Because Of You

With You


The harsh chilly midnight wind's blew harshly, tree's rustling and moving with each strong gale forcing the leaves to dance until they can take no more and fall from home slowly twirling back down to the ground, only to be blown away in different paths. The rain pelted the the ground some hitting against the strong water proof material currently keeping two lover's dry and safe from the harsh weather out side.

The droplet's tapping and sliding down from the tent, the moonlight seeking it's reflection in the droplet's before they disappear in to nothing but mini puddles and extra small droplet's finding home on the ground, socking in to the already soggy mud. The two lover's were snuggled up beneath several layer of blanket's and shared a single sleeping back, the youngest burying his face in to his older lover's chest, listening to the sweet hums and the sound of his lover's heart beating, it was like his own little concert being held for only him, the soothing beats calming his nerve's and the soft yet deep humming voice just helping him even more to relax and forget about his fears and worries.

The weather no longer bothering him. Key had what you could of called the worst day ever but now it was a different story. Taemin had gathered everyone to take part in some camping thing the college was holding and the brat didn't mention to Key it would include hiking and having to walk around in mud and have bugs attacking him every five seconds. It was his idea of pure torture and hell, the worst thing someone could do to him, yet he couldn't say no to his lover's puppy eye's who begged him to come along, promising to protect him and look after him at all cost.

"What are you thinking about Bummie" Jonghyun asked softly, noticing his lover staring off in to space, like he was in his own world lost and confused. Gently the older lifted one hand to caress his lover's soft cheek, a warm, loving smile caressed his plump lips and eye's sparkled brightly with nothing but pure love and affection and proudness.

To say he had fallen even deeper in love with his Kibummie was an understatement, he never knew just how much he could truly love someone until the day his large puppy eye's laid on the feline beauty currently snuggled up in his embrace. Every day it felt like there was something new Jonghyun was finding out about his lover and it always made him fall even more in love, knee's turning weak and the need to scream to the world that Kim Kibum was his and and is the love of his life.

"Nothing really Jjong, just about today" Key mumbled quietly, loving the gentle, loving touch of his lover, the rough skin against his cheek made his heart flutter, each little touch and caress burning with fiery, pure love.

If it hadn't been for Jonghyun then Key would of never even come on this damn trip and wouldn't have gotten to face his dumb fears. Key chuckled lightly to him self at the tantrum he threw early that morning, wanting to go home and sock in the bath, feeling so stupid and slightly embarrassed  as the day had proved just how much he loved and trusted the older. Key truly felt so lucky to be so loved by Jonghyun, the amount of love the older had for him was over whelming and made his heart stutter and butterflies flutter with excitement.

Through out the day each pairing was given challenges to reach base and set up their tent. Of course Key instantly clung to his lover like glue, only trusting him in that moment, they had to walk for miles through the forest, walk across a river and extremely muddy grounds, climb up hills and walk between two small cliff edge's to reach the base.

Key had nearly cried before they had even started but two warm hand's had cupped his cheeks and two large puppy eye's gazed in to the younger's watery feline eye's, bow shaped lips trembled, the bottom captured between two pearl white teeth, nibbling with nerve's. The older promised to care and protect his lover, promising him to just try and if it gets too bad then he would take the younger home. Jonghyun told his Bummie he could do it and knew he could, supporting and cheering his lover on from his side, Key held the older's hand, finger's intertwined as they started their journey to the camp.

They worked as team through out the trip but Jonghyun got them lost a couple of times which resulted in Key shouting and worrying his pretty little head off. He carried Key across most of the muddy ground's, which got him a very sweet, tender kiss on the lips, making it completely worth it, they finally reached their base after eight hour's of walking, both exhausted and wanting to pass out, thankful the tent had already been pitched and extra thankful that the tent's were for two people only.

Jonghyun had helped Key wash and change before letting him snuggle down, still scared and a little un sure, Jonghyun desired to make their tent a little more homey. Settling their shoes's in the small patio entrance and creating a small washing line inside to hang their clothes to dry during the day when the front was un zipped. Jonghyun made the younger a nice hot chocolate once the camp fire was alight and gave him some sweet's and marsh mellows which Key sqealed happily as he ate the sweet delights.The main sleeping bit was covered with blanket's and the older made sure his lover was truly happy, the dimpled smile he got in return was the best thank you he could of ever asked for, the loving kisses they shared made his heart skip repeatedly, like it was competing in a skipping contest.

