Call me hyung

Senpai noticed me!

"First, congratulation for being accepted to the music club. We have sub-groups for a little bit of every music kinds, 

whether it is Hip-hop, rap, ballad, pop, classical, jazz, etc. Feel free to joing the ones you like."

It was a beautiful sunny day in October,

Taehyung wished he could be outside instead of listening to the long and boring speech of Chen which doesn't even seem to be close to its end.

"Also, there is a mandatory weekly practice for each sub-group, so choose them wisely. Now we are going to present ourselves again in case you forgot our names. I'll start with myself, I am Chen, the vice-president and the responsible for the ballad sub-group"

The silver head boy came out first and shouted:

"Yo, I am Namjoon, but you can all call me Rapmon. I am the prez of this club, know what I'm saying" (I stole yongguk's line lol)

A innoncent looking boy with lovely dimples moved to the front and said:

"Hi, nice to meet you all, my name is Lay and I am the responsible for the classical sub-group."

After a few other presentations, Namjoon approached a guy with curly brown hair sleeping in his chair.

"Wake up" shouted Rapmon while smashing the latter's head with his palm.

The brunette finally raised his head: "Min Yoongi, but call me Suga, rap sub-group if u have dah swag." before falling back into his dreams.

Chen cleared his throat and continued:

"We need a new coordinator for this year, the job is basically just contact the student councils and attend their meetings, so any volunteers?" People in the crowd looked at each others but nobody raised their hand.

"Come on, don't be shy!" Namjoon smirked.

Still nobody moved. Suddenly a hand in the back pushed Taehyung to the front, and made him step forward.

"Ok! It is you then! What is your name already?" Namjoon pointed his finger toward him.

"Wait what, me?" Rapmon nooded as answer "I'm Kim Taehyung" Taehyung turned back and stared at the one who pushed him. 

He saw his best friend smile innocently at him while shruging.

Park JIMIN!!! 

Chen also joined Rapmon: "I remember you. You are the kid that sang "Proposal" last time right? It was really good, I approve."

Having the other's agreement, Namjoon turned his head to Yoongi: "What do you think Suga?"

Suga didn't even bother raising his head and simply mumbling an uncomprehensible sound as reply.

"Ok, then Kim Taehyung will be our new coordinator!" Namjoon passed his arm around Taehyung's shoulder "Everyone give a warm round of applause to him!"


After the students have been unwillingly forced to clap by Rap monster, 

Taehyung dragged Jimin out of the other students and questioned him

"Why did you push me?"

"It is your best chance to approach him."

"Him? Who, Rapmon hyung?" Taehyung faked a disgusted face. (I love Namjoon, I swear!!! TwT)

"Kim Seokjin" Jimin answered with a monotone voice.

Taehyung choked with his eyes fixing on his friend.

"W-What are you talking about?"

"Ah, come on Taehyungie, don't try to hide, you mumbled his name during your sleep almost every night" Jimin smirked. 

What a pabo I am!!! Now Jimin knows, everyone would know

Feeling his friend's worry, Jimin reassured him:

"I won't tell anyone, Trust me. It will be our little secret" Jimin winked, then continued "Where were we? oh yeah, joining the music club's staffs would force you to interact with the student coucil, and meeting you know who~"

Finally realizing the reason behind what seems at first like a prank, Taehyung hugged Jimin, grateful for his help.

The latter grinned and asked "Happy now?"

"Yes" replied Taehyung with a genuine smile.


Two days later,

"Welcome student club representatives, I am Kim Seokjin, this year's student council president. Next, there are a few things that I will let my collegues discuss with you right now." 

The president then turned around and let his place to Kris after give the crowd a charming smile.

God he is y... Taehyung couldn't help but gulp and blush. 

For a good two hours, the members of the council talked, and Kris himself took one hour to explain all the displines and why they should respect them and bla bla bla...

Chen concentrated on evey single words that each person said, and nodded to every single statement.

Rap monster was trying hard to not fall asleep and Suga has already been sleeping since the start of the meeting, 

and then there was Taehyung, staring in Seokjin's direction, dreaming with his eyes open. 

Kris adjusted his glasses and started:  "Each club representatives, since there is a few new faces here, please all introduce yourselves"

Taehyung was not the best at presenting himself, especially in front of so many people. 

By the time he tried to make a speech or a least something to say, he heard: "Next!"

Everyone turned their eyes to Taehyung, and Seokjin fixed his gaze on him. 

Namjoon, realizing how stressed his dongsaeng was, squeezed his hand reassuring him. 

Calm down, don't make a foul of yourself in front of Jin sunbaenim!

Taehyung opened his mouth uncertainly:

"H-Hello e-everyone, my name is Kim Taehyung. I am the music club's new coordinator. Please take care of me" then he bowed down before sitting back.

Kris sligthly frowned. He remembered that kid who broke into the student council, and he didn't like it, he didn't like it at all.

Sitting next to Kris, Kidoh scanned his eyes between Jin and Taehyung before smirking to himself. Ahhh, it is THAT kid. 


