
Still Love You

“Mama...mamaa.. look..”, shook her mother shoulder pointed at her brother who wear red headband ran over in field getting the ball and kicking it. “Goalll...!!”, Baekhyun shouted in aloud voice, hugging her’s mother neck while her another hand in the air. Minhee must back to avoid her cheerfull daughter from her’s ear.

“Owwhh, Byun...”, Minhee rubbing her ear and the little one be not aware of her’s complaint still busy in looking at other direction but she smile brightly when saw her son came near.

“Mamaaa.. ,” Sehun rush on Minhee body made her stepped back to adjust her balance, “Ma, did you look that??’, look up asked breathlessly, Minhee nodded, her hand through Sehun wet hair then wipe sweat  on his forehead. She bend over to down Baekhyun and look in Sehun face clearly.

“You did well, Mama proud of you..”, pinch Sehun’s nose, chuffed for his mother praise.

“Drink..??”, Baekhyun water bottle with blue straw to him after pulled it from her small bunny bag.

“Oh, Byun really kindly..”, gave her another child praise too. “Drink slowly, Hunnie... after thi-”,

“MINHEE..!!”, someone call out her from behind, she stand up and looking for source the sound, narrowed her eyes when familiar face smile at her. Where had she seen those sparkling eyes before.

“Luhan?”, Minhe asked herself. Luhan waved and walked closer to her. “Luhan? Is that you?”, spoke in tentative voice.

“Yes”, Luhan said while fixing his hair and fiddling with his watchband, he still looked like the same 20 year old she had fallen for. “Long time no see?”, Minhee gasped as covered using both her hand, swallowed hard hold back her tears started to fill his eyes as well. They stared each other.

Minhee can felt a sharp pain going through her heart. The memories hurt.., he’s the one who leave her without word, never called even once, never came over to visit, ruined her life, but the worst he’s the father of her child and he doesn’t have a clue of that. Now, he’s back, stand before her with stupid smile. Minhee really wanted to slap that face, she hate him so much. Hate because she couldn’t deny the fact that she kept her pregnancy and raised their love child, the fact that she happy can meet up him again, and the fact that she still loved him.


“I’m surprised by how much energy these kids have..”, it was Luhan who broke a silence. They were watching Sehun at the playground from sitting on a bench, under the shade of the many deciduous trees in the park. Minhee eyed her son as he played with his new friends on a monkey bars with slides, where the other had a rope wall to climb up. While Baekhyun self initiating fool around with flower, near them.

“Yeah, they always cheerful” Minhee said wistfully forced smile. He nodded, hesitate to talk again, something was definitely up, tension between him and Minhee, making they uncomfortable. Minhee looked down avoiding eye contact, those eyes were her weakness. He always could read her eyes like an open book. An awkward silence enveloped the air again.

Luhan took glance longingly at her, Minhee’s expression was unreadable but he saw sadness in her eyes. “Maybe your heart filled with anger to me”, Luhan thought in his mind. He gave attention to her’s hair was getting rather long. It fell below her elbows and framed her face perfectly, made her look even more beautiful than ever. “You never fail to make me falling for you again and again..”, smiled. It was also the way her hair moved when she bend over her hair slid off of the back of her shoulders and hung swiftly down her front. Her eyes had always been his favorite feature of hers. Big with single eyelid, brown and warm, they were part of her that showed deep emotion like no other.

“Luhan..”, this time she turned her head to face him, moment the wind was blowing her’s hair in peaceful manner as the heat from the radiant sun was kissing upon her cheeks. It was beautiful scene, he can felt his heart race. “Stop staring at me..!!” , she exlaimed, make Luhan startled.

“Uhmm..I.. I don’t mean..”, muttered, shook his head nervously. Minhee looked away for took deep breath then back to Luhan face.

“I’d like to remind you I’m married to Yixing Oppa now...”, she talk in understones, and in Luhan ear seems like she say with a heavy heart. He can’t accept Yixing hyung is Minhee husband. Are you happy with your marriage? Its cruel but I hope you not.

