One out of a million.



You, given the name Lim Seoyeon, was born into a normal family and went to a normal school and hung out with normal friends. All except Suzy, it is. Bae Suzy, your best friend, was obsessed with EXO. In other words, she was an extremely hardcore EXO stan. 

But you didn't know EXO very well. You weren't really interested in them, anyways. You've just seen them a couple of times because Suzy forced you to. Other than that, EXO didn't really play a big role in your 'fangirl' life. Come to think of it, you'd hardly ever fangirl too.

But things started to go a little bit wrong when you get dragged to EXO's fansigning event by Suzy. Accidentally bumping into Kai and getting to know the EXO members personally, your life gets twists around overnight.

Although you got bashed by EXO stans and got numberless hatred comments, you didn't want to leave EXO's side. It was weird, but true. 


What have you got yourself into, Lim Seoyeon!?




Hello, people! 

qorean_asianess speaking here.

So this fanfic, 'One out of a million' is delicated right to my best friend; Newle Klimsch. But y'all can enjoy this as well. [:


And Newle, have fun reading! And don't forget 'You', A.K.A 'Lim Seoyeon' is YOU! You, Newle Klimsch, is Lim Seoyeon here. Got it? I'll try to make it as cheesy as possible. I hope you'd enjoy this fanfic. Haha. Cheers!




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Dontworrybehappy #1
Nice :D I'm looking forward to reading this ^^