I Caught A Cold :(

All i need is you ....Stay.
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"Appa...i am not achooo not feeling well ."i told my dad sneezing continuosly.

"Darling do you want appa to accompany you i can cancel the meeting with the japan company?"My overly protective appa asked.

"No better go work i will miss you appa."i sent him off with a kiss on his face.

Although i wish appa could accompany me but nvm.Gongchan oppa went to school already but he cooked abalone porridge for me before he went to school.my lovely oppa forever.^^He also told Jaeli and Eun Kye about it and ask them to collect my hw for me and he would give me my hw by today knowing how studious i am haha (so embarass to say this by myself).i closed my heavy eyelids and went to dream land


"Hope she recovers soon .lets write a letter oh we must remeber to take sm leave for her too."Eunkye said looking gloomily.          

"Indeed our poor Nana lets go lesson ."Jaeli answered looking gloomily too.They walked along the corridoor and was spotted by Myungsoo ."hey girls where is Nana ?"Myungsoo asked worriedly with his brows furrowed.Just when Eun kye answered Baekhyun and D.o came running tmasking the same question.

"Well you see Nana is sick thats all she would come back soon."They dispersed after the school bell rang and went to their respective classes.The girls were not paying attention in class including other three boys:Baekhyun Myungsoo and one mystery person i wonder who?0.0

Short update byong hihihii

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BaekhyunLoveo #1
Chapter 15: I'm pretty sure thats what most of us are thinking so yeahh i also feel your pain.
baeklover21 #2
Chapter 15: girl i feel your pain ....he's my bias and i will never accept this thing ....thanks for the karma points
baeklover21 #3
Chapter 14: nice!! keep it up
fivesixsevens #4
Chapter 14: Oh!! And thank you author nim for the shoutout!! ♡♥
kimtaemihaha #5
Ok that was fast ~~~erm i would giving away 20 karma points to selected long term commentors so remember to comment and continue supporting this fic
fivesixsevens #6
Chapter 14: Hihi!! Nice update!!
nononolovely #7
Chapter 14: Wow nice chapter update soon karma point
baeklover21 #8
Chapter 13: this chapter is great one update soon <3
nononolovely #9
Chapter 13: Ah this chapter is so fluff i want more baekxoc time!!!!update soon