_OMG_ Chapter 10 "Merger"


Let's all get inside...

SiWon said to everyone...Alex is walking next to him followed by LeeTeuk and EunHyuk while DongHae starts the line from HyungJun followed by KiBum, KiSeop, DongHo, SooHyun, Kevin, Eli and Alexander. They were walking on a long hallway which leads to the living room. Both walls of the hallway have SiWon's pictures with his family and friends...Eli stops...Alexander who walks behind him stopped too...

What is it?

Alexander asked him...Eli didn't answer...Everyone except them were in the living room already...Alexander then looked towards the direction where Eli is looking...They both saw a picture of SiWon and Alex sitting on the grass with the Eiffel Tower at the background...it has a note at the bottom written in French saying...

Joyeux anniversaire 1ère année! I Love You ♥♥♥

Eli and Alexander looked at each other...

I don't understand...

Alexander who can speak French couldn't believe what he just read...

I know I couldn't understand French but I know what this is...

Eli then points his finger on the word "I Love You"


DongHo suddenlly appeared...Eli immediately blocked the picture with his back...

They're preparing dinner...

Oh, okay...Let's go then.

Alexander said while looking at Eli...Eli nodded then they both followed DongHo...


DongHo followed by Alexander and Eli went straight to the garden where everyone is...LeeTeuk and HyungJun are preparing the grill...KiSeop, SooHyun and KiBum are arranging the table...Kevin, EunHyuk and Alex are cutting the vegetables,meat and fruits into small pieces while SiWon and DongHae are cleaning the fish...Eli went to help with the fish, DongHo went straight to the table then Alexander went to help with the cutting...

Where have you been?

Kevin asked Alexander...

Eli and I got stucked with the pictures...

You saw the picture of all 13 members?

EunHyuk asked...Alexander nodded...

That's why it  took us time to recall each names...

EunHyuk smiled...

We were so young back then...

Yeah, you guys were so close right?

Kevin asked...

Yeah, we always do this kind of thing...hang out, go to the mall, watch movies...

But it must be hard to do those things without "13 famous members" being noticed?

It is hard but we kinda got used to that and managed to escape just right in time...

EunHyuk answered then immediately looked towards Alex...

Right Baby Girl?

Alex who were busy with the cutting was surprised...then smiled...


So, you know how to clean fish?

DongHae asked Eli...Eli hesitated...

I think...

DongHae looked at SiWon then laughed...

He grew up in the States...one valid reason to not know how to clean a fish...

SiWon immediately said to DongHae then winked at Eli...

Oh, he did? I didn't know that...well, in that case...I'll teach you then...

DongHae said then gave a knife to Eli...

First, cut off its fins and tail...

You seem to be an expert to this...

Eli said while following instructions from DongHae...

He is...he is an expert on cleaning his own kind...

SiWon said then laughed...DongHae laughed too...Eli confused...


Oh, He's the "Fish" in our group...

Excuse me?

My nickname is "Fish" that's why Ally calls me "Fishy"

DongHae answered while SiWon is still laughing...


Food's ready!!!

LeeTeuk shouted...they all went to the table...SiWon and LeeTeuk sits on both ends of the table...On LeeTeuk's left side is EunHyuk then Kevin, Alexander, DongHo, SooHyun and Eli...on the other side were HyungJun, KiBum, KiSeop, DongHae and Alex who sits right beside SiWon...

Let's pray first...

SiWon said then bowed his head...after the prayer...DongHae put rice on Alex' plate...

Thank You.

Alex said...SiWon on the other hand put water on Alex' glass...Alex smiled at him...He smiled back...EunHyuk stood up with peeled ripe mangoes on his hand...

Picked the sweetest just for you...


Alex said after receiving the mangoes from EunHyuk...

Baby girl!!!

LeeTeuk shouted...


Alex answered...

Eat everything okay?!

LeeTeuk commanded...Alex nodded...Everyone were in awe by what they're witnessing...All Super Junior members were serving Alex like a princess...

What's wrong?

DongHae asked Eli who can't seem to start on his food...Eli was surprised...

Nothing...too many food...don't know where to start...

Eli answered...


Alex gives Eli one of the mangoes that EunHyuk gave her...


Alex said then smiled...Eli smiled back then took the mango and eat it immediately...all the UKISS members were shocked...Eli is not that much of a fruit person...They all continue eating...Eli looks at Alex and SiWon once in a while and then looks on a different direction everytime Donghae catches him...


That was great!!!

LeeTeuk said after they're all done eating...

We'll take care of this...

DongHae said to HyungJun and the rest of UKISS members...

You guys rest inside...

EunHyuk said while smiling and tapping the back of each of the members of UKISS...

Al, go with them...we'll be there when we're done here.

SiWon said after touching Alex' cheeks...Alex nodded...














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I have all the last chapters ready, its just that its hard for me to really end my very first story but I know I promised you guys I will so I'm really trying hard to finish it. I'm really sorry.
I'm so sorry if it took me months before updating but I promise to finish this before the year ends, still two more chapters left :D
@XansevieRa that's okay ^^ but thank you for always doing so...I'm busy with school too...I know you're thinking "I thought you already graduated?" I did but I'm currently taking up a second degree and it's been eating MOST of my time...I miss writing too and I'll try to finish "OMG" within this year...I'm in good shape and God Bless you too!<br />
XansevieRa #4
im sorry for not comment on ur story for long time...<br />
huhuuu....t_t<br />
i was sooo super duper busy this year...plus with my internet connection problem...<br />
anyway, i hope u still go on updates new chapter and,~aahh~i miss to read ur fic..<br />
<br />
i also hope that u in good health and GBU..:D
there we go...I'm sorry if Part 2 is toooo long...I've tried to squeezed everything in XD<br />
next will be the last 2 chapters, till then...THANKS FOR READING!!!
Everything Part 2 will be out tomorrow :)<br />
then...last 2 chapters!!!
@tayjm11 THANKS! I'm trying to...I'm sorry if it's taking so long :)
tayjm11 #8
I like your story. Update soon!
@lovly39 THANK YOU VERY MUCH :)<br />
@AngelsCreed YES IT IS!!!
Is that KC?