With You

First Sensibility: One Shot Collection

You woke up one morning and smiled. That’s the first this week and since today was a Sunday, you woke up without any worry with your warm and cozy sheets. The sun seemed to cooperate in your mood for it was shining bright but limited sunlight entered your room, all is well.

Clicking the buttons, you left the coffee maker to do your morning routines that included two things; washing up and procrastinating but then again, today is an exception. The coffee maker sounded off when you finished washing up, making you run to get it.

“Nice and warm,” you cooed as you poured the coffee in to your favorite mugs, making excited little sounds when you smelled the aroma. You walked to your living room and took in the silence that rang out, strange.

“Channie?” you called but the said person didn’t answer. You walked to his room and saw nothing but a single CD that was perched on top of his fluffy mattress so you grabbed it and played in on the living room because you are one meddling girl and you had nothing to do so why not invade your boyfriend’s private space right?

It took a full minute before the CD played and it showed a pure white screen that dissolved in to the picture you and Himchan took when you first met at the coffee shop.

The image dissolved again and Himchan’s face welcomed you in the recorded video.


“So…I know you’re going to play this disk even though it did nothing to you so I better get to the point, right?” he laughed, his cave voice echoing in the silent house. He took out a picture, the same one from before and moved it closer to the camera.

“Remember this? This was before B.A.P’s debut, yessir!” he exclaimed excitedly. He removed the picture and his face was revealed again, not that you’re complaining. “I…uh, was actually scouted that day but I was having serious issues and I was hesitating if I would accept the offer but when I was about to call the scout to turn him down when I met you, remember?”


“Well you looked troubled.” You said, ticking your tongue as you passed through Himchan who was sitting quietly near the window. He turned to look at you and raised a brow. “I…uh, all the seats are occupied. Mind if I join you?”

Himchan shook his head. “No problem.”

“So, what’s the big problem?” you asked, resting your chin on your palms. “…if you don’t mind me asking.” Himchan eyed you for a minute and shrugged, telling a random stranger won’t hurt.

He took a deep breath and sighed. “I was asked to be trainee.”

“Well? Do you like to sing?” you asked, sipping the last of your coffee before looking at him with a questioning look. He nodded. “Then the answer is simple, isn’t it?”

Himchan looked at you in amazement. You were right, it was that simple. He was stunned when you stood up to leave. “So, I have to go. Nice meeting you…” you trailed off.

He stood up as well and offered a hand. “Himchan.” He said and you replied. “Can I take your number?”

He was about to give press add contacts when a flash welcomed the two of you. He apologized and looked at his phone, only to see a stolen shot. He smiled to himself before giving you his phone for your number.


“And this is the picture you took when I debuted.” Himchan continued, showing the picture before tossing it aside. He grabbed another picture and stared at it for a minute with a smile on his face before showing it to the camera. “Now, this is the best picture I have.”

He inched closer to the camera and showed the wedding picture. You two were smiling so bright while the others are dong their own things; Youngjae covering his ruined bangs, Daehyun shouting something, Yongguk shly posing while the maknae line are playing something like tug of war.


“Come on!” Himchan whined against your shoulder. “We don’t have to include those guys!” he said, pointing at s who were busily munching.

You laughed lightly. “But they’re family. You said so yourself.  Are you going to go back on your words?”

“Right now, yes.” He replied, his nose held high and his arms crossed, wrinkling his tux.

You poked his cheek and pouted. “You’re not that kind of guy. If you are, then are you going back on the words you just promised me earlier?”

“What words?” Himchan muttered, he said so many words so it’s possible that he may not remember some.

“I will love you forever and always, I’d stay with you in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer and I promise to make you happy for the rest of our lives.” You recited his words, still feeling butterflies on your stomach as you remembered it.

“Fine.” Himchan grumbled before calling the others.  “Yah Jung Daehyun stop devouring everything! Jongup stop hiding under the table! Youngjae your hair looks good, okay? Yah Bang Yongguk do something!”

You laughed at the sight of him being all worked up on your wedding day but he couldn’t help it. He was so used at taking care of the idiots that he couldn’t stop nagging. You watched as your husband grabbed Daehyun and Youngjae who refused to be in the picture for different reasons. Youngjae’s hair is not good and Daehyun isn’t finished eating.

“In three, two, say kimchi!” the camera man laughed heartily. Himchan hugged you at the last minute

“Where?” Daehyun shouted.


“Aigoo, look at how good I look.” Himchan laughed as he stared at the picture as well. You found yourself smiling, remembering every detail that happened that day, it almost made you cry. “I broke a lot of heart because of one nosy girl.”

Your left eye twitched at his statement but he was laughing in the video.

 “I know you broke a lot of hearts too, when you said I do when you chose a nagging, but extremely handsome guy. I just wanted to tell you that…I regret nothing. I regret not meeting your parents, I regret not asking you to marry me earlier and even if I have these wrinkles under my eyes, oh god, these white hair that I just dyed, and even if I become uglier than the bald cat we saw outside, I would never regret every nanosecond that I was with you. See that? I used nanosecond. Anyway, I just want you to know that my heart still flutters when I see you, I still feel butterflies on my stomach when you smile and I still fall in love whenever you look at me.”

You teared up a little, wiping it using the back of your hand.

“Look at us. From here,” he said, showing you the very first picture. “To here.” He continued, showing you the wedding picture.

“Sure, there are times when you hated me, when you cursed me, when you wanted to break up and I had no clue that we would last this long but here we are right? You waited for me when I had busy schedules, you were there in our first win, you were there when B.A.P’s hard work paid of. You were always there.  And I’m thankful. So if you made it up to here, I salute you for not wanting to skip over my babbles. But if you did, then you missed this” he smiled, angling the camera in his face. “Happy 20th anniversary, I love you.”

Then the screen turned black. You rolled your eyes and looked behind you where Himchan stood, looking dashing as ever.

“So…this is the only reaction I get?” he exclaimed, arms in the air after seeing the look in your face. You stood up and threw yourself to him and he hugged back

“I love you too.” You whispered, making him smile. “But I swear to god you better run if all of that was scripted because I will decapitate you and run off with Yongguk.”

Himchan laughed. “You’re so funny.”

“You pulled back and looked at him. “Wait, so it was scripted?”


“Maybe, maybe not.”



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AhnChaeMi #1
Chapter 1: Wa~ Author-nim, good job. My heart ♥ Keep up the good work ;))