_OMG_ Chapter 2 "Blue Rose?"


Alex' feeling a little bit excited to go out and have a tour around the city that she only been once. While in her room she took a shower and changed her clothes from her usual t-shirt and jeans to a black hoodie with a yellow printed t-shirt underneath and a new pair of jeans. Even though it's already summer in Korea it still feels cold so her clothes suits the weather perfectly. Her phone was ringing on her way out of her room...
Yaw bo seh yo.
Wow! you're not in Korea are you?
I don't know?
Teasing the person on the other line... 
You are? My tracker says, you are. Since when?
I don't know?
Controlling herself from laughing...
Okay, okay. I am. Just this morning. How are you anyway?
Why didn't you told me so I could pick you up? What brings you here? Are you okay?...
Hold on a minute. One at a time okay? I'm okay don't worry about me. I'm just here for a vacation.
The elevator opens...
Vacation? Does Mum knew?
I'm not sure but I called her while I was at the airport and yes, she wants me at the house immediately.
The person on the other line laughed...
I know. Your Mum sure is bossy.
They both laughed...
I missed you.
I missed you too. I'm sorry I didn't told you. I just didn't think it's something to talk about...
But, you told my Mum.
You know her. It's not like I can just go here and not say Hi to her and to your Dad, right?
I know, it's okay. So, where are you staying?
The elevator door opens...
I'm at the Grand Hyatt. You?
Well, I'm actually not in Korea right now.
Where? Wait, let me guess...Japan.
We both know that.
They laughed again... She approached the front desk...
Could you hold on for a minute?
For you...I can. Forever.
Shut up.
They laughed again...

Good Morning. Excuse me, I want a taxi and a map of the city please.
Good Morning, Do you want an English speaking taxi Ma'am?
Yes please and an English translated map.
Here you go. Your taxi's will be here in a minute. If you could just wait in a while?
Oh, it's okay. Thank You.

She held her phone again...
I thought you left without saying goodbye...
What? So, about Japan, how'd it go?
It was fun and tiring but fun.
I can definitely sense that you're tired. I'll call you again then. Take a rest and say Hi to Fishy for me 'kay?
I'm not.
You just said...it's okay. I'll call you. I promise.

The front desk told her that the taxi is waiting for her...They're still talking while inside the taxi...
Okay. I'll call you. I don't want you spending too much. I know how much you hate having high phone bills.
They both laughed...
Right. I'm glad you still know that. Okay. Later then?
Yeah, later. I'll make sure I'll be back there as soon as I can.
Be there in Seoul.
Oh, okay. Take care. Take a rest. Don't forget my Kinoko.
I won't. I missed you.
Me too. Later.

The taxi stopped...
We're here Ma'am.
Thank You.
She went out of the taxi and head inside the hotel...She was greeted by the woman at the front desk...

Good Morning.
Good Morning Ma'am. Welcome to Seoul Plaza. How may I help you?
I'm looking for someone. He's on Room 328. Mr. Kim Kyoung Jae?
Are you Ms. Alex Gomez?
Mr. Kim wants you to have this.
The woman gave her a single blue rose and a card.
Mr. Kim wants you to have it and he says thank you.
She was surprised...She opened the card and read the note...

     Thank you. I hope you like the flower.
     I hope to be friends with you and I'm really glad that you're the one who found my passport.
     Thank You.
                                                                                                     Eli ^^

The name at the bottom stunned her...
Is everything okay Ma'am?
Oh...yes. You said this is from Mr. Kim, Kim Kyoung Jae?
Yes. Is there something wrong?
No. No, it's okay. Thanks.
You're welcome.

She's not sure what to do...it took her a hard time to press the floor number in the elevator...Her phone rings...It was Eli...
What should I do?
She asked herself while still thinking whether to press the number 3 or not...She took a deep breath and pressed 3 and answered her phone...
Hi. It's Eli...
The name felt even stronger as he said it...it made her even nervous...She took another deep breath and answered...
Are you at the hotel yet?
I...Yes I am.
Are you okay?
I...I am. Why?
Your voice is trembling...
Oh, that. I'm just cold I guess. So, where are you? Are you here?
I'm on my way. Just bought something. Just go ahead and I'll meet you there.
Okay. Oh, thank you for the flower and the card.
You liked it?
Yeah, thanks.
You're certainly welcome. I'll see you in a bit.
See you.

The elevator door opens...another breath then she walked out...looking for the room numbers then heard some Korean music...when she tried to find where it is she was shocked that it's on the exact room she's looking for...that made her shiver...
Oh My Gosh...This can't be it? Room 328...
She's definitely nervous and don't know what to do...someone is walking towards the door...She stepped back when...
She recognized Eli's voice...she wanted to run and hide somewhere but it's too late for that...she faced him as if she's not nervous at all...
You're Alex right?
Yeah, and you're Eli.
I am.
Eli held his hand and Alex did the same...they were on this position when the door opened...
What took you so long?
The other person was surprised to what he saw and looked at them with a curious smile...
Oh, yeah. There's tons of people at the cafe.
The other guy still looking at both of them...this made Alex took her hand from Eli's...
Oh, sorry about that. Nice meeting you Eli.
Yeah, nice meeting you too Alex...
Excuse me?
They were interrupted by the other guy...
Alexander, this is Alex, Alex Gomez. The girl I told you who found my passport.
Alexander held his hand and Alex did the same...
Hi. I'm Xander. Nice meeting you. Cool name by the way.
Alexander smiled at her...that almost made her laugh but she controlled herself...
Hi. Nice meeting you too. Yeah, our name does sounds cool.
All three of them laughed...

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I have all the last chapters ready, its just that its hard for me to really end my very first story but I know I promised you guys I will so I'm really trying hard to finish it. I'm really sorry.
I'm so sorry if it took me months before updating but I promise to finish this before the year ends, still two more chapters left :D
@XansevieRa that's okay ^^ but thank you for always doing so...I'm busy with school too...I know you're thinking "I thought you already graduated?" I did but I'm currently taking up a second degree and it's been eating MOST of my time...I miss writing too and I'll try to finish "OMG" within this year...I'm in good shape and God Bless you too!<br />
XansevieRa #4
im sorry for not comment on ur story for long time...<br />
huhuuu....t_t<br />
i was sooo super duper busy this year...plus with my internet connection problem...<br />
anyway, i hope u still go on updates new chapter and,~aahh~i miss to read ur fic..<br />
<br />
i also hope that u in good health and GBU..:D
there we go...I'm sorry if Part 2 is toooo long...I've tried to squeezed everything in XD<br />
next will be the last 2 chapters, till then...THANKS FOR READING!!!
Everything Part 2 will be out tomorrow :)<br />
then...last 2 chapters!!!
@tayjm11 THANKS! I'm trying to...I'm sorry if it's taking so long :)
tayjm11 #8
I like your story. Update soon!
@lovly39 THANK YOU VERY MUCH :)<br />
@AngelsCreed YES IT IS!!!
Is that KC?