Bonus:First day of Kindergarten

Lesbians and Photo Albums, and Weddings Oh my!

It was the first day of kindergarten and five year old Taehyung was giddy with excitement. He would be going to school for the first time and making all sorts of friends and while he was sad that he wouldn't be able to spend as much as time with his Mom and Dad he knew that right after school was over, he would go back to them. Plus, his Dad told him that in school they learned something called math and Taehyung didn't know why but the whole number thing seemed cool.


His Mom stayed at home claiming to be busy with work although once they left the house, his Dad leaned over and said his Mom just didn't want them to see him cry. Taehyung didn't blame his Mom. His Uncle Jongdae once said that his Mom had a really really ugly crying face. Taehyung learned early on in life that if there was one thing his Mom hated it was looking ugly.


“Are you ready?” Daehyun asked holding onto Taehyung's hand as they crossed the street from the parking lot and into the entrance of the school.

Taehyung nodded furiously. “I am! I want to make friends and learn Math! Are you and Mom going to miss me?”


Daehyun let out a wide smile and felt the tears start to swell up in his eyes. He bent down and hugged Taehyung. “Of course we are. You're the best thing that happened to me and your Mom. We're going to miss you so much but know that we're proud of you for growing up and becoming a man.” Daehyun pressed his Taehyung harder against him and hoped his son couldn't feel him starting to shake with the onset of tears. “Make lots of friends and don't forget that since you're handsome, a lot of people are going to like you but make sure you only choose the best one to be your boyfriend or girlfriend.”


Taehyung and Daehyun broke apart from the hug and Taehyung stared up at his Dad. “Don't worry Daddy! I'll make sure to be good and do everything you said.” Taehyung gave a wave and was off running to meet with his teacher.


Daehyun wiped at his eyes trying to stop his tears when he heard a voice behind him say that they grow up so face. Daehyun turned around and came face to face with his superior. “Dayna, what are you doing here?”

Dayna let out a smile. “I'm glad you're calling me Dayna. I don't want to hear Supreme Commander on a day like this. I'm dropping off my daughter.”

“Really? Which one is she?” Daehyun remembered seeing Dayna pregnant at work until she stopped at her sixth month but the gender and name of the baby were hidden from the rest of the military. Well not, really hidden, but asking your Supreme Commander to see baby pictures after seeing her demonstrate to the new recruits how to rip someone's ear off using only the pinky and thumb is not a very normal idea.


“The one at the very front of the line. Her name is Taela.” Daehyun turned at the very front of the line, right in front of his Taehyungie was a little girl who had very long hair that was waved all the through until the very end where it gently curled, half of her hair was down her back while the other half was in front. She was too tall for her age and Daehyun wondered if that came from her other mother, Taela did however have all of jagged edges and sharp lines that Dayna had making her an almost intimating five year old.


“She looks like you.” Taela turned her head and Daehyun noticed that her eyes were a carbon copy of Dayna's.


“Thank you. Is that little boy behind her your son? He looks remarkably like you, he's very handsome.”

Daehyun smiled hearing Dayna's compliment. “Thank you and it is. His name is Taehyung. I always thought he looked more like my husband.”

“I think everyone thinks their child looks more like their significant other than themselves.” Dayna said with a laugh and Daehyun paused. Dayna laughing felt wrong, it wasn't that Dayna had an ugly laugh it was just Supreme Commander laughing. No one would believe this.


In fact, Daehyun noted there was nothing ugly about Dayna. Daehyun would never cheat on Baekhyun a day in his life but he had to admit Dayna was a very beautiful woman. She had sharp features save for which was pouty as can be and her hairstyle was the same as Taela, although Dayna had taken to dying her hair a deep dark purple color. She was around Daehyun's height and had a muscled build. Dayna was wearing a sleeves white lac tank top and Daehyun tried very hard not to notice the fact that she had a tattoo sleeve and that the sleeve on the right had a spiked bloody baseball bat design. It brought back memories to the time when Daehyun was parked right next to Dayna and saw a spiked bloody baseball bat casually laying in the backseat of her car.


Daehyun noticed that Dayna seemed as if she was about to start crying. Nope, Daehyun could not handle the responsibility of being a witness to the greatest and most powerful Supreme Commander in the history of Mato crying. Dayna stopped herself and looked over to Daehyun. “I'm sorry. I should get back to work. Mr. Jung if you would like to not go to work today you are allowed do with no consequence. If you do go to work, I hope you know that I will not require you to do any actual work. Today is the start of the hardest days in a parent's life.” Dayna said before walking away.



It was now three hours since kindergarten had started, not that Taehyung was counting or anything, and he had yet to talk to Taela all by himself. When he stood behind her in the line, he knew that he was in love with her. Mom always said that it's love when the fact that the other person exists make you happy, and Taehyung was sure that Taela made him happy. Taehyung knew plenty of facts about Taela from when the class had introduce themselves. Taela had two mommies, liked the color purple and hated cauliflower. All in all, Taehyung concluded, her profile alone was perfection. During break, Taehyung had picked some flowers and decided to present them to Taela.


