House of the Rising Sun
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"Sehun, contact General Yunho. We have to know what is going on with Nami because a lot of strange things has been happenign to her," Chen told Sehun truthfully and Sehn nodded as e grabbed his machine to contact Gen. Yunho who is in Europa right now, "I find it weird too," Sehun also said to his hyung and Xiumin just nodded at what they were thinking. They were all having the same thoughts anyways.

Sehun pressed a button at the round object in his hands, holophone, and lot of contacts appeared in front of them in the hologram. Sehun swiped down and went to the letter 'G' part and clicked General Yunho's name. They were currently in Chen's house having a sleep over to discuss about important matters, important matters like Nami.

"Hello--" Yunho didn't even have the time to greet his fellow warriors because they were already bomboarding him with questions.

"General! What do you know if a person's skin glow when sunlight touches their skin?"

"How about when someone's hair changes?"

"When I went here, how come this person can see me?"

"Can someone from Earth have powers?"

"Sir, what if we suspect someone here on earth can be a mortal?"

"Enough!" Gen. Yunho yelled loudly in a dangerous manner with eyes furrowed and the trio felt everything around them were shaking, like an earthquake just passed by them. They gulped as they saw the frustrated state of their General and they are just as confused on what was happening to him.

"Don't all of you have your manners? Not even a greeting for your old friend?" Yunho said in a sarcastic way and the three immediately bowed because they finally noticed that they were not in their behaved matter. Yunho sighed and released his anger that was bubbling up inside him, "Ask your question's one by one," Yunho said and Xiumin went first.

"Sir, what do you think about a person's skin glowing because of the sunlight?" Xiumin asked and Yunho was glad that the question was easy to answer, "In Europa, a baby's skin glows after they turn one year old or in some occasions, they glow after being born but your question about an adult's skin glowing because of the sunlight, I do not know. Maybe she uses some kind of product on her skin so maybe that's why her skin was glowing," Yunho answered the question and Xiumin nodded at what Yunho said. It was believable that maybe Nami used something on her skin.

"My turn~ General, how come when people here from earth can see me except this one girl? I put already magical dust around myself but she could still see me," Sehun questionned and Yunho was stunned that a person from earth can see him and what is supicious that it was only one person, "For Chen and Xiumin, they really had a purpose to go there on earth but you Sehun, you were a big tro

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 6: I love this story
Windywind #3
Chapter 4: I knew it, Nami is special. muehehe :DD

Anyways, the first thing in my mind was her skin turned to green...yknow..Alien like xD hahaha and if I was Nami, I would be wondering why does Sehun follow Chen and Xiumin all the time xD
Windywind #4
Chapter 3: Sehun is just a cutie ;; and Nami is speeeeecial, ;D
I think. hahaha
Been liking the updates so far! :3