The Middle Child (D.O)

Exo Drabble Collections

Being the middle child .

You will always be the most ignored and the least loved in the family.

This is what I think anyway, being the middle child and all.

I have a friend named Kyungsoo. He is also the middle child, and he shares the exact same sentiments as me.

"My dad only cares about my older sister and younger brother, he never gives me any attention!" I exclaimed out of anger.

"Yeah I know right? My mom only asks my older brother and younger sister about their school day, but never about mine." Kyungsoo huffed.

"It's like they don't care about us."

"Yes, that's true!"

"Should we just run away? I bet they won't even notice."

"I think we should."

"Then let's run away after school today."

"Okay!" The doe-eyed boy grinned widely at me.

We sprinted out of the gates once the school bell rang, only stopping when the school was out of our line of sight.

"Now what do we do?" Kyungsoo asked innocently.

"First, we have to find somewhere to stay."

"How will we do that?"

"We'll find a way."

Night soon dawned upon us, and we realised that we won't be able to find a shelter in time.

"Now what?"

"I don't know..." I felt like crying at that moment.

"Hey kids, you shouldn't be out alone so late at night. Where are your parents?" A shady-looking man approached us.

"We don't know?" I held on to Kyungsoo's hand and bravely answered the man.

"Well this means you're lost, and I know a place for lost children..."


"Where did the two of you go? We were worried sick!" Our parents exclaimed as soon as they entered the police station and hugged us tightly.

"You're lucky a man brought them in, or they could fall prey to es."

"Thank you for contacting us." My mother turned to me, "Where did you go?"

"We ran away because we thought you didn't love us because you don't seem to care about us anymore."

"Honey, just because we never asked you about your school day, or we may have given you less attention, doesn't mean we don't love you. You are all my children, and I love you all the same." My mother explained as she my head.

Looking back now, I really think what we did was stupid.

Our parents never stopped reminding us about that incident that happened when we were seven.

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foreverwithsehun #1
Chapter 1: Good job on the story!