
Just One Day

Just One Day

Wavy, auburn strands of hair coiled anxiously around her forefinger, Bom craned her neck to the left, drooped precariously in stunned silence. Courteously reverting to her signature smile, she wiped the perspiration on her brow, huffed, "Well, I guess we're partners for the day, huh?" Crinkled irises spared a glance in the direction of her girlfriends towing aside their boyfriends in different directions. Tapping the edge of her nail on her lips, she presumptuously chirped, "Should be fun."

Dubious of the notion, Kyungsoo flatly denounced the statement with a snort, his interest scarcely piqued or stirred in favor of the amusement park. Perhaps, he could flee from her sight entirely and recline in the shade for the duration of the event?

Ecstatic beyond human limits, or at least beyond what he was normally accustomed to, she approached him with a slight bounce to her heels, her slender joints brazenly acquainting themselves with his lax wrist, and reeled him closer to her able-bodied person. Rapturous, she crooned, "Come on, don't be such a sour-puss! This is going to be fun, just you wait and see." Hardly fazed by her bold declaration, his detached features merely creased with minimal consideration. Absently acknowledging his pained response, she nudged his shoulder, additionally chimed in, "Nothing can possibly go wrong with me at your service!"

Cringing from the shrill pitch of her volume, he attended to his damaged ear-drums, and sharply retorted, "I doubt it."

Retaining a dignified air, she banished his comment from thought, grappled him forth, teeth clenched. "Oh, you know you couldn't hate spending time with me." Unbearably attached to the hem of his sleeve, she tottered forth, his legs agonizingly  pursuing her into the depths of people rushing to-and-fro the Toon section of Disneyland. 

Elbowing their way to the front of the crowd, he silently bemoaned his bad luck. 

Of all the girls it had to be the most vibrant and most active of the bunch?

Enlightened to the dour mood of her partner, she chastised him with the intent to preserve his youth. "Frowning isn't very good for you, you know?" She mimicked the dent of his brows with her fingertips. "You'll age faster!"

Kyungsoo desisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Barely scratching the surface of my greatest worries."

"You could be a little more enthusiastic." She drawled, sniffing at his pompous attitude. "When do we ever come to Disneyland like this? And in between studying for exams?"

Waving aside his lack of exuberant expressions, he conveyed his inner heart with a garbled groan, "It couldn't be more dreary. And I would rather study."

"Tough crowd." Whistling rushed from her pursed lips. "Alright, how about we make it worth your precious time?"

Fairly tempted by the emerging prospect, he quirked a brow. "What did you have in mind?"

Coyly grinning towards the nearby line, she crowed, "How would you like to wager something?"

Gripping onto the headboard for dear life, he swore under his ragged breath, "Holy . Give me the wheel, Bom!"

"No! I got this! The ride is just a little more bumpy than I previously expected." Confidence seeped into her tone as the tracks nicely lined up in a straight outline. "Everything is under control!"

However, she was frazzled by a sudden curve, her instinct to slam the wheel to the side, and unnecessarily swerve both the red car and uncanny duo to the right. Her shoulder readily knocked into his chest, her pliant arm crammed into the planes of his abdomen. Raspy from the impact, he snapped, "Yeah, completely under control." Rubbing out the aches in his torso, he scowled. "I get to pick the next one."

"Fine, fine! Don't get your in a bunch."

Bilious, he spat, "Remind me why I'm here in the first place."

Hurriedly switching left and right for the disaster course, she croaked, "You lost a bet, fair and square. It's that simple, Soo. it up and let loose, my friend."

Bracing himself for further damage, he gasped, "Fun isn't exactly my forte, if you hadn't noticed. And you cheated."

"I did not!" Indignant, she released her hold on the steering wheel, gaping upon his accusations. "I aimed for all of those targets! You kind of just got in my way."

Horrified by the incoming curves and spins, he roared, ", grab the wheel, Bom! Grab the ing wheel!"

Crouching down to the floor in utter security of its stability, he mumbled, "I want a repeat of Woody's Round-up."

"You already lost."

"I just want to win and prove you swindled me of my victory."

Tossing the curls of her splendid mane, she hummed, "You mean you're going to lose again and prove nothing."

Spurred, he smiled. "Is that another bet?"

"Maybe." She teased.

Seething, the air hot with repulsion, he renounced the object for the sake of his bruised ego. "I am not wearing those."

Blithe, the triumphant woman dangled the dreadful Mickey Mouse headband towards his recoiled appearance. "Hey, you lost the bet, again, mind you, and you agreed to the conditions!"

