Nuntia Shin Aegi

Nox Aterrima : War of The Fallens - Discontinued


Doojoon was walking through the corridors and stairs until he found a curved frame without a door that leaded him to outside. He arrived at the balcony with the view to the green field outside the castle. He came out to the balcony with amazed feeling. When he was at his room, he couldn’t see the view very clear or even feel the air as well as when he was out on the balcony.


He could see the vast green field laid on the front of him as he came closer to the balcony fence. The green field was so vast till Doojoon thought that he could play soccer. There was a lake outside the field with forest touched its left part. The mountains were behind the lake across the horizon. There was a river met the lake, but Doojoon didn’t know where the river leaded. And when the wind blew, it gave refreshing and comfort feeling. Doojoon took a deep breath to let the fresh air entered his lungs.


Doojoon walked to the left, where the stairs were laid. He walked down the stairs then set his feet on the patio. He walked toward the green field. But when he walked, something caught his eyes on the right. Doojoon stopped and looked at them.


There was a group of beautiful young women chatting. Their bodies were slim and looked lighter. Their hairs were long and beautiful. They were using middle age dress that flowing long to their feet. Their faces were beautiful and charming.


"I've seen..."


The voice surprised Doojoon from the group, making him gasped and looked around. He found Aegi were standing on the balcony not too far from him.


"...that you have met the witches."


Doojoon frowned to hear the words. "Witches?"


"Yes." Aegi walked down the stairs and came to his side. She was using the hunter’s clothes but looked different with the one that she used yesterday. She stopped beside Doojoon with her eyes were fixed at the witches group. "They are witches."


"But I thought witches are from the dark side and bad."


She smiled and waved back to the witches who called her name and waved at her.


"Well..." She started to walk with Doojoon following beside her. "Not every witches are bad. Some of them are good." Then she continued with sad tone on her voice. "...which was earning them banishment from the other side."


Doojoon looked at her with widened eyes. "What?"


"To tell you the truth, this castle is the shelter for the creatures that crossed the side. Those who was not accepted by their own kinds."




Aegi went silent a while to think. “With their own kind way of thought.” She gave him an answer.


Doojoon looked understand. “So we can find those creatures that we faced yesterday here?” Doojoon paused. “The furies?”


Aegi smiled. “No furies are here.”




Aegi stopped and faced her body to Doojoon. “Did you remember what I told you yesterday about the Furies?”


Doojoon seemed trying to remember. “The furies are arisen from the anger of the death?” He asked.


Aegi nodded.


“So as long as the dark side is their master, they won’t be able to come here?” Doojoon guessed.


Aegi smiled slightly. “I see that you have done your reading through the book.” She looked proud at him. “So you’ve done your homework. You did well.”


“I-I’d read it a little last night.” Doojoon said as he rubbed the back of his head, wondering why he felt embarrassed to hear the girl praised him.


“That’s good.” Aegi walked again.


“But I had many questions on my mind.” Doojoon walked along with her. “Is that guy last night awake yet?”


“Yoonhak?” Aegi asked then shook her head. “No, he’s not yet awakens.” Aegi looked to the vast field. “I guess you can find him later on the late afternoon.”


“Is he fine?”


Aegi looked at him again.


“He looked pale last night.”


Aegi smiled again at him. “Something had happened. But he’s fine now. Thanks for worrying about him.”


Doojoon smiled. “So where are you heading?”


“The training ground.”


“Training ground?”


“For some morning practice.” Aegi said. “I can’t let my guard down as…” Then something made her stopped. She released a sigh as she chuckled in understanding. “Well, I guess my time is a little bit late today.” She turned toward the castle then looked at Doojoon. “I guess you might want to wake your friends up now. The breakfast will be served soon enough. See you later at the dining room. Hara will show you the way.” Aegi lowered her head to Doojoon then she walked back toward the castle.



nuntia : messenger (in Latin)


To all the subscribers and those who had commented, thank you so much. To all the silent readers, thank you for taking your time to look at my fic and read it. I really appreciate them all.


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shujun #1
Chapter 13: Dujun was injured?!? please update soon.. really want to know what happen next.. please.. hwaiting!!! ..^^..
i wonder what's going to happen to the guys now. since only Yoseob passed, i wonder if the other 5 would get different treatments or something
Yay~!! for Yoseob!! But it saddens me that all of them fail the trial except for Yoseob.... Junhyung sounds so protective of Hara.. hehe~
finally, an update!! omo!! it was really a long one!! i really love long chapters than the short one :D

and of course it's being more and more interesting every time you update...and every time you update it's making me confuse more about the boys ability (except for Hyunseung ^^) :/
woohoo~ that's a really long chapter!
but an interesting one, of course~ kekeke~

the maze is getting more and more interesting. :3
finally, i've caught up with everything. just finished re-reading actually and now i remember and understand it a bit better :)

anyway wow i didn't know that Hyunseung would have some vampire blood in him. that's an interesting twist. the others might have some unique blood in them too i guess. like maybe Yoseob can turn into animals or something? ehe~
Hyunseung a pure blood vampire.. I just hope he could control his power...
gyaaa! hyunseung is a vampire? omo!

that means there is a possibility that the others are not ordinary human?! :O
every update you do makes me love this fic more!!
update soon!! ^^
I really like gi kwang .. Update soon.