"I am so very proud of you Kibummie, so, so proud baby" Jonghyun said softly, puppy eye's still gazed on his lover's face, still stunned by how beautiful and perfect his lover truly was, even with out make up he looked every inch perfection.

Leaning down to plant his plump lips against, soft bow shaped lips, humming happily as the melted together quickly like butter in a frying pan, moving in perfect harmony. Jonghyun wrapped his arm's around the younger's waist pulling him closer to his chest if possible, hand's sneaking under the younger's large pyjama top and caressing the soft velvet like milky white skin. Finger's gazing so tenderly over the smooth skin, mesmerizing every inch in his mind, finger tips burning with desire and love with each feature like touch.

"Thank you for not giving up on me Jjong, I really could not of gotten through the day and done this with out you" Key panted out softly as the broke apart yet their eye's were still transfixed on each other, the strong, loving gaze spoke more then what word's could every say.

Both mentally taking photo's of this moment to treasure forever, another reminder for them both just how madly in love they truly are with each other. each touch and kiss couldn't mount to the love and affection flooding their eye's, twinkling brightly, for Jonghyun the feeling of being so proud  was added to the other emotion's falling in his eye's like a waterfall sparkling under the sun on a warm summer's day. The smile on his lips making Key's breath hitch, and finger brush through the older's fluffy blond hair before letting their lips melt against each other again and dance to the beat of their hearts currently beating in rhythm with each other.

"Your welcome Bummie, I knew you could do it baby, I can't say it enough, I am so proud of you Kibum for facing your fears for me and especially for your self" Jonghyun reply's, voice deep and soft, laced with the most heart fluttering, loving tone making the younger's toe's curl under the heavy material covering their tired bodies.

Key could only smile, a light rosy blush covering his cheeks at his lover's beautiful, kind words, feeling proud he managed to make Jonghyun so happy and proud of him. The whole day had been worth it for this moment alone, hearing his lover's words and being in such a loving embrace made all the bug bite's and walking in disgusting, soggy mud all worth it. They were now just reminder's as to why he was there and how he got to that point.

"I couldn't of done it with out you Jjongie. I only stayed and done it because I was getting to do it with you. I love you Jonghyun, so much" Key whispered the last part out softly, blush darkening a little bit which caused Jonghyun to mentally fan girl at how freaking adorable his lover truly was.

Hearing those three word's fall from the younger's lips were like life bursting with colour, never could he get enough of Key saying them. It certainly did make the day seem so worth it, watching his lover do so much in one day just for him really blew his mind and made him feel like the world's most luckiest man alive. Of course Taemin had gone with Minho and beat them to the base but to them winning meant nothing especially for Jonghyun, he was just so happy he completed the course hand in hand, finger's always remaining intertwined with Key, that meant more then coming first or getting to base in record time.

"I love you too Bummie, lot's and lot's. I really don't know how I deserve such a beautiful, strong, brave angel to call mine" Jonghyun whispered tenderly eye's gazing across his lover's strong feature's, still needing to take in his beauty, how anyone can look so perfect with or with out make up blew his mind and yet he get's the said beauty all to him self.

Jonghyun swore he must of saved the queen or something in a past life to be blessed with such presence. He had never dreamed his lover would do so much to make him so proud yet here he was proved wrong and so happy to had been proved wrong, his feline beauty never exists to amaze him and leave him stunned and just beyond proud. No matter waht his Kibummie did, he always left the older breathless and more prouder then ever. The giggle that left the younger's bow shaped lips made him smile like a complete goof ball, how can someone be just so perfect no matter what he does and says.

The remained snuggled up, Jonghyun making sure his lover is covered up properly with the blankets, he would never forgive him self his his Bummie caught a cold because of the gale force wind's and heavy rain out side. None of that mattered to to see his lover in his arm's with a soft, gentle smile gracing his velvet, smooth bow shaped lips was more then enough to take his mind of everything.

He could only focus on the fox like man he loved so much, he swore it should be illegal to love someone as much as he loved his Kibummie, they were lost in their own world sealed within a red tainted bubble were it rained with little red love hearts and the wind's blew softly and the flower's danced in the soft breeze, petal's flapping freely, wanting to escape from the sten that held them down.

