Be Mine Again?

You Don't Know Love
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[Jiyul's POV]

Its raining outside, I grab my jacket and umbrella before leave. I text Hyoran, tell her that I'll go for a while and rushed to the park with the box.

[Jiyul's POV End]


She arrived at the park, walked slowly while looking around. "Nobody is here, I better put this and go back before someone come", Jiyul quickly put her box. When she turned back, Chanyeol was there. Jiyul's eyes widenend, she didn't notice him.

"Hi", Chanyeol smiled a bit, Jiyul nod in reply.

"...I, I must go now", Jiyul nodded again before leave. "Finally its over. Good bye sweet memories, Good bye love, Good bye Park Chanyeol", she said to herself, tears flowed out from her eyes.

Suddenly Chanyeol open his mouth, "Jiyul-a.. Jeongmal mianhae..", his words made Jiyul stopped, he continued, "Sorry for yesterday, I didn't mean it"

Jiyul turned her body, facing Chanyeol, "What do you want?"

"I want us to be together again", said him straightly, Jiyul shocked, she didn't believe her ears. Chanyeol picked the blue rose slipped something to ot and give it to Jiyul.

Smile grew on her face, she take the rose and a ring appeared, "I searched for it yesterday", Chanyeol smiled and he pulled Jiyul for a hug. "Don't leave me, I love you Jiyul-a", Jiyul giggled, "Of course, I won't".

"Good girl. Nah, now I'll give you a present", Chanyeol smiled again.

"What present?", she asking gladly.

"Close your eyes first", he

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Riesta #1
Chapter 5: The story is good and your english is good tooo! Anyway, i also indonesian! Eheet~ hwaiting ^^v