House of the Rising Sun
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“Okay weirdo, you better get your brain checked. You know what? Let’s go back to the hospital, maybe they know what is happening—“

“I’m telling you the truth!”

“And I’m not believing it,” Nami whispered as Sehun was nearly close to kissing her but he looked deadly mad. Nami felt scared and maybe Sehun felt it. Sehun walked backwards while he was still looking at her, “Just forget about it,” Sehun said as he started walking again, Nami following him.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Sehun asked Nami and Nami did feel like she was forgetting something but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Sehun gave her a signal by looking at her up and down but Nami felt oblivious by it. Sehun rolled his eyes and pointed at her school uniform, “Oh yeah! School! Oh ! I’m going to be late!” Nami immediately ran forward, while waving goodbye at Sehun, ignoring his shouts.

“Hey! You—Forget it. What do I need to buy again? Oh yeah, water,” Sehun said as he went inside a convenience store to buy a bottle of water.

“Aunt must be worried about me but I have to attend school! It’s my freaking second day only!” Nami rushed to the train station and she knew one nearby. She turned left and ran forward, turn left again, then turned left, making a round trip just to get to the train station. Nami immediately scanned her card and almost jumped at everything.

Nami looked at the signs hurriedly and found the one she needed to go too. She saw the escalator but there were people riding it so she took the stairs and walking down by it two by two. Nami slung her backpack and made it tighter around her shoulder so it wouldn’t fall off. Nami saw the train and the door was nearly closing.

“Noo!” Nami screamed but she eventually got in with luck and landed at someone’s chest. Nami was breathing heavily while catching her breath, while the people in the train looked at her like she was on drugs, “Hey,” Nami heard a familiar voice and when she looked up she saw that tall handsome guy she was just with minutes ago.

“Yah!” Nami screamed so loud that everyone in the train looked at her, even the others from the other cabin. Nami awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck while bowing continuously towards almost everyone in the train and she started feeling dizzy, “We’re sorry,” Sehun also bowed with her and both of them stood up straight while holding at the poles of the train.

“What the hell are you even doing here?!” Nami whispered angrily and Sehun could feel the venom in her voice that was about to kill him, “The train station was just right beside us,” Sehun told her and Nami made a small ‘what’ before yelling, “I will kill you!” Nami screamed again and the people in the train looked at her again. They once bowed again in apology.

“I was about to tell you but you ran off already,” Sehun told her and she felt sorry for screaming at him. Nami huffed and just looked away and held onto the pole, cursing herself for not noticing earlier. Sehun felt sorry for the girl that’s why he brought out the water bottle that he bought and placed it near her cheek.

“What is this?”

“It’s water, what do you think it is?” Sehun asked sarcastically and Nami glared at him before accepting the water. Sehun got out his handkerchief and placed it in front of her. Nami stared at him and Sehun just beckoned her to get it. Sehun awkwardly coughed and faced the other way so Nami won’t see his blushing face.

“Thanks,” Nami said as she drank the water and wiped her sweat that was forming from the run she did. The train stopped and Nami lost her balance when she was putting the cap on the water bottle. She didn’t have time to grab the pole but Sehun just grabbed her from behind and held her so she wouldn’t fall.

“I believe this is your stop?” Sehun said as he winked at her. Nami felt her face flush red and she immediately went out of the train with Sehun trailing behind her, “Are you coming with me?” Na

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 6: I love this story
Windywind #3
Chapter 4: I knew it, Nami is special. muehehe :DD

Anyways, the first thing in my mind was her skin turned to green...yknow..Alien like xD hahaha and if I was Nami, I would be wondering why does Sehun follow Chen and Xiumin all the time xD
Windywind #4
Chapter 3: Sehun is just a cutie ;; and Nami is speeeeecial, ;D
I think. hahaha
Been liking the updates so far! :3