
's Dreams




He was Confused


Kris dwell there - in the front door of an apartment that he does not know—the one Miss Choi brought him after the court, confused. He did not imagine would be there saw them. No. He tried to recall what had happened.


" I’m Miss Choi ! I am your new lawyer Mr . Wu ! Let's win this ! . " Elite dressed woman , smiling at him.
" I do not remember ever replace my lawyer ? ! . " Yifan's telling the truth.
" Ohh ~ you did Mr . Wu !."


Courtroom was very quiet. In contrast to the state of the watertight outdoors -- chaotic. Ms. Choi with an elegant waltz and speak at the hearing. Kris - wu Yifan just answer a few questions posed to him. It all happened very fast and confusing. All he knows , after he blinked ...

He won the lawsuit .

Now , he stands on his feet. Do not know what to do, when the doors open in front of him, showing the ever—People that for weeks he had never seen.

" Aren’t you supposed to hug me?!." A round blone head poped in front of him. A pouted lips that oh - god - only - knows so he missed.

But he was too confused . He was confused and claustrophobic.

" Ahhhhh ~ whatever!." The blonde haired one threw himself— hugging wu Yifan " welcome back!." Said the man on Yifan’ chest.

" Okay , I 'll pick up your files then~." Ms. Choi smiled , interrupting.

" Oh - thank you noona!." Junmyeon smile, let go of his arms and bows " aren’t you also have to thank?!." He grabbed Yifan’ sleeve, pulling Yifan to with bow with him.

"Aww ~ I would love to see you soon!." Ms. Choi walked away. Bid a goodbye.

“noona?.” Yifan questioned.

“yup! She will soon to be my noona. Hahhhh my lucky hyung!.” Junmyeon answered in dreamy.

“okaaaaay~. I will let this guy up to you later guys! But I have few thing to do with this riddiculous one first!.” Junmyeon dragged the confused Yifan by hand. He’s smiling. They were passing the indescribable atmosphere given for at least 13 persons in the room, before entered a bedroom.

“first, I’m your new roomate from no on! This is our room!” he speared his arms, shoing the medium room. There’s two single beds, a big drawer, a large mirror, and A big oxygen tube(?).

“how?.” Yifan look at Junmyeon and the oxygen tube alternately.

“o—that one, I got that from my brother, when I left hospital! As you know, my brother is a doctor! I even got trained to use that to persons!. And, this is our own pharmacy; there is your meds and this is our suplements suplies.! And my brodher is on call anytime! So don’t wory!.” Junmyeon smile proudly, showing the big drawer full of bottles.

“... hahh- in the end it’s you who controlled everything.” Yifan felt defeated. He let out an upset smile. He know he’s being a jerk by feels like this. But, he is pissed too to his own arogant pride—wich relize that all that happened was planned perfectly by Junmyeon. All the mess he made was tidied up by the one who should be protected—he protects. He buried his face in his plams—desperately.

“listen Yifan! I used to get what I want!.” He can saw Junmyeon short steps aproached him.” And I do always get what I want!.” Yifan just felt didn’t deserve this warmnth from a hug Junmyeon give.

He knows he does not deserve all of this good things. He could not bring his hands to avenge the hug.
" Listen! When it starts to look almost impossible , I will re- impose stubborn and do everything to get what I want! You know , I did it for seven years ! So what's the harm? If I do all this? Planned all this? You 've been in my ‘what I want’ list! I want you so much! I had to get you!. So just accept your fate!." That there is a small air blown from every word that Junmyeon said on his shoulder. Yifan can feel it. He does not know what to do, when Junmyeon move his hands, draping around Yifan’ neck. Brushed his nose on Yifan’s collar.

" Five more minutes. Be prepared ! I will send you to them!. You deserve whatever they will do to you!. I will let them do anything to you, you jerk. --- I'm a little worried with Tao anyway ! What if he gives you a flying kick ?. Ah , I do not care, as long as you come back to me and is still in a repairable state. I 'll let them!. "Junmyeon mumbled his monologue on his arms around Yifan’s neck, spoiledly.

“ahhhh~ I reaaaally miss this too-big hands warped me like this!.” Yifan can felt a smile and sobs mixed on his shoulder. He deepen the hug. Copying the sobs-mixed smile from the other.


It’s been long for him too, to feel this indecribable feel.









The room was filled with pressure atmosphere. Some middle-aged people sitting stiffly in their seats around a large expensive square table. They are elite and neatly dressed. They decorate their faces with expensive cosmetics and vanity.

"So , what happened ? ! Why like this ?!." An obese man voiced arrogant.
" Do not we agree to things like this?!. It was very careless of you Mr. Kim Youngmin ! . This EXO thing— legal issue for this problem would be quite an impact !. " Calm woman 's voice with flashy jewelry." What is this because of the rumored - new shareholder?."

" And remember that you did it without a shareholders' meeting ! How do you plea ? !." A round-faced man with round glasses looking at a man who sits at the end of middle table.

" I think, a little change to something better, will be nice!." Relaxing soft voice. Automatically make all heads turned toward the voice source. The only young man in the room, with a friendly smile.

" And why this person is in the shareholders meeting ? ! . " Women with striking makeup, pointing to a young disrespectfully.
" Oh , excuse me . Where's my manners ? . " Young man stood up from his chair " I am Kim Junmyeon – a shareholders . "He smiled.

" - With bisggest 32 % ownership stake." Si Kim Youngmin added , while lightly massaging his frown forehead.

Junmyeon smiling - almost grinned, sitting back on his chair.


Indeed, his agreement with the father and his older brother, is quite worthed.







A’s something:

What if all of this mess is SM planed plot for their concert? Because the theme is fanfic, drama, or something like that?

What if all of this is just a birthday surprise plan for Suho? Because Suho is alays take everything to another level?.

What ifs...


Just let me be delu in my denial ok?!.

and, I have no time to tidied this one, ...


Let’s try to enjoy our time~





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