sorry for being late kekeke~


"S-Sorry! But Hisae..." Joo Hyeon burst out laughing. "You embarrassed yourself too much today!"


"Ya!" Hisae slapped Joo Hyeon's shoulder and stormed to her room. “I’m going to sleep!”


"Omo! They're Pyrite sunbaes!" The taller nudged his companion. They suddenly bowed a 90-degree bow and greeted the remaining member.


"Annyeonghaseyo!" They said in unison.


"Hi! Ya! Why are you so formal? It's awkward!" Joo Hyeon slapped the tall man's back. "I'm Joo Hyeon. The one who awkwardly ran to her room and embarrass herself most of the time is Hisae.”


"Yes, we are..." The smaller male looked at the other male with hesitation but proceeded, "We are your fanboys!" They both bowed again.


"We love Pyrite!" The taller said. "I'm Jeon Jungkook!"


"And I'm Kim Taehyu- I mean V! Call me V!" V said and bowed again.


Joo Hyeon clapped her hands and continued laughing. "I'm your fan too! I listen to your music a lot! I enjoy Rap Monster's rhymes please tell him that,"


"Yes, I will!" V stood straight and raised his arm.


"And... Can I call you with your real name? It sounds cute.” Joo Hyeon asked V.


"T-Taehyung?" V asked.


How can I reject my idol's offer? You know how I feel, right?


"Sure!" V replied. "Uhm... Sh-Should I call you sunbae or..."


Joo Hyeon laughed again. "Just call me by my name! You're my oppa, you don't have to call me sunbae... Jungkook's younger than me, right?"


"Yes, n-noona?" Jungkook asked, hesitating to call her noona.


"Aigoo! I feel old!" Joo Hyeon whined. "Don't call me noona anymore, okay?" She patted Jungkook's head and chuckled. "You're too tall to be a baby."


The first day ended well, having awkward conversations at first but then building up a new friendship as time flies. We all slept in peace in our respective bedrooms, getting ready to start a new day tomorrow.


But then... In the middle of the night, a figure could be seen walking downstairs...


Kang Joo Hyeon? Why is she heading to the dance practice room?


Joo Hyeon connected her iPod tothe speakers and suddenly danced to the music.


Is she really this hardworking?!




What's the solution for Hisae's awkwardness?


"You told me not to talk to you and you ask me why am I like this?" Sehun laughed. "You missed me, don't you?"


What will be the outcome of the house rules?


"Since the first roommates who will date will be given a free overseas trip, why don't we just pretend to date?" Jackson suggested half-heartedly.


Get ready for next week's hilarious video from Rome's video cam!!!


"Iriwa, iri-iriwa!" The roommates lip synced to C-Clown's song.


And... Who's cooking breakfast?!


"If you want to eat an awful burnt meat, try me." Joo Hyeon said while the others laughed.


Will these guys survive their first day together? Find out in the next episode of Roommate Global!

A/N: We are soooo sorry for the late update :( Hope you enjoyed the first episode and hopefully you'll subscribe and upvote! Thank you! - meganedere & anonymoushf

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guiltyNaNa #1
Chapter 3: author-nim please update quickly... i cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 3: Please Update Quickly! I really LOVE this story! :)
MissGengen #3
Chapter 2: Hey guys! I love episode1♥ update!update! :))
Chapter 2: omggg i love this already!! i hope u update soon!
writingwiener #5
sofya_fya #6
When will u update this story ???? I wait it like crazy author-nim :'(
well, this is interesting.