"You have got to be kidding me."

"It was a deal - our deal."

Although he figured he would die from the emasculation, he sighed, and diligently retrieved the pair of ears. "If you tell anyone else about this -"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it."

Contrary to her acceptance of the unspoken threat, she snapped a photo anyways.

Kyungsoo choked, "Bom."

Adjusting the Mickey Mouse headband, and rightfully ignoring the few that gawked, he quipped, "If you can make it out the Grizzly River Run without getting drenched, you're free to set your conditions, and if I win, you're going to wear a Disney princess outfit and break out into song if people ask for your picture."

Assured she would win yet again, she instantly shook his hand and agreed to the deal. "Fine, but when I do win, you have to parade around in a Princess costume."

"Of course."

"So, is it breezy?" Marveling the sleek material, he plucked the ridges of the pink dress, unwittingly lifting the attire in the air and exposing her thighs.

Fuming, she smacked his hands away, and snarled, "ert!" Rosy in the cheeks, she smoothed the fabric down, hopelessly yearning for the felt to reach past her knees. "I can't believe I agreed to this one. Stupid rapids."

"We should commemorate this with a picture."

"Absolutely not."

"Oh, no. No." Deflated by the sparkling contours of the building, he vehemently he denied her permission to board the most boorish of rides in Disneyland.

Flicking the coin along her smug palm, she cried, "Ah-ah! I won the coin toss."

"I am not stepping one foot on that ride."

"Sure you are, Soo." Bom snatched his hand, startling him momentarily with the intimate contact and warmth of her skin. "You'll live. I think."

"See, you survived!" The buxom female shamelessly cheered on her companion and intermittently laughed as he heaved over the side of the boat, mouthing the lyrics to It's a Small World repeatedly.

Deft, white teeth tore into the remaining flesh and strips of the turkey leg, the flesh folds of briefly decorated in juice and drenched in grease until she scrubbed it clean with several napkins. 

Flummoxed by the rate of consumption, he worked his way around the straw of his lemonade and he inquired the nature of her stomach, "How did you eat all of that?" 

Soaking her tongue with cool water, she scoffed, "You're amazed at a turkey leg, corn dog, and churro? Not to mention I split the churro with you." Granted she had not evenly split the churro, but that was besides the point.


"Yeah, yeah. Have fun with your hamburger; I'm going to wash my hands and pet the horses."

Settling his chin atop the expanse of his palm, he gruffly nodded his comprehension, her figure diminishing in her dash to the restroom stalls juxtaposed by Big Thunder Ranch.

Warily gnawing on his straw, he observed her sweet features burst into pure, raw joy upon entering the pen, her heart practically bursting from the confines of her chest.

Pondering her unusual cheery tendencies, Kyungsoo vaguely noticed the bus-boy clean the plates, utensils, and discarded trinkets till he spoke and shattered his reverie. 

"Your girlfriend sure does have an appetite for such a small lady."

Bending the straw with a swipe of his tongue, he hastily slurred, "You're telling me." And then his mind thoroughly processed the prior announcement.

Unbelievably flushed to the roots of his hair, he desperately tried to correct the error in the man's remark. "She's my friend."

Slyly, the bus-boy chuckled, "And she's got you wearing those?"

Aware of the unseemly state of his beet-red flesh, Kyungsoo simmered down, and sank in his chair as the man drifted to the next set of tables. 

This was all due to a bet.

"Autopia... for Star Tours?"

"California Screamin'."

Queasy from the sugary candy she recently popped in , she blanched, swallowed the rising bile, "O-okay."

Sighing, he rubbed away the exhaustion marring his eyes. "You don't like rollercoasters?" 

Aghast, she squeaked, "I do! It's just- I don't like the loopy-da-loop ones." Recalling her last encounter with said ride, she somberly added, "Got stuck on the arch once, traumatized for life."

"Why didn't you say something then? I would have chosen another ride."

"I forced you to go on It's A Small World, I thought this would only be fair." Shoulders slumped in defeat. "I couldn't do it. I'm so sorry, Soo."

Disliking the sour shift in the atmosphere, he promptly flicked her forehead to assuage the matter.

"Ow! What the hell?"

"Don't mope on me when we have a a few more hours left to waste."

Tentative, she examined the honesty in his voice. "Is your head screwed on right?"

Her head felt the brunt force of his chop. 

"Okay, okay! I got it!"


Cracking a withering glare in his path, she eventually fumbled and dissolved into righteous laughter, her hand comfortably nestled in his grip.  

"Miss, could we get a picture?"

