I'm being delusional

I'm 200% Sure!


"There he is.."


The person I always look up to.


He was walking like he was on the moon. Girls swooning over him. I'd be lying if I didn't say I like him too but I don't have the courage like other girls to go up to him and confess. I really don't know if it is fate or not but we always take the same train, same bus, and same road on the way home. I feel like I won the lottery everyday! Though it can't be ignored that his fangirls would follow him too and see a familiar uniform as them walking the same  road as Him.

There are times I would fall asleep on the bus and would expect to miss my stop but it never occurred. It's either coincidental or just an accident but when I would almost miss my stop He would bump his bag on my shoulder or push me hard and it would wake me up so I never missed it. Every time I think about it, it hurts my brain! Is he doing it on purpose? But its really impossible for someone like him to notice some girl like me.. Or maybe because I have the same uniform as him and he is just an angel from heaven and didn't want anyone to miss their stop. Argh! I really don't know! I'm talking to myself again..

This only happens in the morning and afternoon where we would take the same rides to and fro. Even though at school I can only see him from a far.

So close, yet so far. Something like that I guess?

Though there are times when our eyes would meet for a millisecond then we both break off the stare or it would usually be me breaking it quickly. I break the stare because I could always feel my cheeks heat up and it's driving me crazy! I feel awkward about it actually, he might think I'm a stalker or something. It couldn't be me who he's looking at right? Some pretty girl might be behind me.  

I knew someday I would have the courage.. I just need a boost or an exact time or day for me to do it. And maybe Valentines day would be perfect. And this time I'm planning on confessing, in front of everyone or not I'll do it! Just so I could let this feeling out and I might feel better.

I made home made chocolates, I don't really know what he likes so I just made plain milk chocolates.

The dreaded day came..


Valentine's Day.

I feel like my heart would burst out any second. I'm sweating like crazy! I might look haggard when I give him this.


*sigh* Typical.. Girls everywhere but I don't see him accepting any. I was about to give up because there wasn't any opening for me to crawl or fit in to give it to him personally and he would notice my presence..

He looked right at me.

He looked surprise seeing my presence. He looked right at me or behind me..? His stare was like an on switch for me to move even though I was almost backing out on this stupid plan, but my legs suddenly moved on their own and I pushed myself from the crowd but they wouldn't budge. It was like some sale in the mall. I was pushed back!


I found another way for him to notice me. I climbed up the table beside me. Here goes nothing.. I stomped my foot on the table and it echoed and caught everyone's attention, even the other male students who just stared at the girls around him looked at me funny. Say something you idiot!

"Ha.. Happy Valentine's Day K-Kris!"

I threw the box at his direction and he caught it. He smirked at me, was he thanking me?

I was now back to my senses and found myself embarrassing. I made a scene that I never thought I'd make in my whole life. After that I left quickly before anyone could see my tomato face.


It all happened so fast, everyone in school suddenly knew of the unknown girl who suddenly caught the pretty boy's eye. I actually received a lot of stares (or more likely glares) and a bunch of trash thrown at me and my desk had cursing and other trash thrown at it but I didn't really care, I was used to it. I realized what I did awhile ago and felt like I was hypnotized, like he was telling me he would receive my gift with open arms. But we don't even know each other. The girls were getting out of hand and I heard from the others that Kris only accepted my gift and no other. Even I would ask myself; WHY?! Of all people who made efforts to give those to him, he accepted mine alone?



I hid myself until afternoon in the rooftop so they would stop with the rants and such. I fell asleep waiting for time to fly.

I started drifting to dreamland, I saw myself sleeping peacefully when a handsome prince came, kneeled down beside me, leaned down and kissed my cheek. I couldn't see his face, it was all blurred. I saw the prince standing up, leaving.

I suddenly woke up when I heard the door close. The dream felt so real, My cheek feels like someone really did kiss me.

I checked my phone and it was 5:30 pm already, better get going. I heard something crumple in my hand.

Hello, what's this? It was a piece of paper.


"Thank You for those chocolates Amber, I hope you wake up soon.

    I'll be waiting for you by the school gates. Let's go home together.



Are my eyes deceiving me or is this another lucid dream? I blinked a few more to wake me up. I peeked down the school building and I saw his tall figure waiting for me. Waiting for me. 


I grabbed my things and wasted no time. I ran down the flight of stairs making my way out of the school building,

It was true. I'm not being delusional! He really was there waiting for me. He looked over his shoulder and smiled.


"H-Hi." I was trying to catch my breath.

He chuckled, "Why don't I buy you a bottle of water before we head home? You look exhausted." He started walking and I followed beside him.

"H-How did you know my name?" I had to ask.

"I've always.." He paused for a second before he continued. "Found you different, and I just thought that you looked like an amber." What?

"I look like an amber to you?" He simply nodded.

"I'm 200% sure you're an amber!" I chuckled at his comment, shaking my head.

I smiled to myself. "You're right, I do look like an amber and I am." I offered my hand.

"I'm Amber." He took my hand and shook it.

"So I was right after all? Hello Amber, I'm Kris." He laughed.


200 percent huh?










Amber's p.o.v. ^^ What'd you guys think? 

Thank You for reading!! :D 

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Lisakrisber_1 #1
Chapter 2: Cute
Chapter 2: Wow. So cute!!! This is a beautiful story. Thank you for this :)
Chapter 2: Cuuutteee X3
llama1023 #4
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh, fluff fluff fluff this is fic is really cute Author-nim!
mizz_ana_cutez #5
Chapter 2: This is cuteee!!! Please write more authornimmm!!!
Good job
BluebutterflyKPop #6
Chapter 2: Too short but really sweet, thank you ;-)
Chapter 2: this is so cute! i want more. XD thank you for the nice read! ^^
anitahsieh1993 #8
Chapter 2: oooooohhhh !! so cute love it !!
Lukber #9
Chapter 2: good job ..congratulations ... more krisber stories ..please ..