A 3th y.o Couple

Give Our Heart a Break

This is my 3th years with my bf, im a fresh 20th  y.o girl with a lot of passion and dreams. While my bf is is two years younger than me, and already catch his dream. I mean, almost ALL of his dream. Our first met was almost 4years ago when i attend my friend jinhwan bday and he suddenly popped out from nowhere with other boys and start to perform and my eyes cant stop looking at him. And today is our 3th annive, we promised to meet in my front gate bfore we going to somewhere else, not decided yet. Actually he really are a busy boy, he's an idol. Yes, idol. I dont have to repeat it in 3th time rite? He was a rookie 1 year ago, and since 2years ago we hardly to meet. I understand all of this matter since we were decided to have this relation. Have an idol bf is really a missery, we must always alert with everything and honestly i hate it bcs i was a ignorant girl. But though he has a busy schedule he promise me to keep in touch with me on phone at least once a day. And it work!
Now i was a college student, study about fashion and i really love it!
"Jaeinah!!" That voice, he really come with his brand new car and his drive license.
"Annyeong.." i greet him when he off from his car, he smile at me with an awkward smirk.
"Can we go now?" I nodded.
As an idol its too difficult for us to have a normal dinner together, and tonite would be the same, eating a burger and pepsi in the car at han river. Thats why i never wear a pretty dress when celebrate our annive.
"Hows you doing lately?" Finally he open his mouth with a question, a silly question i mean.
"Good, i just made a daily shirt for winter. Long tee. U?" Well, i cant blieve i as silly as him.
"Im bussy, like now. We have to meet in this late of nite. 1Am." He sigh
"Anyway, happy our 3th annive, hope we will support each other more" he hold my hand, my heart always flusttered when he touch me, idk why.
"Yeah, me too. And i hope we can spend more time together too." I continued his word.
Actually this the first time we meet since 5months ago, he looks really tired and theres a dark circle on his eyes.  His body became thinner, but he still as cool as always.
"Hanbin-ah, you have to eat and sleep more." I touch hes cheek with an empathy eye.
"Dont do this, you make me look so pitty."
"I wont do anything if you keep your health and have enough rest. Okay, lets go home, dont waste ur time, and go to sleep." Srssly, now i feel like im his mom.
"Can i kiss you instead of take you home and sleep?" Oh my, hes pleading eye totally catch my heart.
I nod, i start to push my face to go forward to him. Actually i want do this, really want to kiss him since i love his lip so much and i miss him for this past 5 month.
I kissed him first, a sweet but passionately kiss. I know for sure hes enjoy it.
"I kissed you, and now lets go home"
"This wont do, i miss you so much. Can i kiss you again rite now with me first since u start it first just now?" Oh, his lame excuse.
He start kiss me, idk. Hes a great kisser for sure, actually we never do a french kiss since our very first kiss 2 years ago, well.. we have a very slow skinship progress when we were at the 1 year relation. And tonite, we do this, I DO THIS FIRST JUST NOW.
Hanbin would have a comeback mini album in near time, yes. It is 3 months since last time we spent nite together and we never meet again. But he keep hardly called me and be sure that i didnt forget him (i mean, how can i forget him while his face always showed up on tv and socnetwork?).
"Im sorry i call you this late." His voice sounds so husky, maybe hes too tired after all his activities today.
"3Am, never mind. I thought u wouldnt call me since u've been really busy."
"No way.."
"Ur voice sounds terrible, u better take a rest."
"No.." that cliffhanger voice.
"I miss you.. i wish i could see you soon"
BOY! I miss you moree! This whats make me more and more love him, he always loves me. I know that, he tired but he hardly tried to call me, ask what am i doing the whole day.
"Just get ur to bed rite now, im warning you!" I heard he giggling softly.
"Im not kidding"
"I know ur not kidding, but that word sound so cute on you. Dont use that word anymore"
"Hanbinah, keep quite! I want to sleep now. Shut up!" That jinhwan voice.
"Is that jinhwan?"
"Yes, and looks like i have to hung up now. Good nite, love you"
Jinhwan was my old friend, he and i used to be a neighboar childhood in jeju together. He knew about me and hanbin and he always teases me since hanbin was 2years way younger than me. Actually jinhwan was my first love, and jinhwan was conffesed to me that time. And we started dating like two puppys in love. Hanbin didnt know about this, and i hope never.



okay this is my first english fan fic and i absolutely know that there are so many lacking grammar in it. 

hope you like my first chapter :)


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lunable #1
Chapter 2: Update please^^... i like your story