Stage 2

Win Her Heart

Stage 2

Reaching the age of 18 years, Taeyeon wanted to continue her study in different place. Leaving her home, and living in her own. She went to Seoul, tailing by Sunny who also, went into the same place to study as well. Much relief to Taeyeon’s mother. Although it was hard to leave her mother, she needed to be independent. Her mother understood, so she let her do whatever she wanted to do.  

And Taeyeon couldn’t be more grateful than she already was for having such an understanding mother.

She would occasionally visit her mom in her holidays and it had last until now, when she had reached the age of 21. All of her images with her father were already buried inside her, all blurry. Up until now, she didn’t exactly know why her father had decided to leave them. Leaving a big scar on their hearts. She wanted to protect her mother but she was a mere kid at that time. Too weak to stand on her ground, unable to prevent things to happen.  

Taeyeon didn’t want to ask her mother about it, because it would only open the wound that her mother had tried to heal desperately. She didn’t want to see her mother in misery.      

But one day, when she happened to come home, wanting to accompany her mother in her spare time of holidays. She couldn’t sleep well at night, not with muffled sobs that were coming from her mother. Resulting her to repeatedly take a deep breath.

She clutched her fists, her mother was a strong woman. At least she wanted to look like that in front of her.

Taeyeon decided to confront her mother. She pushed the door open and saw the bulging of blanket on the bed.


It was silence. Taeyeon slowly made her way inside. “Mom, I know you’re still awake.” She sat at the edge. “Are you crying?”

There was still no response. She saw the blanket moved, and she had to chuckle at that. Her mom probably wiped her tears away, just to prove her wrong. “I’m not physic, mom. But, well, our wall aren’t that thickest, you know.” Taeyeon jokingly remarked.

She heard the shuffling sound and her mother’s face came to her vision.

That day she acknowledged the truth. Her parent married by force, business thing most likely. They didn’t know each other and had to build a future together. Her father already had a girlfriend at that time, but her mother was thankfully not. She however, was feeling guilty over him though of this circumstance, he had to break his previous relationship and it all because of her. Although she didn’t do it intentionally, of course.

She tried to love him with all her might, it was the least she could do. And in the end, she was eventually falling for him as time went by.

Taeyeon pitied her father’s condition. But, she would never forgive him. For lying. Saying he loved her, making everyone believe that was love beneath them, that the foundation of their relationship was love. But the truth was far from it. You should win an award, Taeyeon murmured in silence.

Her mother was hurting because of him.

Her mother was hurting because she loved him.

Her mother was hurting because of love she hold for him.

The girl squeezed her mother’s left hand. Silently telling her to stay strong. She clenched her jaws, wanting to say everything towards him if she happened to meet him one day.

Her mother looked up with glistening eyes. But this time, a beautiful smile made its appearance on her face.

“I love you, Taeyeon-ah.”

That was irony. How could he hurt this kind woman? Taeyeon tried to open her eyes as wide as she could to prevent her tears from falling. “I-I love you, mom.”

Since that, love was a limited word for her.

And starting from that day, she refused to call him, her father.

He didn’t deserve it.

At all.



“Rise and shine~”

That chortle coming from the other side of her phone, and was waking her intentionally. Taeyeon grunted, still rubbing her eyes. “Why are calling me at this hour, Soonkyu?” She asked with hoarse voice.

“I will take that you are still in a drowsy state. Don’t you think I’m kind enough to wake you up like this? So the least you can do is thank me. And don’t be grumpy.”

“Cut the crap, Soonkyu.” Taeyeon sprawled her legs and closed her eyes again. Ready to sleep any moment if Sunny took her longer time to talk and didn’t break this surprisingly peaceful silence.

“Well, you have a class in an hour if you just happen to forgot about it.” She heard several fit of laughs before the call finally came to an end, she sprung her eyes open instantly.

“God, darn it.”


“Woah, woah.. Have you running all the way here?”

“I’m late. Darn you.” Taeyeon panted. “I hate you, you know it?”

She was ready to run again, but seeing Sunny reached out for something inside her bag, she halted her movement. “Could it change your mind?”

Taeyeon saw the swinging thing and grabbed it in a second. “Well, not really. But it lessen a bit.”

“That is so heart-warming.” The girl sarcastically commented. That was Taeyeon’s turn to giggle. She ripped the package and her eyes sparked by the sight of vanilla coated chocolate ice cream. Her favorite. Sunny had to laugh at that dreamy expression.

“Though I didn’t have a breakfast,” Taeyeon said lowly, before taking a big bite of it. “Skreww dath.” She said in her full filled mouth.

The girl immediately got a hard hit on her head, disturbing her snacking time.