“Mamaa..”, Baekhyun ran over to them, her hair tied in twin ponytails swing as bumped onto her’s mother. Minhee caught the little one in her arms and put on his lap. Luhan wished he had a little kid run to him like that.

“You seems happy play in here, huh..?”, tickling her stomach, make the little rolled back her body.

Luhan smile along then he sighed as he watched all the parents interacting with their children. Everyone seemed to be happy little family. Too bad he couldn’t have one as well. He could just imagine him and Minhee with little boy or girl. It’d be so cute. They could bring him/her to the park and Luhan would get look after his own child play on the playground. He shook his head, throwing out his mind. “Is she your daughter or your niece?”,

Minhee stop at his strange words, “Why you ask like that?”, wrinkling her forehead

“I remember that you weren’t pregnant that time,, ahh you must being pregnant soon after back from Beijing..!”, he attempt to , but she look not amused with Luhan’s joke.

“How did you know I’d been at there?”, keep asking

“Well, I stumble across with Sehun when he was playing ball at loby. I dont know he’s Yixing hyung’s son until he appear to pick him. I even taken picture with him, wanna see?”, without wait Minhee answer he pulled out his phone from jacket. Quickly he opened it with a slide and some taps on the screen. Suddenly some photos popped up and he smiled, turned the phone screen towards Minhee shortly before he shout out.

“OH MY GOD..!!”, he stood up, his’s face show the white feather. Minhee confused with Luhan movement. “Sehun, fall from monkey bars..!!!”, he racing off to playground before Minhee could realize what just happen.


“Are you his father?”, other parent who already at there asked when Luhan was in a squating position to check Sehun condition. Sehun cried hard and wrapped his legs around his waist. His knee was bleeding and other bruise on ankle.

“Please move aside, give him space..!!”, yelled at many people crowd round who only looking at them. He scoops Sehun into his arms. “Okay..okay.. don’t cry..”, rubbed his back.

“Hunnie..what’s wrong.?!!”, Minhee came along with Baekhyun, shocked her’s son cry out with blood on his knee, thinks she’s the worst mother in the world, hurting her son like this.

“Mama, it’s hurt...”, Sehun screams in pain, his tears flowing down his face make everyone felt sorry for him.

“Where does it hurt?”, asked worriedly, Minhee eyes go wide to noticed black bruised on Sehun ankle, “Luhan, I think he did sprain his ankle..”.she exlaimed.

“Yes, I think so”, Luhan answer, keep his hold on Sehun firm.

“It hurt..”, sniffled again before burying his face in Luhan’s neck.

“We need to get him to hospital before his ankle gets any worse”, Luhan continued as Minhee nodded.

They were hurried walk to parking spot, Luhan drive to the hospital quickly and force himself not to look over the back where Minhee sat with Sehun’s sobbing body pressed tight to her chest. Baekhyun leaning herself against her’s mother body, biting her thumbnail like usual. For a moment, Luhan can’t understand what kind feeling it was, but seeing Sehun in suffered from his pain make his heart broke in million pieces.


Luhan hate’s hospital. Hates the smell. Hate the echo down hallways as nurses shuffle between rooms and the distant voices of patients and relatives that catch around doors ; the rhythmic backdrop of beeps and metallic machinery. He hates the false pretence of calm in the whitewashed wall.

Luhan and Baekhyun is seated on the plastic chairs in the waiting room. It’s been over 30 minutes since Minhee and Sehun go inside emergency room. Luhan pace nervously up and down the halls as wait for results.  He closed his eyes when some doctors walk by, it’s all just bring back his bad experience.

“I want Mama”, Luhan hear the little speak up, he almost forget he be with Minhee’s daughter. She rubbing her wet eyes, Luhan smiling to get right and drew near her.

“Hey cutie”, but the little pushing Luhan’s hand that trying to held her. She going backward until reach edge the wall and shooking her head.

“Come here..”, Luhan held out his hand, she not as yet common cuddly with stranger people except her family. The little one stared at him for a while before slowly came into Luhan embrace. “Good girl..”,  lifted up, “Soon, your mama and your brother come out to meet you.” speak in tone down. Baekhyun lean her head on Luhan’s shoulder as she hear he continue to talk, a short time later Luhan found her was fall asleep.

