CH2: Destiny (Part 2)

Want You Back

" I'm sorry. I didn't meant to.."

Baek cuts him off.

" Shut up ! "

He stares into Chanyeol's big eyes with hatred


He kissed the innocent guy by lips

No wonder why is Baek hating him to death

He doesn't expecting a kiss from a guy who's going to be his roommate


Chanyeol leaves. He knows Baek hates seeing him around after the incident


Door closed and his footsteps can be heard, fading and gone


" Aish sh t ! I've ran away from es and now I'm living with a gay in the same room ? What's next ? Being kidnapped by aliens ? Sent to the mars where faggots are holding gay parties ? "


Baek keeps nagging , soliloquy to be specific .


Chanyeol heard him. 

He's not leaving for real

He feels guilty for his new roommate


" Wait , what. This is not me. " Chanyeol slaps himself.


He's not the sympathetic type of person.

He used to fight for winning no matter what it takes 


But not with Baek

There's something inside of Baek that makes him turned into a 

A person. Yes a person.

He started to feel something, a kind of feelings

A weird feelings

Undeniable, uninvited and 

It smells like love


Chanyeol's thinking to peek Baek through the door but



The door is opened from the inside of room 

And it slams Chanyeol's handsome face


" What are you doing behind the door idiot ?! Wake up ! Hey wake up !"

Baek's actually startled once he just accidentally hit his roommate with the door


Chanyeol doesn't make any move

No movement


Obviously he's fainted



Another new student is in .

Baek was thinking he is the only new student of the day


The another new student seems tall

Extremely tall based on what Baek has observed

Pale skin with rosy pink lips

Small eyes, just like Baek's eyes

And he's sitting right next to him. 


" Oh .. Se Hun ? " Baek reads the words displayed on the attached name tag

Se Hun looks at him with an expressionless face.

" What ? " Baek asks Se Hun. Wondering if he says something wrong about his name

Without a word, Se Hun changes his view to the teaching teacher with his expressionless face

" Weirdo, "

That's what Baek thinking about his new classmate




 Footsteps .

Sounds like a cool one

Smells like a famous idol is walking through the hallway


" Hyung ! I love you, " suddenly a bunch of juniors scream, confessing their feelings to this lucky guy


He sees and he heard the juniors but he doesn't give any response for them

" I'm way too fabulous to be with those craps " he says to the one of his 'servant'


Walking like a diva 

Heads up

Followers and fans around


That's him, the X-Factor of the school, Lu Han.


His attitude might be disappointed

But the school needs him to keep the ratings of school always on the top

He's the best student in academic, he's also talented in sports and the most important thing is 

He's the only well known pretty boy among students including from the other schools.


" Who is he ? Looks weird though " Baek laughs. He can't keep himself silent once he sees Lu Han walks across their classroom. 


Lu Han heard that. He turns back and stops at Baek.

He glares Baek. He could smells something's up soon once Baek has entered his 'empire'

He touch Baek's face but still with his glaring eyes.

" Cute but not enough to defeat mine " Luhan whispers

Baek rises up his hand and he's about punching Lu Han in face


" Hyung. Forgive him. He knows nothing, " suddenly Se Hun speaks

 The junior named Se Hun smiles and suddenly acting cute with rose petals falling from nowhere


" Okay. This is the last time I'm letting you free without any punishment, " Lu Han warns Baek while pointing his finger to Baek's face.


 Lu Han walks away, leaving the area of junior's classes

Everyone is in the class already, except for Se Hun

Yet the rose petals haven't stop falling

Until Baek slaps his back and getting him back into the class


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Chapter 12: so heart clenching story!
great sad story btw.