Shady Lady

First Sensibility: One Shot Collection


You sighed and rubbed your face with such intensity that your make-up smudged, making you groan in frustration. Nothing is well.

Facing the big mirror you studied your face and flinched at the sight, not good, not good.  You grabbed the brush on the nearby corner and attempted to brush the huge clump of hair that perched on the top of your head. You pulled and pulled until you gave up and threw it on the floor, screeching in anger.

“What’s with all the---what happened here?” Yongguk exclaimed, entering your room as he picked up the fallen brush before looking at you who’s rolled up your bed, kicking your feet when he entered.

You sat up and faced him, looking at him through your messy bangs. “Nothing.”

“Well this doesn’t look like nothing.” Yongguk mused, emphasizing the last words with aerial quotes he made with his fingers. He chuckled lowly at your hanged head and approached you. “What’s the matter?”


“What’s this?”  he asked in confusion, brushing the tangled hair out of your face as it revealed your glaring face that made him chuckle once more.

You stood up and grabbed the brush again in an attempt of fixing your hair. Once again, you failed. Noticing everything like he usually does, Yongguk made you sit down and pulled out the brush out of your iron fist. He stood up and held some of your hair, untangling it. Placing up the comb, he brushed it lightly, a little piece at a time until your hair was tangle-free. You looked up to him and hid your face.

“Thank you.”

He gave you a little smile and patted your head before leaving your room to let you dress up. You smiled until he left and started fixing your semi-swollen face, little by little, starting with the eye shadow that covered your eyes, bb cream and so on.

It was until later when you finally finished and went out, wearing a luxurious pink dress that you just bought and matched it with white pumps finishing it with your wavy laid hair,only to see Yongguk totally immersed in watching his latest war movie that made you groan involuntarily. “Are you going to finish that or…”

“No!” he exclaimed before things get worse. He grabbed his keys and guided you out, making your heart flutter like always.




Yongguk felt uneasy with all the eyes plastered on you as the two of you walk down the sidewalk towards the restaurant you’re heading. He hated all the attention you’re getting and it wasn’t even his fault. One guy whistled but he was immediately silenced by Yongguk’s murderous glare, he didn’t like it.

“G-guk…let’s stop for a minute,” you whispered a little before touching your sore feet before regretting the fact that you wore high heels instead of comfortable sneakers. Yongguk sighed at the sight of you in pain because of some stupid heels you forced yourself in to. “Sorry.”

Yongguk sighed again and faced you. “Why did you wear that again?” he asked, looking straight in to your lined eyes. He didn’t like the make-up covering your eyes, he didn’t like the powder stuff that covered your complexion, and he didn’t like the fake color of your lips.

“It fits the dress.” You muttered, trying to find a loophole.

But he didn’t budge. He eyed you for a couple of seconds. “You don’t look comfortable in that dress either.”

“Well what do you want me to wear?” you asked, bursting out, preventing tears from falling down. “I’d look like an assistant if I stand next to you wearing my jeans. Do I have a choice?”

Yongguk looked at you before engulfing you in to a tight hug. “You don’t have to go through all this though.” He reasoned, nuzzling his nose in to your chemical smelling hair.

“Then what are you suggesting? A break up?” you asked half shouted, escaping his arms but regretting it again when you saw the pained look in his face.

Yongguk gulped and stared at you. “You can do that?” he asked meekly, his voice cocooned in a mixture of pain and disbelief.

You bit your lip and shook your head, no but it was too late when you saw him walking back to his car, driving without you.  You almost fell unto the floor at the sight.




Yongguk brushed his fingers in his hair, he knew he should be the one comforting you and stuff but he was way too hurt, maybe it was the words and the tone but he felt guilty when he left you especially when he remembered that you were having a hard time in those goddamn heels, plus those men who looked like predators eyeing their prey when they looked at you. It’s been days since he last saw you and the guilt was killing him. He tried calling you hundreds of times but no one answered, making him more worried by the minute.

He drove to your house and knocked several times but no one answered and when he was about to break the door, he noticed that the door was locked outside, therefore you went outside and all of his worries about you doing something stupid inside locked doors were relieved.

“Where are you…” he muttered before going to places you usually go but he saw nothing. He looked at the park bench, the convenience store, the abandoned backyard where you go when you want to cry, but still no sight. He was about to give up and wait for you to go home when he found himself  in a crowded street, with little floating lights illuminating the place, he smiled but his heart clenched at the thought that you weren’t there to see it with him. He continued wandering the when he saw a familiar figure standing near a stall where they sell street foods. He headed there and saw you with your messy hair tied in to a bun wearing your navy blue sweatshirt and your faded skinny jeans that you matched with red sneakers, as you devoured a plate full of food you didn’t even know exist until now.

Yongguk reached you and pulled you in to a tight hug that made you drop a couple of your food. He wanted to say thousand of things at once but he couldn’t, blame his incapacity to explain himself very well.

“What the—“you squealed but trailed off when you realize who it was.  “Guk what’re you doing here?”

He pulled out and looked down, too guilty to even look at you. “S-sorry.”

“Guk,” you called, lifting his chin gently, making him face you. He took in a sharp breath when he saw your bare face for he remembered how beautiful you were. “You don’t have to be. It’s my fault.”

He shook his head and hugged you again, nuzzling his face in the crook of your shoulder. You smiled a little and patted his head gently.


“Did I tell you how pretty you look today?”


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AhnChaeMi #1
Chapter 1: Wa~ Author-nim, good job. My heart ♥ Keep up the good work ;))