Taela was coloring in a picture when Taehyung appeared in front of her. “Here, these are for you.” Taehyung said handing her the flowers.

Taela took the flowers and Taehyung noticed that her fingernails were painted black and each of the nails had smattering of golden star designs. Wow, she really was perfect. “Thank you. I like you too. It's really cool that you have two daddies. I don't even have one.” Taela pulled the chair out next to her and Taehyung went and sat down.


“Well, I think it's cool that you have two moms, I don't have a single one.” Taehyung said. Taela smiled at him and Taehyung knew that when he grew up he wanted to marry her.


Kindergarten was now over and Baekhyun made his way to the front of the school to pick up Taehyung. He already annoyed that when he went to park his car, some pickup truck with a motorcycle in the back had almost killed two spaces. Baekhyun had decided that, that spot was going to be “his” parking spot and some overly-macho man almost ruined it.


Baekhyun was playing with his phone while waiting for Taehyung to come out when he was almost knocked to the ground when someone bumped his shoulder. “Watch where you're going!” Baekhyun called out. Oh, Head Goddess, it was a woman too. What kind of woman had that much strength?


The woman turned around and Baekhyun in a breath. He was gay but he knew a beautiful woman when he saw one. This woman had supermodel height and like all supermodels was quasi-ugly but still managed to pull off the look because of high fashion. The one non-supermodel aspect about her, was the roundness of her features, there was something soft and delicate about her even though she clearly tried to hide it. Baekhyun couldn't explain why, but he felt as if he had seen this woman somewhere before.


“Me? Watch where I'm going? How about you stop standing around there and start paying attention to your surroundings.” The woman, Baekhyun knew there were no other words to describe this, barked at him. She had a husky voice, the kind Baekhyun only heard in movies and never thought would exist in real life.


“Maybe if you didn't knock people to the ground, one could pay attention. By the time someone realizes that they're in your way, you'll already have murdered them.” Baekhyun huffed.


“I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings?” The woman asked with an obviously fake sadness and a pout on her lips. Baekhyun tried to make the fact that her lips were too full on the top instead of being fuller on the bottom like everyone else's an ugly feature but even that fact only made her even more beautiful.


Baekhyun opened his lips for a perfectly witty comeback but a voice interrupted him, asking if there was a problem. Baekhyun turned around and came face to face with the principal of the school. “Hello, Sir. Did something happen with Taehyung?”


“Or with Taela?” The woman asked.


“No but something did happen with you two. May I see both of you in my office?” The principal dragged them to his office, where the principal got to sit in his nice plush chair and Baekhyun and Becca had to sit on the colorful plastic chairs in front of the desk that were way too small and low to be made for adults. “I'm sorry, we do not have chairs set up for adults yet. We didn't expect any students to get in trouble on the very first day of school and this school only goes up to the third grade, so none of our students ever get too tall.”


Baekhyun and Becca forced a tight lipped smile to appear. “It's not a problem.” Baekhyun said. Normally he would have thrown in his rectangular smile as a kicker but this was not a smiling situation. He felt bad for Becca's husband to have to be married to such a brute woman.


“Now I would like to state this very clearly that I do not want to have married couples in fights at the school ground it is very disrupting to the-”


“You think we're married?” Baekhyun screeched. He put a hand to his forehead. “I think I'm going to puke.”


Becca wiped at her eyes to make sure she wasn't crying. Never in all the years of her life had she felt so offended by someone's comment.


“You two aren't a married couple?” The principal was now very confused by this whole thing.

“Head Goddess no! I'm gay! Incredibly gay! Supremely gay! I wouldn't find a woman attractive even if my life depended on it.” Baekhyun said standing up, gesticulating wildly. Maybe, this was a tad bit excessive but there was no way Baekhyun was going to let someone think he was married to such a thing.


“Same. I'm mega lesbian. The galaxy's greatest lesbian. Gold star lesbian! Do know what a gold star means in the lesbian community? It means I have never ever been with a man! Even before I realized I was a lesbian! I make other lesbians uncomfortable with how much of a lesbian I am.” Becca hadn't gotten up but she was leaning forward, at the edge of her chair.


The principal backed his chair slowly away from the duo. “Alright then, I'm going to call your spouses and get your children so they can come and pick you two up.” The principal tip-toed his way slowly out the room as if he were in a den of sleeping lions.


Baekhyun sat back down and Becca cleared . And here they were again, glaring at each other. Becca decided to speak. “You know I'm from Exo and back there, the kids are the ones sitting in the principal's office waiting for their parents to yell at them.”


“I'm also from Exo and I'm pretty sure what you said was a galaxy-wide thing.”


“People like you are part of the reason why I left.”


“Women like you are part of the reason why I'm gay.” Baekhyun looked over and noticed that Becca was sitting with her legs wide open and slouched down. “Would it kill you to sit like a lady?”

Becca looked over at Baekhyun who was sitting with his legs close together and sitting up straight. “Would it kill you to sit like a man?”


