An ill Boyfriend

Give Our Heart a Break

Hanbin group's comeback was a big hit, its been 2 weeks and they always get an all kill. Im happy for them, but i rarely recieve call for hanbin, i realize that its already a month he didnt call me and i cant contact him while at the airport pic i see him make a call. Idk, it seem that he forgot that he had a gf.
Today i srsly have a mental breakdown! My senior ask me to attend an annual event for fashion that my university made. And i must come with a PARTNER! yes, a partner. Whose my partner?? Its impossible i come with hanbin, and i dont have many boy friend
"You must come. This event so important for your next project, and dont forget bring your bf"
"I dont have bf." I answer desparately
"This event is for couples, you must with ur couple." My senior not give me a chance.
Since i dont have a partner to come i start ask my cousin Jong In to come with me.
He likes an evil, i must have a deal with him bfore he accept my request. I must buy him a pair of sneaker.
"Then i cant go with you" he must be the real-life EVIL.
"Okay, ill buy it for ya, but after you go with me tomorrow."
Before preparing myself for tonite event with jong in i spend my time with my classmate to the cafe near my university.
"Jaeinah, whose ur partner for tonite event?" My friend eunji ask me curiously.
"My cousin, jong in. Hes such a jerk, i have to buy him a sneaker after the event" eunji smirk so happily
"I know you have a bf, why dont you ask him to come?" Wait? She what? She know?
"Dont be silly" i put my head down, im affraid that she would know who the boy i dating for.
"Ya Han jaein! You still wont tell me whose ur bf?"
"I dont have in bf eunji, you know that"
"Are you kidding me? I saw you bought TWO burgers.  At midnite?" Im dumbfounded. How can this happen?

She grinned at me and then sip her hot capuccino. Yeah its true that  I always bought those burger at there but hanbin always stays in the car, he never  showed up in public when we’re together.

“whos your bf? He has a nice car, but I couldn’t saw his face. Too dark.” Oh thanks God, I felt so relieved after heard she didn’t see hanbin face.


While I keep refuse and make some excuse to not tell eunji about my bf, some young girls enter the café with a loud voice. Yes, I know for sure they are hanbin’s group fans. The short hair girl seems like bobby’s fan and said that she would give a tee for him, and wait.. what the other one said? Hanbin is sick? I didn’t even know about this, surely didn’t know. I cant think clearly and I right away  go to those young student girl.

“what did  you say? B.I is sick?” I ask them, their eyes starring me as they say ‘wtf this girl doing’

“if you are a fan then go to his fancafe, you surely don’t know that B.I oppa have a fever.” She hand me her cellphone and show me a pic that hanbin was wearing a mask out of the hospital.

“Im not sure if he can come to the fan signing event  tonite.” I feel like a looser. Actually whose the gf? Why I didn’t know about anything.

After get all information by those girls I hurriedly going home, eunji was astonished by me. I don’t care, I must come to see hanbin, I cant call him, I cant sent him message.

When I come home jong in was there waited me in my room. He was mad because I suddenly cancel my promise.

“why you packed all of your mom’s vitamin?” he’s following to the every corner room I walked.

“why you looked so hurry, is there any problem?”

“where are you going to go, actually?” he keep throw me a question.

“cant you look im busy right now? Just go to my room.” He looks annoyed and then go upstairs to my room.

After packed all my stuff im going back to my  room and jong in once again give me a heart attack. He opened my laptop my precious laptop that none can open it. I have the ultimate password so even my mom didn’t know about the password. But it isn’t time to ask him how the hell he can opened my laptop, but rather the desktop.. yeah, my desktop is my picture with hanbin. A very intimate one.

I lose for word, he’s expression look not really pleased though.

“is he your bf?” I starled, no way.

“Im not a kid, hes your bf for sure. But why must be him? He’s younger than you.”

I just remember when I tell hanbin about my dancer cousin hanbin said that he knew jongin.

“he’s my rival, but he quite nice. Not bad shot!” I kick his .


I tell him that I would attend hanbin fan signing tonight at 7 pm just for make sure that he’s fine. To be honest I feel so apart away from hanbin since he never contact me, jong in remind me of the my university fashion event. I already ignore it.

“but you said that this event is so important.”

“I don’t care, Im going now..” I answered him with a light quick step to downstair.

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lunable #1
Chapter 2: Update please^^... i like your story