Chapter 5

Of The Arts and Education (HIATUS)
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     This past week went by so quickly. I guess getting acquainted with my new home, teaching, and waiting for a phone call from Chandler was enough to really make time fly. Now it’s Sunday and I have all day to dedicatedly wait around for a phone call that probably will not come.
     I roll on to my back on my bed and shake my legs out a bit heaving a big sigh. I check my phone to see that it’s eleven in the morning. Okay! Time to get out of bed!
     I take a shower and decide to relax into the morning with a face mask. I feel refreshed although my thoughts immediately turn to Chandler. Having nothing to busy my mind with is excruciating. Are we really over? After everything we have been through, he is willing to let me go so easily. 
     After twenty minutes I remove the mask and get dressed. I suppose I can go to Hongdae and window shop to let go of the stresses of the week. 
     When I open my door, Seunghyun is frozen with his fist ready to knock on the door. “Seunghyun?”
     He drops his hand and looks both ways, blowing out his cheeks with air. 
     “Why the face? You were going to knock anyway,” I laugh. “Whats up?”
     “I was wondering what you are doing today. I have nothing on my schedule and I thought maybe we could get to know each other…you know, because we’re neighbors and everything. Want to…I don’t know…maybe go to a cafe or something?”
     “That sounds like a great idea actually. I have nothing to do anyway. I was just going to take a trip to Hongdae and waste my day off doing nothing anyway,” I say with a smile. 
     “Cool! So…are you ready now or do you need some more time?”
     “Let’s go. I could really use coffee,” I say with a bright smile.
.               .               .
     We decide on a nice small coffee shop. It’s not a chain like Cafe Bene but a smaller shop that is very personal and inspiring creatively. “I go here all the time when I need to escape a bit,” he says to me while we look up at the big menu board on the wall above the espresso machines. “It has a little something for everyone. My favorite are the blankets in the holder over there,” he points behind him without even looking, he’s obviously memorized the place. “I love sitting down in the corner with all those pillows, a blanket on my lap and a coffee in my hand. It really gets me where I need to be. I guess it’s a comfort thing,” he says. “So…any idea what you want?”
     “I’m thinking maybe a Vanilla latte?”
     “They make them very well here. Good choice,”
     “And you?”
     “Americano”. He turns to the barista and orders our drinks. He gives the woman his card as I am reaching for money in my wallet. 
     “Here you go,” I offer him the money for my drink but instead of taking it, he presses my hand with the money back down to my wallet. “But-“
     “No. Korean culture. I am older than you,” he says. “You can get it next time” he concludes and he hovers his hand behind me and holds his other hand out in the direction of the open cafe. “Where do you want to sit?” he asks. Next time… I can’t help but smile at the thought. Seunghyun is starting to be my first real guy friend I have made in the entire two years that I have been here. Chandler didn’t like my associating with other men so eventually I just stopped all together. I wanted to make him happy. I still kind of do, but he won’t let me do it the way I want too. I love him. He just makes it really hard to do so sometimes.
     And right now, I won’t let him tell me what to do.
     “Want to go over to that spot you like so much? Show me the best place. You’re the expert,” I say with a smile. 
     So he does. He snatches two small blankets from the bin against the wall and walks us to the corner of the room where the floor is raised. He takes his shoes off and so do I before we step up on the platform and we make ourselves home amongst the tens of pillows scattered on the ground surrounding the low rise table. He hands me a blanket and observes as I mimic him as if covering myself with a blanket is some sort of new thing I have never tried before. I guess it is though. “I’ve never been to a cafe that gave you blankets and let you sit on the floor,” I say.
     “There’s always time for firsts,” he smiles gently. “So, neighbor,” he addresses me formally. “What made you come to Korea?”
     “Well, I’ve always wanted to go abroad and when I heard that I could make money while doing so I said ‘Why not?’. I know, it’s not a very interesting back story,” I say, looking down at my hands.
     “No. Westerners don’t seem very interested in Asia. So that alone is enough for me. Thank you,” he says.
     “Thank you?”
     “For wanting to come to my country. Welcome to Korea!” he says, opening his arms wide.
     “It really means that much to you?”
     “Like I said-Westeners don’t come here that often,”
     “Well it feels weird to say you’re welcome so instead I will say thank you for having such a great country for me to come to. I don’t think I'll ever want to leave,”
     “Then don’t,” he says simply.
     “Okay if you say so,” and we both share a small smile. 
     The buzzer goes off and Seunghyun excuses himself to go pick up our drinks. I play with my fingers to keep myself busy while waiting for him to return. After a moment, he is back and kicking his shoes off once again before he steps back into our land of pillows and blankets. 
     Setting the tray onto the table, he takes my latte and hands it to me then sits back down. He picks up his Americ

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Xiossi #1
Chapter 12: Awwwww, fluffy fluffy. I love it! The chemistry between them is amazing. And this is coming from an American dating a Korean! I can retalte in so many ways. Good job! Thank you authornim, keep them coming!
loyal4ygfamily5ever #2
Xiossi #3
Chapter 10: Ahhhhh a kiss! He finally kiss her. This is getting soo good!!!! Can't wait for more.
loyal4ygfamily5ever #4
*Appropriately somber organ music* Here lies the story of Jillian "toptotesrulez5eva" Nadiak which, being most graciously shared with her thirsting readers did then trail sadly off after seven chapters and is now lying in the deeply regrettable state as you all see it now. This story did provide many hours of wonderful feeling and breathtaking enjoyment as well as several almost lethal heart attacks before its untimely slip into apparent lifelessness. perhaps even yet, we may see such a revival as would gladden the hearts of many a poor fangirl, not only at this present gathering but also in other places far flung around the globe.