Reminded of her current state of dress, as well as her part of the bet, she stammered to the family of five, "O-oh, um, yes." Cheeks aflame with her impending singing, she parted her lips, the first note of Sleeping Beauty's theme on the egde of her tongue, whereupon Kyungsoo whispered his forfeit of the bet's conditions.

"Don't worry about it."

Gently, he relinquished her for the family portrait, a stunned Park Bom still managing to express a lop-sided smile of sheer gratitude.

"Soo?" Frantically searching for her friend in the throngs of families, she sifted through the faces, her head bobbing as she tried to inspect the bulbous heads surrounding her. 

Reeling with fright that he was lost in the duration of photo-time, she called his name again and again with her thick timbre and taut jaw, her concern melted the instant she smacked into his chest. Momentarily displaced, she gargled, "Wha-?"

Arching a fine brow, he presented a pink balloon to her perplexed features. "This is the best I could do instead of a royal, noble steed."

Churning with emotions, she bit her lip and slapped his thin appendage, to which he jeered, "Are you going to take it or not?"

B with tears, she accepted his offering. "Thank you."

Faintly tapping his watch, he instructed, "I think we have to meet the others after this one."

"Mm." Drowsy, the best she could do was consent to the plan, her chin lolling on the length of his arm, her knees pressed to her chest in childlike fervor. 

Temporarily noting her steady grip on the balloon with intrigue, he wandered to the view of the entire park from their seat on Mickey's Fun Wheel, his focus deterred by her melodious hums. 

Brusquely burrowing into the front of his coat as if it were purely natural to her, she rambled, "Did you have a good time, Soo?" 

Astonished by her antics, he gave pause, his corresponding words tinged with hoarse pleasure. "Yeah."

The stretch of her smile burned through the flaps of his clothing. 

"Told you so."

Peeved by her insolence, he pinched either side of her cheeks, her breathy wail of despair ringing incessantly in his flattened ears.

"Yah!" Spurned, she lightly shoved him aside, determined to get the better of his accosting ways, however, she was a bit too rough. She plummeted forward, her crossed legs preventing a safe landing. "Ah!"

While her raucous scream resonated in the tiny compartment, she found herself buried in the rise and fall of his upper torso, his arms enveloped across her back and shoulders. 

"Are you okay, Soo?"

"I'll live, you could lose some weight, though."

"Who asked you?" She beat the emphasis into his chest, his rumble of laughter drowning out her fury. Tantalized by the lines of his plump mouth, she calmed, rested her palms on his shoulders. "Soo..."

In the midst of formulating a coherent reply, he was rudely intercepted with a tug forward, his puzzlement dissipated by the quick peck of her lips, his senses overwhelmed with a fresh spice he couldn't exactly identify.

Unnerved by the ading silence, she muttered, "I'm sorry that was selfish of me. Oh, my god. What am I doing-?"

Aggravated with her ridiculous nonsense, he pulled her in close, and kissed her till she forgot everything else - except for him. Unsurprisingly, he was rough, his lips bruising her tender counterpart, his tongue strong, and poised to defeat and enslave her. 

In thrall to his caress, she instinctively delved into his brown locks and held on, her legs secured to his waist, her reckless, wanton kisses fueled by greed and desire.  

He wasn't entirely certain he would be sated by the time the doors opened again.

Disregarding the inquisitive gazes from each of their friends, Kyungsoo looked towards Bom, the auburn woman timidly swinging their entwined hands together. 

Offering consolation and support for her soon-to-be-interrogation, he squeezed her hand, admiration reflected in his dazed irises. 

Softly, she spoke, "So, did you really have a good time?"

"It wasn't so bad today. I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if not for you."

Strangely bashful of the proclamation, she cupped her blushing cheeks, her sweet smile penetrating the recesses of his heart. 

Yeah, he had a really good time.

A/N: i don't know what this is. i just wrote something because i have been DYING to write, but i have had to stop for the sake of school. this is finals week, so after they're done I'LL BE FREE TO WRITE AS I PLEASEEEE. almost there. sobs. 

sorry if the plot is wonky, it's purely gratuitous. and forgive my rusty writing skills. mia for too long.

alsooo, it was a group event with chaekris/sehunzy/chandara

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rahmaazahrra #1
love bomsoo!!!
meheartygfamily #2
Chapter 1: write more fanfic of bomsoo unnie !! JJANGIYA!!
love this pairing hehe :)
Chapter 1: aww that was so cute, I could imagine how DO would be like since he does seem quite reserved, sometimes Bommie and her 8D personality brings out the best out of people. HAHAH