Their little world was better then earth, no one else mattered, life was bright and colourful, bursting with joy, happiness and love, who wouldn't want to live there. Even after six years together, Jonghyun was still left stunned and breathless with just how much Key loved him, he hoped the younger knew he loved him just as much if not even more but they just end up bickering over who love's who more and no one would give in until they passed out and fell a sleep.

"I done it because of you Jjong, with out you I would of left and gone home. I feel like after today I can do everything I want with you by my side and supporting me and giving me word's of encouragement, with you I can take on the word" Key spoke and looked in to his older lover's eye's as he spoke, the word's laced with so much honesty and feline eye's twinkled with love and Jonghyun could tell the younger meant every single word.

Hearing Key's words meant the world to him, to know the younger felt brave enough to take the world with him by his side was just amazing and so beautiful to hear, he will always remain at Key's side, holding his hand and guiding through the tough, cruel world to battle his fears and worries and conquer them head on. Nothing would make him more happier and prouder then to watch his lover every step of the way battle the world to the top, he knew his Kibummie can do everything he wanted if he put his mind to it.

"I be so honoured and proud to walk side by side with you baby, hold your hand and our finger's intertwined, your never have to face the world alone Bum Bum, I always be here, supporting you and guiding you Kibummie. I be there to help you when you get lost or have so trouble" Jonghyun spoke softly a lone tear falling from his eye as he spoke those word's to his lover. He was beyond proud and just so in love.

There was no way out from the endless hole he had fallen in to, Key was his everything, life, soul, blood, oxygen, heart and Key was all he could ever think about, dreaming, smelling and feeling the younger all around him. Key gasped lightly as he catches the tear staining his lover's cheek, heart nearly stopping dead in it's track at the sight, bringing one hand up he carefully and lightly brushed away the tear, his long, slim finger's, dancing across the older's dusting away the trail left by the salty droplet. Key knew it was from happiness, the smile on those plump lips and the dazzling sparkle in his puppy eye's were a dead give away.

"Thank you Jjong, from the bottom of my heart. Could no do it with out you babe" Key spoked and yawned a little bit, the older chuckling as he watched his lover curl more in to his chest, hand's moving down to his chest and finger's skating across his toned stomach.

Every dip and inch was covered and burned as Key traced his stomach, butterflies fluttering to the sound of his beating heart. Jonghyun move's one hand to wipe away a few fluffy brown strand's of hair from the younger's eye's, the sweet smell of apple's floating under his nose as he place's a kiss on his Kibummie's head, he swore he could hear the younger purr slightly and his heart went back to becoming a world skipping champion.

"My Bummie is a tired baby, sleep beautiful" Jonghyun cooed softly and watched in amazement as the blob of fluffy brown hair gently moved as Key nodded his head to say no. He didn't want the younger to force him self to stay awake just because he wasn't asleep yet.

They had been up since half past seven that morning and it was now way past midnight, the amount of walking had tired them out and they had blister's to remind them just how much walking they had done and the ache's in their leg's were a irritating reminder as well yet neither wanted to sleep. They were too caught up in their own little love bubble, too foucesd on each other and creating beautiful, loving memories only they wll get to remember in the many years to come.

Jonghyun leaned back to see his tired lover peaking up at him with a small smile caressing his beautiful bow shaped lips that always scream to be taken and kissed, never could the older get enough of them velvet lips against his own as the move so perfectly together. Jonghyun just looked at the younger slightly confused, he didn't want Key to stay up for his sake nor make him self more drained and tired, it surprised him that younger didn't fall asleep once settled under the sleeping bag.

"I want to stay awake and just share this night with you Jjong, it's not often we do this so let's make the most of our night under the moon light together" Key spoke happily and he couldn't help but giggle as the older's jaw dropped for a moment and puppy eye's slightly wide at his word's.

It was true though, both never get much time alone especially when college pour's on course work for them both so any time they do get together, they make sure to cherish every single second they spend together, making sure to have extra cuddle's, snuggle's and kisses. Jonghyun move's one hand to the younger's that laid peacefully on his stomach, intertwining their finger's and bringing their hand's to his lips, pressing his plump lips to the back of the younger's hand. Even the simple peaks held so much love and affection he had for his Kibummie.

"God Bum, what have I done to deserve you baby, God I love you so much my precious cup cake" Jonghyun replied as he laid their hand'son his stomach, happily staring at his feline lover, no one could even come an inch close to how perfect his Key was.