R.I.P much beloved little story, not soon forgotten by those whose lives were brightened by your brilliance.
loyal4ygfamily5ever #5
Chapter 7: this is probably more than half not related to this story but the other night I had a really weird dream about my head scripture teacher, whatever you want to call her, and she was taking care of all these stray children and I was helping her and all this other stuff happened (it was way better than it sounds) ANYWAY. Before this story I've never thought of Seunghyun the way you're portraying him and it must be getting into my subconscious thinking or something cause I've started dreaming about bits of it for crying out loud! I've thought about Seunghyun liking kids and being a father and all that other stuff but not, like... that. and it's really annoying me cause It's so new and so beautiful but I can't imagine it properly but I really like it and I don't even know. dude, your story is giving me an existential crisis >_< anywayyyyyy, THANK YOOOOUUUUU FOR UPDATING! :D :D I don't have anything brilliant to comment, my whole life has just suddenly got about five more directions I could go and I feel lightly like hitting my head on a brick wall. so it was wonderful just to sit down and read a nice, happy, peaceful chapter about a Seunghyun that made me smile and an OC that I like. and I just noticed.... "Death grip around his bicep" my happy days do you have too????? that little kid that likes Seunghyun is scary though lol. she's the type that'd turn up at school with a machine gun to protect her property. aka Seunghyun >_<
MyDarlingLove #6
Chapter 7: Awwww cute!!!!!!
loyal4ygfamily5ever #7
Chapter 6: MY HAPPY DAYS SEUNGHYUN IN NIGHT SHIRT AND SHORTS?????? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME???????? *wrenching sobs and dying whale noises* I just walked out the kitchen still under the effects of Seunghyun in shorts and Jared says "Why are you acting bananas?" WHYYYY JILLIAN WHYYYYY???

anyway... there was something else I really liked, one of those bits I'd print out and frame. " It’s nice to know that someone is willing to fight for this relationship.
Too bad it’s no longer the people in it." I LOVED that! So profound and deep!

and I love his English how he just blurts out that she's an inconvenience but he still wanted to get to know her *loud AAAAAAAWWWWING* and then he comes out with this earth shattering "independent doesn’t mean you have to be alone" my happy days so deep!!! and it really is so true and wow how do you think of such philosophical stuff?

AND DAESUNGGGG!!!!!! aahhhhhh Daesung..... :') :') and imagine TOP just rapping not on stage just for fun... NO! and Seunghun with a tambourine.. stupid idiot what the flipping stuff do you think you're doing with a tambourine come here so I Can hit you with it! lol, I can see it so well >_< is there picture inspiration for his profile picture? and Daesung's clothing?

such a nice chapter :') Seunghyun is so nice and Daesung's existence gives me such happiness and Seunghyun in shorts is still killing me *happy sigh* looks like it's going to be a good day >_<
loyal4ygfamily5ever #8
Sooo, I've been thinking about the speech and description surrounding it and I just remembered something my Uni lecturer told us. She was talking about writing speech and she said that because we use it so frequently phrases like "she said" are almost subconscious, like our brains don't even notice it anymore when we read it. But at the same time it's an awkward phrase to incorporate into writing so we're better to try and avoid saying it whenever possible by using other terms such as she replied/shouted etc. and sometimes we don't need to even clarify that someone is speaking because the quotation marks do that, and we can give the idea of their emotion/feelings/way of talking/whatever like:

Reading The Pink Tie always made B more impatient with her little brother.
"Go away Jared! can't you see I'm trying to fangirl!" quickly she clapped one hand over and apologised. She hadn't meant to shout in his ear so loudly.

it takes up extra words but depending on how good you are (I'm pretty terrible) it reads less awkwardly and gives the sense of showing not telling the reader what's happening.

anyhoooooo.... yeah, I'll step out of your personal writing space now. I'm already missing updates :'(
loyal4ygfamily5ever #9
Chapter 5: aaand then Seunghyun's there to pick her up and hug her and it's such a nice way to end it :') lol, wow I feel like I need to write a conclusion to this essay >_< ohh and I loved reading about him and the kids. I'm preparing for when you aren't updating frequently and I'm having withdrawels, I can go back and have a couple of chapters to comment on without repeating myself >_<

crap I didn't realise I wrote so much... sorry for taking over your comment section >_<
loyal4ygfamily5ever #10
Chapter 5: I REEEEEAAALLY LOVE THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN CHANDLER AND LYNETTE! it has all this tension and shows how she wants to "be friends" still and how he gets angry again... AND dude you need a MEDAL! when I read it, I was so caught up in the actual story that Come Back Home didn't even register. every time I hear it now I start singing the song but reading the conversation it just didn't even enter my mind I was so.. focused or whatever lol. although, personally if I had been lynette, I Dont think I Would have been that nice to him cause I'm an intolerant brat lol. and then he just.... drops her and hangs up and my mouth kind of dropped and seriously I could have disabled him for life. ooooooooh!!! are you going to do a confrontation or something between him and Seunghyun and you could describe Seunghyun going all martial-arty and beating him up my happy days I'd die. anyway.

about the description of the charecter, usually it wouldn't bother me it's just cause I'm used to Jillian now I see you so... it doesn't really matter. If I read a story that has a character description I don't like I just ignore it anyway and imagine what they look like myself.

OH! I also really like how you wrote the conversation with chandler! it hasn't got any of the undercurrant humour from the narrative/main character's point of view. stuff like, when she left "Sprinting down the stairs wouldn’t be much of an understatement." I Can't find any others off the top of my head but when I Read it, it sounds... lighter? but this conversation doesn't have any of that so we get the full significance of what's happening and how serious it is and she feels it to be.