Right after the meeting, Taehyung sighed in relief that his little self-presentation didn't go that badly.

He was about finally to relax his mind a little until he saw the sunbaenim that tried to flirt with him last time approaching, it was Jung Hoseok.

Seeing Hoseok now getting closer and closer, he tried to find Namjoon to ask him to leave earlier, but his sunbaenim was too busy convicing Kris that Lay was not avoiding the tall boy and he didn't miss the meeting on purpose.

Taehyung decided to leave alone and text his president later to say that he left early. 

But, Hoseok had longer legs than his prey, and succed to grab his wrist.

"I didn't know you was the new coordinator for the music club, kiyomi, or I shall call you Kim Taehyungie~"

"H-Hi sunbaenim"

"Don't be nervous Taetae"

"...Taetae?" Hoseok's gaze made him uncomfortable, as if he was looking at some kind of meat like a hungry wolf.

"Yep~that would your pet name because you are so squishy" Leaning closer, his lips whispered to the younger's ear. "you can call me seokie if you want, or even better, jagiya, or seobang"

Suddenly, a tall figure stepped in between the two, it was Seokjin, appearing like a knight in his shining armours.

"Hoseok, I think there is quite a lot of work waiting for you in that office." 


Relectant Hoseok left after pinching Taehyung's cheek, but Seokjin smashed his hand away.

Taehyung's heart has skipped a beat feeling his love so close to him. 

"...Taehyung?" Seokjin still remembered that shy boy from what happened the other day.

He knows my name!

An unknown happiness crammed his heart.

"Neh sunbaenim! " Taehyung replied with his most delightful smile.

"You are Jungkook's cousin, right?" Seokjin continued "Unfortunately Jungkook is not here today, he said he got a really bad cold." 

Taehyung was surprised. Kookie didn't told me anything..

As if he read Taehyung's mind, Jin added "He probably didn't tell you so you won't worry."

"Sunbaenim, do you where Jungkook's dorm is?"

"I am going in the same way too, so let's go together" without anymore talking, Jin turned around and walked out

Taehyung followed after his sunbaenim after giving Namjoon a small wave of hand.


Namjoon wasn't the only one watching them left, so was Kidoh and Kris.

"Tchhh, How dare he telling me that he only finds him cute?" Kidoh pointed towards the direction of Seokjin.

"Kidoh you are such a gossip" Kris replied with a cold voice seeming to come straight out of North Pole

"Wow, look like someone is mad today? Awnnn, Let me guess why. Because the future Mrs.Wu didn't show up today huh?" Kidoh winked and elbowed toward him.

"Shut up before I slam your face with my textbook." threatened simply Kris with his usual poker face.


Outside, the sun was slowly setting down,

the wind blowed lazily on the two boys's hair.

It was a beautiful afternoon for a promenade, 

Seokjin and Taehyung walked, side by side, but both remained quiet.

Taehyung kept glancing in his crush's direction, but didn't know where to start the conversation.

He knew he should say something in this very unique chance of them being alone together. 

Before his mind could find anything interesting to say, Seokjin broke the ice first.

"So, Taehyung are you a Freshman?"

"Yes, sunbaenim"

"Which program are you in?"

"In chemistry, what about you sunbaenim?"

"I'm in general medecine"

"Ah, that's true, I knew it" Taehyung suddenly realised what he just said started to mumble "I mean, like, hum, my friend told me and..." 

Panicked, Taehyung tried desparately find his words, until he hears a soft laugh and raised eyes to meet Seokjin trying to reprimand his chuckle.

"Relax, you seem so stressed out when you are with me." The elder turned and rested both hands on the younger's shoulder, and said "Taehyung-ah, stop calling me sunbaenim, call me hyung"

Hearing those words, Taehyung's lips naturally curved into his most beautiful smile

"Neh hyung!"


Not too far away from them, a group of students were staring at the couple

"Is that Taehyung...?" Zelo pointed

"with Kim Seokjin sunbaenim?" Jongup finished his friend's sentence

Jimin looked in the direction Zelo pointed and his eyes widened: "Oh !!! that's some freaking quick progress"

"Talking to youself again, Jiminnie?" smirked Kai

"Let him, that kid is always that weird" said Sehun, always with his emotionless face.

But Jimin was too busy stalking to reply in his defence.


Even if Taehyung wish they could have just walk by each others sides like that forever,

they arrived at the patient's dorm fifteen minutes later.

Seokjin then said:

"Here it is, you can just ask the front desk for his room number"

"Thank you Jin hyung"

Seokjin seeing how cute his dongsaeng was couldn't resist ruffling his bright orange hair.

Taehyung squinted like a cat at the confortable touch of his hyung.

"Take good care of Jungkook, ok?"

The younger froze a little after those words. He was grateful that Seokjin was caring for his cousin, but it was undeniable that he was jealous. 

Without anymore words, Taehyung simply nodded and left too quickly to hear his secret love whisper to himself. 

