Test (Sehun)

Exo Drabble Collections

Oh , is that him? Quick, move to another lane!

I shuffled into the next lane, trying desperately not to get caught by him, especially not with three pregnancy kits on my hands.

He's not supposed to be here, he's supposed to be sound asleep in my apartment. I specially picked this time to buy what I needed without anyone knowing, and now he's here. Great, just great.


Oh no.

"Hey Sehun." I hurriedly scanned my surroundings and the only things I saw were tampons. I was in the feminine hygiene lane. Thinking quick on my feet, I stuffed the pregnancy kits between the packets of tampons on the shelves.

"What're you doing here at this hour? Being so sneaky and stuff?"

"Um I'm buying... sanitary pads! I ran out like yesterday so I needed more. It's not a glorified thing so I'm pretty embarrassed you know?" I lied through my teeth. If the test came back positive, I wouldn't need those for the next seven to eight months.

"Oh you should've said so earlier! For a second there, I thought you were holding on to something else."

Was that his hint to me? Did he already know?

He came close to me and reached in for the "loot" I hid amongst the packets of tampons. He managed to fish out all three kits.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It wasn't confirmed yet so I didn't want you to worry..."

"Then go and confirm it!" He pushed the kits to me and rushed me to the cashier, then back to my apartment. With a light shove, he pushed me into my own bathroom in my own house.

I followed the instructions on the packet and waited. That few minutes of waiting was agonising. I stared at the kit as if it would give me the results faster that way.

Please don't be positive, please don't be positive...

It was positive.


"It's positive." I sighed as I exited the bathroom.

"Yehet, I'm a father!"

"Are you not worried about this? I mean, we're still young and all..."

"Hey, we'll figure out when the time comes okay? Until then, don't worry about a thing!"

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foreverwithsehun #1
Chapter 1: Good job on the story!