“You idiot. You should at least eat anything else rather than ice cream, you freak!”

She got a several hit again and tried to avoid each of it. “Yah! I don’t have time! And come to think of it again, you were the one who gave me this precious thing! Don’t you dare to blame me!”

Taeyeon then looked down on her wrist and noticed the time. “Hell no! I’m late for real!!” She dashed off with one hand tightly gripped her ice cream. “Be seeing ya, Soonkyu!”




She heard something ringing that was obviously coming from none other than her phone. Ignoring it for a little more, Tiffany turned her body around and she pressed her pillow against her ears just to preclude every annoying sound, produced by it. She was tired after going to the club last night and the endless massive sound of buzz in the morning didn’t help her at all. Screw you, She mumbled. It was still her holidays, why people so adamant to bother her right there? Tiffany’s grip on the fluffy things tightened. Just sleep, Tiff.

But, it was never coming to a stop. Tiffany threw her pillow on her right side, startling the figure not so far from her.

“Darn it!!!!”

Hand blindly took the ringing device on the nightstand. She swiped the screen and grunted, squinting at the light that came off of it. It wasn’t an alarm. It was a call, from her best friend in the 8 of the morning.


She yelled, pushing her body up abruptly against her bedpost.  

“I WAS THE ONE WHO NEED TO YELL IT OUT AT YOU!!” came the respond. Tiffany pulled her device out and stared at it. Over of so many times, Yuri chose to be her annoying-self today, she thought. Didn’t aware with her blatant voice that was successfully awaken the figure that once sleeping soundly.


“OF COURSE NOT!!” Tiffany shouted, instantly making another presence jumped in place -surprised. Tiffany calmed down as she saw her puppy was staring at her with scared eyes. It probably awakened by her incredible loud voice. “Sorry, Prince.” She mouthed while reaching her hand to it.

“Why are you calling me, Yuri???” She asked back after a moment of silence.

“Did you forget to meet Mr. Park this morning?” Yuri questioned, more gently this time. “Or don’t tell me you actually forget that starting from this day, is the kickoff of our new term. Which actually mean, that our holidays sessions are already over. Do you check the academic calendar when you happen to choose subjects, don’t you?”

The around her pet stopped, as Tiffany curled her fingers and cursed. “I forgot.” She hissed, face palming herself over the revelation. “And Mr. Park? Why it has to be him?”

“Are you going to make it or not?” She heard Yuri and closed her eyes for a moment. Feeling her head was throbbing hard and causing her for having such a trouble time to think straight. Hang over.

“Hey, answer.”


“O-okay! Better be hurry!” Yuri knew better than to ask, because she was sure Tiffany had turned into hell-Fany mode by now. “Bye!”

“DAMN IT!!!”

With another raised voice and scary face, Prince immediately jumped off Tiffany’s bed and hurriedly sprinted out to go to the outside.

Tiffany let out a sigh when the line went dead.



“Amazing,” Tiffany mumbled, eyes were staring at her car in desperation.

“Amazingly doomed.”

She banged her steer wheel and got out of that cramped room. Slamming the door close in anger. Curses could be hear every now and then ever since Tiffany got up that morning. She had to meet her lecturer 9 in the morning and now she was on the verge of being late. Tiffany took out her phone and dialed her friend’s number. She was at stake here. 

“Hey?” The voice exclaimed. And Tiffany didn’t take much time before ordering the person on the other line to help her.

“Pick me up at-“ Tiffany looked around and spotted the sign. “Well, near xxx coffee shop. Seems like my car is refused to cooperate with me this time.”

Thankfully, she knew the person was living near it and would probably save the hassle. “I didn’t spot any taxi here so yeah. Hurry!”  

She kicked the wheel before leaning against her car’s window.


“What the heck is happening with this day?!”


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I'm sorry to let you know this, but my laptop is died and its charger is broken -_- I don't have any back up of my stories so I'm sorry for not updating :(


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reinna #1
Chapter 3: Woohooo just read this but it was so interesting, cant wait for the update!! And btw can you please update "game" fanfic? Which its like few month have past its was a great fic. Thx
Chapter 3: Is Tiffany a rich kid too or nah?
Taeyeon's dad shouldn't have lied about liking her mother.
unbelieve #3
Chapter 2: So that's the real story about tae's parents..
Hahaha i know how the feel when go to college in the early morning and that's so annoying.
unbelieve #4
Chapter 1: Hello im new reader and new subscriber.
Your story looks good. I hope you can update soon.
ZevaniyaTmaker #5
Chapter 1: so tiffany is taeyeon's mom? god Dx
Chapter 3: Cool. I love your stories. :D