After one hour, a nurse finally comes out from the room, smiling at Luhan.

“Hello, Sir. Are you Sehun’s father?”, she asks.

Luhan would say no but ended with, “Yes. Is he okay?”.

“It’s turns out he does have sprained. ”, the nurse says.

“Ohh.. Can I see him?”, Luhan ask

The nurse smiles comfortably and nods, “Of course, came in”.


“Its not broken”, the doctor addresing both Luhan and Minhee. “He does have ankle sprain, which should heal on its own if you takes care of it properly. That means putting ice on it every three or four hours, which will help with the swelling, keeping it elevated as much as you can. How old he is?’, the doctor ask to Luhan who look mazed with the question, but Minhee quickly answer it.

“5 years”, she say as rocking her daughter in her arms who sound asleep.

“I see, but I do suggest not moving his right foot too much for at least two days and maybe swollen on his knee causing him got little fever tonight.. don’t worry it’s normal”. The doctor write prescription of medicines to reduce Sehun pain and gave it to Luhan.

Minhee and Luhan both nodded. Minhee noticed that Sehun still seemed a bit dazed, but he was also a lot calmer than he was before.

“Ready to go home, Hunnie?”, Sehun just nodded. Luhan carry Sehun on piggyback style, they become much closer naturally. Minhee chest ached as she watched them out of the corner of her eyes.


Luhan bring them back home. Minhee can’t choose except take Luhan’s helping hand, she having a hard row to handle two children right now. Minhee phoned Yixing to let him know what just happened to their’s son. He’s on business trip for few days in Busan and he promised to return at home tomorrow.


They got in the car silently. Luhan going to starting the car when notice Minhee was struggle tried to pull her seatbelt but it become stuck and wouldn’t budge.

“Let me, help you..”, he crawl on Minhee side, his hand reach the seatbelt beside her head.

Minhee allowed and turned her face to gave him more space, but its still too close. She could feel warm air down her neck, she close her eyes to adjust the heart beat, waiting. When she opened her eyes, there Luhan was looking her lovingly again, Minhee bit surprise but she found herself stare back into his eyes. She wonder why he can easily betrayed their love, “Luhan is there any reasons for everything?Why you don’t realize that Sehun really look alike you? Will you love him if you know the truth?”. 


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DianJi #1
Chapter 22: wow its already over! nice story! but I still do feel bad for Lay:(((
Chapter 22: Because she remind him byun baekhyun.
ilittlegarden #4
Chapter 22: Because she is pretty just like his mom!
piecesofsnow #5
Chapter 22: I think it's because the baby looked like the mother. "Lips like cherry, chubby cheeks and skin so white and beautiful" isn't this minhee in luhan's perspective ??
The_SnoWSprite #6
Chapter 22: Because the baby is so beautiful!!! Haha..and maybe also remind him of byun~ I laughed so hard at the baby making part where Sehun so curious and want to see them doing it *gasp* so baby byun was not their baby O.o you got me!! I really love the ending!! Though fast pace but lovely~ Thank you so much for completing the story author-nim!!! ♡♡♡ Hope to see new or another update from you especially Xiuhan one >.<
Chapter 22: Maybe because new born baby girl look like Byun and he missed her.
I'm just guessing hehehe~~~~>.<
The_SnoWSprite #8
Chapter 21: Wow, they divorce one year ago!!?? O.o So this is coming to an end and Luhan should go for it...cannot let Minnie be a single mom now~ well an ending usually everyone get their own happy every mess is been resolve...maybe yixing will find another love or he still loyal and always keep in a good friend and father...everyone is happy!! Let Minhee and Luhan having another baby >.< The more the merrier! ^.^ sorry couldn't be that helpful but Thank you so much for the update author-nim!!! <3<3 Its almost finish~ T.T
Chapter 21: It's already over
Chapter 20: Yeah finally Minnie knew the truth
Luhan is so caring