Today just confirmed that Key was more perfect then Jonghyun could of ever imagined. Watching him battle his fears and walk across the river and even though the muddy field's when he wasn't carrying the younger, even across the small cliff edge made him feel like the proudest idiot alive. Hand had never left the younger's and finger's just tightened in the time's Key had gotten scared or began to doubt him self and what he could do.

Jonghyun really needed to thank Taemin for signing them up for this trip, it had been so worth it just to spend one night alone with his world under the shining moon light, the strong, bitter cold winds and heavy drops of rain didn't matter as long as he had Key in his arms happy and smiling then that was all that mattered. He had promised to protect his feline lover and he had never broken that promise he makes every single day to his Kibummie, he would rather throw him self of a cliff then to see his lover upset, hurt or alone.

"I love you too my cheesy dino pup, what would I do with out your cheesy arse" Key joked and leaned up to kiss Jonghyun on the lips, pulling back he rubbed his adorable little button nose against the older's causing Jonghyun's heart to melt in to a sticky puddle of goo in his chest.

Jonghyun littered the younger's face with gentle butterfly kisses, each leaving an invisible loving mark, lips sealing the marks in to the younger's skin. Jonghyun will forever be a cheesy idiot when he has such an adorable, amazing boyfriend by his side, he would shout from the top of the highest sky scraper just how much he loved Key and how proud he was to call him his own, the love of his life, his entire world and his entire existance.

"You know Jjong, with you I feel like I can do anything and everything I want, the world is my oyster with you" Key added and nuzzled his face in to the older's chest, hiding his faint blush caressing his cheeks at the cheesy word's he spoke but they held so much truth and honesty in them.

Jonghyun could only squeeze the younger's hand in his own and place yet another kiss to the blob of fluffy brown hair, other hand coming up to comb through the strand's of hair on his lover's head, moving to cup the younger's chin and pull his face to kiss those lips and seal those word's with a silent promise between them. They pull apart after a few minute's, each other's taste lingering on their lips, eye's fixed on each other.

The night went on with the two lover's sharing the sweetest, toe curling kisses and whispering the most loving, tender compliment's and secret promises to each other, each sealed with a kiss and stamped with a simple caress. Their leg's remain a tangled mess under the couple of thick, warm blanket's though their love was what was really keeping them warm and safe, the world was lost as the stared in to each other's soul's, silently promising to care and protect each other, to help each other in time of need and to guide each other through life together hand in hand and to love one another forever eternity and to never doubt the amount of love they share for one another.

Each promise is sealed and fated as they kiss passionately under the moon light that shone above them, each time a promise is sealed and fated, the stars would twinkle brightly, a hidden sign that their silent vows had been made and never will be forgotten, with a love like they shared nothing will ever be broken or forgotten. The world is their oyster, the moon light like the pearl shining down on them, ready to lead them to the top and reach their life goals,for now Jonghyun and Key were happy in their tent, in the middle of the forest in a cold, bitter storm, kissing under the moon light and falling in with each other all over again. A life time of promise's were made and sealed that night, each one stamped with a bright star, twinkling in the midnight sky, shining down on them from million's of mile's away.

A/N Hello lovelies :3

This is fairly short from what I write XD

I hope this doesn't disappoint and is good enough to read XD (I did write this late XD)

It's like 5 am here O.O so sorry if any mistake's, I go through again later today :)

Comment and Subscribe, I love to read your comment's, mean the world to me <3


I will see you again soon lovelies <3


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Chapter 1: Oh god im squealing from the fluffiness and sweetness of the story.with such a amazing way you displayed thier love and passion for each other and the atmosphere you created,raining and wind and they cuddling lovingly,so warmed my heart esp 'i love yous' and kisses,snuggling saying so sweet lovely words.where jonghyun cupping kibum's cheeks and promising to take care of him and kibum believeing on him,so heart warming.both being in love with one another so deep,you show thier sincerity very well.jonghyun saying 'bummie and cupcake' and kibum's giggle are the cutest things ever.i loved this cute,sweet fic.thanks for sharing,i wanted the update from you so its a surprise for me.enjoyed alot.
eunhaeron #2
Chapter 1: It's beautiful ^^ both of them so adorable, with the way they expresing love for each other..
Dontworrybehappy #3
I'm looking forward to reading this when I have time!!