The door opened and Taela and Taehyung came running into their parent's laps. Taehyung looked up at Baekhyun. “Dad said that only you can get into these sorts of things on the very very first day of school. He also laughed a lot and said that this whole situation is funny.”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Of course, your father would think this is funny. Of course he would.”


Taela placed her hands on either side of her dad's face and squeezed. “What were you thinking? You can't get into fights like this on school property. Mommy almost had one of her crisis and I don't want a repeat at the amusement park where she went through twenty-three point two cans of bug spray.”


Becca removed Taela's hands from her face. “Be thankful you weren't born the first time we went to the beach. I can still smell the sunscreen on me.”


Dayna and Daehyun soon entered the room and went over to their spouses. Daehyun held Baekhyun in a back-hug position and tried to contain his laughter from bursting Baekhyun's ear-drums. “I can't believe you picked a fight with another parent on the first day of school. Don't you realize that this is going to affect Taehyungie?”


“I know. Let's just get out of here.” Baekhyun mumbled. The principal came back and dismissed both set of parents.


Baekhyun grumbled about the whole situation on the walk back to the parking lot. “I have never met a ruder person in my life Daehyun! She was so rude and to think she has a daughter and a wife. Honestly, I can't even believe this. This is the second most annoying thing that has ever happened.”


“The first being?” Daehyun stopped and waited for Baekhyun to elaborate. Baekhyun glanced over to make sure Taehyung was preoccupied in analyzing the cracks on the pavement before speaking. “That annoying couple that decided to have obnoxiously loud in the room right above us every morning in our honeymoon in Hololulu. People are trying to get ready for the day in the morning and yet there they were having as if they were the only couple in the hotel.” Baekhyun stomped his way back to his car.


Becca and Dayna were also walking back to the car with Taela trailing behind them. “He was so irrelevant to life. His husband and son actually seem like decent people. I wonder how long they're going to be able to deal with him. The only thing more obnoxious than him was that couple. Remember our honeymoon in Hololulu? The couple that decided to each other night in the room below us. Below us and I heard everything perfectly. People are trying to sleep at night!” Becca said opening the door of the truck for Dayna and Taela before making her way to the driver's seat. She threw a glance to the back and saw her lovely motorcycle. One day, Taela would be old enough and she would be able to take her precious daughter on motorcycle rides.


Baekhyun made sure Taehyung's seat belt was all set in the back of his car before heading up to the driver's seat. His car was small, sure, but it was perfect, limited-edition color, and absolutely adorable. It wasn't an easy car to get but he pulled all the strings he possibly could pull to get it. He threw a glare at the truck next to him only to see the same woman from before driving it. Of course.


Baekhyun saw the truck following him all the way home and prayed that they would go to the left or the right. Baekhyun didn't seem the truck anymore and let out a sigh of relief as he passed through the entrance of his gated community home and drove to his house. They lived in the second-best house in the gated community, the best one was in front of his and had recently gotten sold. Baekhyun was looking forward to meeting his new neighbors. He hoped that they had a child near Taehyung's age for a built-in playmate. Baekhyun who grew up in work-assigned housing never thought he would want to live with such a forced proximity to his neighbors found himself enjoying gated community living.


He saw the same lesbian-driven truck stop right in front of the house in front of his. No, no, no, no Baekhyun thought furiously to himself. The truck's doors opened and out stepped his new neighbors.


The lesbians.


Yeah, this chapter was supposed to be the bonus at the very end of this story instead of the middle but this idea just wouldn't leave me alone and was begging to be written. Also,

raise your hand if Becca/Dayna accidentally become your OTP alongside DaeBaek

*raises own hand*

<3 Smooches <3




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royalpurple2 #1
Chapter 4: Ooown, their wedding was cute >w<
I would love to read more about BaekDaeTae and BecDayTae (I actually always imagine BecDayTae as a genderbend (sometimes manlier hehe) version of BaekDaeTae xD )
Chapter 4: Owiwiwiw the wedding went perfect fortunately :DDD

And yessssss lot of daebaektae oneshots wud be loved ♥
Chapter 4: i would love to! i was about to ask you to post some side stories and adventures of the hyun family (part was chanyeol's sister included but then she wasn't pregnant, how sad. lol.) and the others too. HOHOHOHOH. yes please. a drabble collection!
NFTeenFinite #4
Chapter 4: I would love it if you wrote more drabble about them....I really love all the story you wrote about DaeBaekTae....
Chapter 4: It is really good :) please continue writting more hyun family's stories! Fighting!
k0j3t4 #6
Chapter 4: LOL~ okay. I like this and you should make more daebaektae fanfic! Really! The wedding~~~~~~~~~ perfect!
Chapter 4: Ahah they didn't tell anyone Baek was pregnant :p Awesome wedding! Wish I could have been there ^^

And I would be extra interested in drabbles about this family <3
Chapter 4: I love RapMon conclude all of the Baekhyun story, and yes... J-Hope will in dangerous state now :3

I love how DIVA BAEKHYUN do. I just.. LOVE IT!