Episode 1

Soar High Entertainment || Story Start ||





7 girls were standing confidently, "Annyeonghaseyo! Cupid imnida!" everyone said with a smile on their face. "So this will be our reality show" the leader, Seira said. "Showing how Cupid will be living!" the one with an already established name in the business, Eunyoung continued. "Hope you'll be there to support us till the end!" Aeri proclaimed as she waved her hands in front of the camera. "Cupid... Hwaiting!" all of them cheered.



"So did you enjoy watching the movie?" the assistant manager, Mr. Kang asked as he opened the car for the girls. "Ne we did, though Eunyoung did got quite emotional" Seira non-chalantly said. "It was so sad! Just imagine if you're in Hazel's position eh" Eunyoung responded childishly causing their manager to laugh at their antics. "Well, I'm glad you enjoy your day off. Tomorrow will be the start of your preparation for your debut" Mr. Kang said as he read the girl's schedule on his Ipad. "Well... Our debut is within a month, more or less... We won't want any delays" Seira said as she peeked through their schedule. "Especially for you Eunyoung... You still have some filmings to do" Mr. Kang said as he handed the hard copy of Eunyoung's schedule. Eunyoung blew on her bangs, "Then that menas I might miss some of our promotions" she said.


"Well we'll try to loosen up your schedule" Mr. Kang said, "But she should finish her job sooner so she could join us, right?" Seira said as she ran through the memory she had of their schedule.







"Look! Eunyoung and Seira-unnie posted on the website!" Aeri said as she pointed on her laptop screen. Indeed that caused the other members to gather around to look at the update. "Well those two are enjoying their day off" RooA muttered, since she and Joorin decided to visit her family's cafe. "Well, I should ask Ms. Gyuri if I could post some of my selcas on the website" Hyojin thought out loud. "Unnie please don't make the site your personal photo album" Hankyung said as she looked up from her book. "Umma Kyung so mean" Joorin said as she glomped on Hankyung.


"Did you girls enjoy your day off? You wouldn't have it for awhile" Ms. Gyuri said as she barged into the girl's dorm. The girls all groaned as their manager announced that. "So tomorrow will be the start of your recording" she continued as she took out a blue journal which the girl's assumed to be their schedule. "I guess you all received the lyrics of the songs. Am I right?"


"Ne, we already received it unnie" Hyojin said as she lift up a piece of paper from the table. "Well glad to hear that. All of you should get a good rest. You'll need it seriously" Ms. Gyuri said. "We're back!" Eunyoung said as she entered their dorm with Seira trailing behind her. "Reviewing your schedule?" Ms. Gyuri asked as she watched the leader of the group. "Ah ne. I need to make sure everyone would get some rest so I'm doing some finally measures on it" Seira said as she watched her members laugh around their small dorm.


Just like any other idols, they'll start with a small dorm. 1 room for the 3 bunk beds, a small walk in closet for their clothes, their kitchen and dinning area in one side and the living room where they're all packed now. For sure, this would change in a few years if they'll do a great job. "Everyone should be at the recording room by 5 am, Seira" Ms. Gyuri said before she bid good bye to every girl.


So this was it, tomorrow will be the start of their dream.

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Chapter 11: first episode *o*
i really excited for their recording day!
BabySapphire #2
Chapter 10: The story is finally starting \(^_^)/
Hahaha enjoy the first chapter!
Chapter 10: First chapter already! ^^
Chapter 10: yeay!!! the story's starting!!! luv the first chappp
Chapter 10: finally~~~ story start already! =D
it's nice chappie,though~~ :3
keep updating!
Chapter 9: oh, thanks for accepting me. ^ ^
Chapter 9: ahh~!
can't wait anymore~~
start the story soon XD
BabySapphire #8
Chapter 6: Woah! Thank you for accepting me! Excited for the story!
Chapter 8: yehet! they are beautiful <3
Chapter 8: One member left
Excited for the story!