"and yourself too"


It wasn't as hard as Taehyung expected to find his cousin's room.

After opening his room's door, he rushed to Jungkook who looked dreadful because of the flu.

"Kookie! How are you doing? Did you take any pills?" 

At his familiar voice, Kookie opened his eyes with a lot of difficulty.

"T-Taehyungie? Why are you here?"

"Seokjin sunbaenim told me."

"I see, but he shouldn't have" 

"Kookie-ah, we are cousins, yah, tell me next if you are sick like that ok?"

Jungkook bited his lips due to guilt and said:

"I don't want you to worry"

Taehyung raise a hand to his forhead wanting to make sure his fever wasn't too severe. Then he stared at Jungkook's eyes and insisted:

"Then tell me, otherwise I would be worry everyday, now lay down while I prepare you something in case you get hungry."

Jungkook smile gratefully toward his cousin before laying back in his bed.

Taehyung made him some comforting soup and put it on the night table with advils beside it. 

After making sure Jungkook has everything he need when he wakes up, he stared at his cousin's sleeping face for a few minutes, then left.


When Taehyung finally came back,

Jimin was sitting in his bed and waiting for him.

Taehyung was surprised, Jimin don't usually wait for him to sleep. 

His roommate then started:

"Should you be telling me something?" 

"Telling you what?" Taehyung really didn't know what that "something" was.

"Don't try to act innocent, you and your prince charming, Jin sunbaenim"

"Ok... what do you want to know?" Taehyung sighed and sat on his bed.


After Taehyung finished his story, Jimin cleared his throat and said:

"Ok, let me summarize that, so the girl met the boy in her new school, and it was love at the first sight, then the girl had the chance to meet the boy and get to know him better, and feel like she loves him even more."

"Wait what, What girl? And what boy? What are you even saying?" 

"Shut up orange head, don't ruin my script." Jimin, full of sass, put a finger on his friend's plump lips making him quiet.

"Then the mean girl came, she was the one that stole the main guy's heart, and she didn't even love him back, she just wanted to play with him. The main girl's heart is broken knowing he already has a lover."

"wait...Are you saying Kookie is the mean girl? AND DID YOU JUST CALL ME AN ORANGE HEAD?" Taehyung finally realized that he was doing "And that's not even what I told you!"

"Shhhh, and then, the second male lead comes to the girl and show her all his love, but she didn't love him back, then...  KIM TAEHYUNG WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY LAPTOP?????!!!!!!!!!"

Indeed, Taehyung got up and grabbed his friend's laptop within mind of deleting all his dramas

"Park Jimin... You need to stop watching those dramas... You have a problem and a serious one." replied Taehyung with fingers clicking as fast as he could before his friend reaches him.

"You can't take my babies away from me!!! They are the key to my imagination! they are the muse to an artist, they are the water to a fish, they ar.."

"Done, and now good night." Taehyung gave Jimin his laptop back and went to lay comfortably in his bed.

"You horrible heartless monster! You ar... "

"One more word and I'll delete Kai's drama collection too, I know you guys share them between you" warned Taehyung.

"Yes sir!" Jimin raised his hand to his forehead and saluted his friend before laying down as well "Good night sir!"


Sorry for updating so late, as apology, the chapter is much longer than the others

Thank you everyone for your comments TwT I really appreciate and love to read them.

Also, the winner of the bonus game is out! :D and the bonus chapter will be out soon too!!!

Thank you all for participating!!!

Stay tuned for more bonus games!!! 



There is something I found on tumblr and it was hilarious:







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ELF154ever #1
Chapter 8: Update! Please..
hannydw #2
Chapter 8: Oh my...this is soo good authornim..and a little kray in here make me so happy( im their hardest shipper and miss them so much)..keep up ur good work!!im looking forward for the update!fighting!!
NumAyehet #3
Chapter 8: Lmao!~ I laugh so hard at the end xD !

Update juseyo~~
Chapter 8: Hahahahahaha. Lol. The gif at the end is so funny. I feel them so real. Taejin. ♡ lol. Kookie likes jin. Jimin takes care of Jungkook. Jin likes V more.
Chapter 11: oh yeah i know the news make the rest of baekhyun shipper hmm little mad or disappointed
but huhuhu it will be more hard to find daebaek and hyun family fanfic
but it's don't mind, it's your fanfic and your decision
Your fanfic are awesome! I like taejin too uh it's my favorite along with jikook, hahaha I don't mind if taehyung's roommate became taehyung's cousin's boyfriend kkkk
fighting! I will support your taejin story <3
Chapter 11: Hwaiting author!
junniekai #7
Chapter 11: Who is the person between daebaek couple?

okay I'll wait your update fighting author-nim :-)
Chapter 3: My guess is hoseok ♡
Chapter 3: uhm let me guess, jimin? hmmm?
looking forward fo nest chapter, fighting!
Typewriter #10
Chapter 1: Is it Jimiiiiiin? >.< yeah! zimin (;